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Regret for the past and fear of the future

Michelle said she was going to blog about me being an idiot last night, so I figured I'd go ahead and agree with everything she says now.


We went to the club last night after I left work extremely pissed off, and it was a lot of fun. School is mostly out and people were in town so it was pretty packed and we all had a good time. Except for the CJ part... but I didn't end up talking to him. Of course, that didn't stop Michelle from running up to him and hugging him though. Her excuse was, "Well he's a daddy now!" Whatever... Oh yeah he knocked up some chick a week before he met me.


Anyways it was probably 2:30 when I first saw this guy on the dance floor and I was trying not to drool. To make a long story short, around 3:30 the club was starting to empty out and our friend Valerie went over to this guy to talk to him. I don't know what she said but she told me to go over and talk to him.


And thats where the idiot part comes in. Did I go? Of course not! Why would I actually do something I want that takes courage when I can just sit against the wall and do nothing. And then they're all telling me to go talk to him and apparently he's talking about me because he and his group of friends keep looking over at me. So they said either I go talk to him or we leave... We left.


Yes so I'm in a bad mood again and still haven't decided if I'm going to work or not. I would much rather just sit at home and sleep, but we'll see.




(Who leaves you all with a quote that he found)




“Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future.”


- Fulton Oursler


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I like the quote, I resemble it sometimes. Other then that cheer up or I'll have to do something drastic :unsure:







Been there, done that! I think that applies to about 99% of us... the fear of rejection and all that psycho-babble. :(


Why is it that we humans have this overwhelming need to "fix" our friends...make them feel better...and all that. Yes, it's human, I know, but usually unproductive. I keep thinking, "Maybe it'll work this time!"


So, in that context, I'm going to make two suggestions. ;)


Go alone to the bar sometimes (or wherever). If you get rejected, it won't be in front of your friends. I know for me, when friends are egging me on, I dig my heels in even deeper. Being alone may encourage some dude to approach you as well. The other thing is to have a "canned" line or three ready to go in case of rejection. Something like, "I feel like a member of the javelin throwing team and it's my turn to catch." Humour lessons the blow.





I know for me, when friends are egging me on, I dig my heels in even deeper.

Amen to that!


Here's a story for ya, Joe. I was recently at a Christmas party, and I was sitting with several friends at this table. At the next table was this cute guy with one other person. Well, I casually remarked I thought he was cute, so everyone kept telling me to get up and go talk to him. I said it would be strange for me to just get up, leave everyone I was talking to, and go talk to a couple of random strangers at a different table. So then someone came up with a brilliant suggestion...My entire table - six other guys besides me - got up and joined the other table, crowding around. They said if I didn't go with them it would be weirder that everyone but me had gone :blink:


If looks could kill I'd have significantly fewer friends now. LOL Turns out Mr. Cutie had only recently moved to town...with his boyfriend.


Anyway, take it from me, the best way to shut your friends up is to just go hit on the guy. They'll embarrass you worse otherwise anyway ;)



Take care and good luck!


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