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My Luck's Back(?)

So today completely rocked! My luck almost seems to have shifted back to the rediculously positive position that it formerly inhabited.


Most recently life hasn't been treating me too gently. Don't get me wrong I've still overall been quite happy, and really if anything in many ways my life's been steadily getting even more pleasant. However, for the last six weeks or so it's literally seemed like everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. I know a lot of people don't really believe in "lucK" in the first place, but I've always considered myself to be a very lucky person, almost to the point that I expected things to break my way if there was any degree of "luck" involved. However, as I said lately life's been making me fight. I almost haven't minded...no that's a lie it's sucked! But I have been pleased that I've "passed" the test and proven to myself that I don't break even when everything seems to be collapsing around me.


Anyway today...well today luck was on my side. Good things just kept happening to me with very little effort on my part. I had a remarkably good day at work. Made quite a bit and qualified for a nice bonus. I also got paid for last week today (which obviously had nothing to do with "luck" so much as the way things work, but it was still very nice). I also had very pleasant, fun interactions with quite a few of my co-workers and friends. And to top it all off I got a date. :2thumbs:


And then to celebrate I took myself out to dinner, got all my favourite "unhealthy" food, and now I'm going to have a nice, long, hot bath, and sleep late. :D


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Aww :wub: yay for you, Foxy! I'm glad you're smiling today! :hug: I miss you like craaaaaazy, but I'm glad things are going okay for you.


Hugs and kisses,




Aww :wub: yay for you, Foxy! I'm glad you're smiling today! :hug: I miss you like craaaaaazy, but I'm glad things are going okay for you.


Hugs and kisses,


:hug: Aww thanks Viv! :D


I miss you too :(


We HAVE to catch up soon!!! :)


Take care and have an awesome day!!


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