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STD Testing; Sonogram results

So today I went in for a consultation, talked with a doctor about various things concerning safe sex, and talked about the various dieseases they could test for and whether I want each of the tests.


I decided to be tested for them all.


Dwayne if you're reading this, I'm not writing it to hurt you... I don't know what I can or can not believe about what happened between us. I have asked you to tell me... its your decision to do so or not. If you leave me to put the pieces together with pieces missing, you know they won't be put together right and I'll resort to conjecutre to fill in the gaps. If you want me to know the "full truth" as you put it... you know I've never ignored you. Just tell me.


Until then,


I don't know what to make of what happened between me and Dwayne. So many things I feel I've been lied to about, I see no reason to trust that I could not have contracted something from him, so I submitted for tests for various stds. I need to know for myself, and I need to know for any future relationship I'm in, that I'm clean. I'll have the results back on Monday.


Some positive news, I talked with the doctor about my sonogram results. They found what I had was a small cyst, and that it was going away and, as far as I can tell, its completely gone now. So, good news: I don't have cancer, and the cyst is gone.

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Glad to hear you got some good news :D . Hope the STD results come back clean.


Take Care®,


Vic 'Who got this icky feeling in his stomach from remember when the Doctor swabbed a Q-tip up my you know. That was 12 years ago and it still gives me the chills' :wacko:

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