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18 in 1980: Memories of the Epidemic

When AIDS first appeared, here in Mississippi peoples attitudes were, like every social trend, it won't come here for another twenty years. Unfortunately for a lost generation, they were dead wrong. People started dying in 85. By 1990 the numbers were actually alarming.


In 82 & 83, the HIV virus hadn't even been isolated yet. It acted like a virus but science had never dealt with a retro-virus before. CDC nor anyone else in the medical community knew enough about HIV/AIDS to state anything definitive about it. It appeared to be a virus. It appeared to be sexually transmitted. It appeared to have a long incubation period before the immune system collapsed. It appeared that those who were infected were contagious from four to ten years before before they got sick.


However- at the time no one actually had the smoking gun. Various entities had pieces of the puzzle but bureaucratic rivalries and wrangling by Nobel prize hungry scientists kept many of these institutions from working together or even sharing data. No one in the various health bureaucracies would risk their reputation by making recommendations or issuing guidelines.


In 1984 I worked with an all volunteer team at the University of Southern Mississippi to create a mathematical model of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The results were frightening. Given a geometric growth rate and an average seven year contagious latency period, our model showed that by the 1990s, infections with HIV/AIDS would be in the 10's of millions in the United States alone. We had difficulty publishing our findings. Many journals wanted nothing to do with AIDS, some commented that it was alarmist while others accused us of fear mongering. I left USM in June of 1984 and the results were finally published by a European Infectious Diseases Journal in early 1985.


Worse yet, opportunists like Pat Robinson and Jerry Falwell were preaching that HIV/AIDS was the righteous wrath of an angry God inflicted on homosexuals who had no one to blame but themselves.


Culturally AIDS could not have happened at a worse time. The sexual liberation of the sixties came full circle in the seventies. Gay people were more accepted than at anytime before. Record numbers of people were leaving the closet with no intention of ever going back. Part of that liberation was a permissiveness about sex that by todays standards is shocking. Every big city (and even some smaller ones) had gay bars, caf


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no words.


thanks for sharing :)

  • Site Administrator


Thanks, James :hug:

old bob


hey James,

Thanks for your very clever description of what happened in the States (I made already a comment to one of your post).

We have both something in common, we share the same history as "activists".

Fortunately, the fight in France and Switzerland was not (as in the States) mixed with political problems. I was 51 in 1980. I had a lot a contacts in med circles (my engineering company was building an hospital and I managed a clinic). So I participated from 1982 in the first researches about retrovirus and followed the fight between French (Montagnier) and American (Gallo) scientists about the discovery of HIV. We still have here in Lausanne a very strong group of researchers and med, well known in Europe.

My part in the fight was to help people with HIV to be accepted as "normal", with all their civil rights as employers, in social life, with health insurances and so on.

As I said, my daughter got HIV in Spain from blood transfusion in 1984, fought successfully (about 18 pills a day !) till 2003 (after19 years), got tired and ceased her fight. She had enough and let it go. As I told already in one of my blogs, she was a reason (among others) for me to participate actively in the fight against this plague.

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