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When I was sixteen, my Grandfather died of cancer to the lungs, liver, and kidneys. On Friday I found out my mom has skin cancer and is undergoing treatment. That night, I realized I have a lump on my right testicle... non painful.


According to what I've been able to find out, there are five things which can cause a non-painful lump.

1) Varicocele - some kind of inflamation of the veins, which is supposed to feel like a bag of worms... which does not fit the description of what I have.


2)Hyrdococele - basically a bag of water that ends up in the scrotum; usually in infants... I'm not an infant and this is attached to the testicle itself, not floating around in the scrotum


3) Hernia - I haven't had one of those.



... those are what I've ruled out. There are apparently only two other things that cause a non painful lump. One is a spermatocele, the other is a cancerous tumor. The free clinic doesn't open again until monday morning. I will be there when it opens, classes be damned.


A spermatocele generally fits the descriptiion, its supposed to basically be like a bag of dead sperm attached to one end of the testicle. What doesn't seem to fit though is that it feels hard, kind of like a mini choclate chip. One of the diagnostic tools is apparently to shine a flashlight through to see if it transilluminates or is opaque... my little key chain flashlight must not be bright enough though because while it could shine through the scrotum, it couldn't through the testicle.


Flip a coin: heads you live, tails you die... thats a quote from some movie, but it seems to have some real relevance here. If this is a spermatocele, then I'm going to be just fine, and won't need any kind of treatment unless it grows to the point of being severely uncomfortable. If its cancer.... my insurance expires when I graduate in December. If I drop a class, I'll keep the insurance until my next birthday... giving me an extra three and a half months. If I'm not cured by then, I'm going to die.


Thats something real rough to come face to face with... for the past year I've been going to classes... making big plans for grad school and a stunning carreer taking blighted cities and reinvigorating them through progressive policies... making big plans to leave this place I'm at, move to another state to be with the man I love so much... all of that can disappear tomorrow with just three words "Its a tumor."


I spent most of this past day sleeping... now I'm probably going to be up all night... 30 hours and twenty minutes from now as I type this, I'm going to walk into the clinic. An hour, maybe two later I'm going to know rather I'm going to spend the rest of my life fulfilling all those big dreams, or living in a hospital until my insurance expires.


Its... agonizing...


I have papers to do... is there any point... was there ever? My decisions have always been based on the assumption that I'm going to live to be an old man... so I've spent the past four years going to college instead of out living. I haven't drowned my liver in parties, I've never smoked... cigarettes or weed... I've never done any drugs for that matter. All to stay healthy...


I've been exercising a lot... one of my goals was to have six pack abs at least long enough to take a picture of... so when I grew old I'd be able to look back and remember....


I'm not ready to die... I want to live...


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Hey, you are going to live! Don't be so pessimist! I'm sure it's going to be okay! :hug::hug::hug:


Why ruin this time worrying over something that may not even be true? :)


My grandma too died of cancer. :(


Let us know what happens!!!


Take care,


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I'm sure you are not going to die any time soon. :hug:


A friend of mine had testicular cancer. They removed the testicle, gave him some radiations and :great: . Now he can decide if he wants an implant or not. The only problem for him was his fear he would be less man with only one testicle. :thumbdown:



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Its unmanly to be self conscious about manliness ... so if they have to take one to save my life, I'll do it. Whats most frustrating is the wait... 8:30 am the doctor's office opens... I check in, wait a half hour to see the nurse, wait another half hour to see the doctor... the doctor feels around and gives me this illumination test... if its positive for spermatocele, then I'm good to go... if not then I get a referral to the hospital across campus... twenty minutes later I'm in the hospital waiting room, waiting for them to do whatever testing they need to do to confirm its a tumor, then whatever testing is required to determined if its metastasized... thats the one I'm scared of most... I still feel healthy but that only means that if its cancer and has spread it hasn't done enough damage to show in the other organs yet.


I need to get my mind off all this... I need my boyfriend...

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Its unmanly to be self conscious about manliness


I totally agree. Besides that, my friend's boyfriend assured him (and me :blink: ) it's all still working fine


I need to get my mind off all this


First thing: Stop researching about it any more. That just makes things worse for you and it wont help you at all. And try to get some sleep.


Tob :hug:

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  • Site Administrator

Because cancer is a big boogie-man, people forget that there are two basic classes -- benign and malignant. Benign is essentially something that is going wrong, but not in a dreadful way. The cancer isn't spreading. You can have the benign cancer cut away and there's not a problem. Malignant is the one to worry about, because it means the cancer is spreading.


Always get them tested, but don't assume that cancer means a death sentence.


:hug: Good luck!

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