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DKStories, horrifying tales of junior high, and the Banana Man...



First of all... and most importantly... Davey is HOOOOOOOOOOOOME!!!!!!!!!!! :wub::D:hug:


... for a week <_< :wacko:


dkstories... this one's for you (but only because now that you've been subjected to the amazing amount of nerdiness that Rich posesses, and I know you'll appreciate this. Robert, too!)


My objections to this video are rather limited actually... but it managed to create a rather LARGE and RIDICULOUS debate between Rich and I. So let me pose the question to all of you rather literary minded people.


Do the words 'lair' and 'layer' sound the same when spoken?


Rich insists that they do and what do I know about words anyway? While I went the hair, stair, lair vs. bayer, mayer, layer route. Steve says that Rich's insistance at maintaining his position, even when I've sufficiently proven him wrong, has to do with the leg that broke off the X-chromosome to make a Y-chromosome instead. Apparently it holds all the genes for knowing when to stop, when to shut up, when to know you've lost and bow out gracefully along with all the ones for common sense and knowing that pissing your wife off should not be entertaining and could likely be disasterous to your happiness.


Horrifying stories from you friendly, neighborhood Junior High School. My daughter, who is 12, and has been told clearly that there will be no dating of boys, or boyfriends, until some unspecified time when we've decided she's ready, came home the other day and said that a boy asked her out at school. So, of course that gets my attention, and I'm like... back up, what does that mean exactly when you're 12? So she says that she and her friend were standing there at lunch when some boy walks up to them and says, "He (points to his friend across the way) is asking you two out, (both of them?!) but only if you're virgins. He wants a virgin."


Pardon my interruption when I take this time to point out, once again, 12 YEARS OLD!!!!!


Anyway, so my daughter gets all "Oh no he didn't!" and she and her friend walk over to this... boy <_< and she says, "First of all, that's not how you approach a girl, and second of all, we're not virgins, and I'm pregnant," and stalked off. :o And while I'm all for standing up for yourself and putting some poor excuse of a boy in his place... have you met 12 year old girls? By tomorrow, this will be her fourth kid! :wacko:


Rich came home, and I made her tell him the story, which came out as some half-assed version, so by the time I was done filling him in completely he was saying, "WHAT'S THIS BOY'S NAME?! I'm SO kicking his ass! And then I'm calling the principal, and he can kick his ass again! My daughter shouldn't have to be asked about her virginity at school! She's 12!"


***OMG I just totally erased ALL of this and then freaked out while Rich was saying, "Ctrl Z. Ctrl Z." Sometimes I love the nerdiness... as long as he's saying lair correctly :P ***


On to the Banana Man. UGH!


So, as we are all aware, I work in a grocery store, and when a customer is ready to pay for their items, we have a protocol to follow. We're supposed to say hi, ask how they are, did they find everything okay, do they have their preferred customer card, and so on. Not that we have to recite a script or anything, but that's the deal.


Anyway, there is this man, and he always comes in late when I'm working, and always manages to come through my line, and he's like... 40's, skinny, blond, glasses. He's a doctor, and carries his fanny pack over his shoulder like a purse. He always buys bananas... and on occasion supplements them with a box of chocolate donuts, hence the name.


Now normally, this is how it would go down...


Me: Hi! :D

Him: *grumble*

Me: How are you?

Him: *scowl*

Me: Did you find everything okay today?

Him: NO! :angry:

Me: Oh no! I'm sorry. What didn't you find so I can get it for you?

Him: NOTHING! I just HATE that you ask me all these questions!

Me: ...


So, then I decided, fine. If that's what he wants, I'll give it to him. I started not saying anything to him at all, except at the end when i'd say, "Thank you, have a good night." Apparently that wasn't satisfactory either cause then he got ruder... if that's possible. Anyway, the other night I'm working and he comes in and I see him at the end of my line and I'm like... UGH! :wacko:


This time it went like this...


Me: Hi! :D

Him: NO QUESTIONS! (not hi, not hello, not go f**K yourself... NO QUESTIONS!)

Me: :angry: 'Don't tell him to go f**K himself. Don't tell him to go f**K himself'


Then when he left, and I was having my little meltdown about what a total f**ker he is, my pal Trevor comes over and sees me all out of sorts and is like :unsure: "What happened?!" So I tell him, and he makes me swear that next time Banana Man comes in, to call him over so he can punch him in the face! :wub: We love Trevor... just saying.


I was telling my pal Steve from work about him, and he totally knows the guy I'm talking about and has had to wait on him too, and said he didn't get the 'no questions' thing, but he did get told that people should go back to the countries they came from, and since Steve is hispanic, and I am not, that apparently won't work on me and he had invent some other way to be a jerk. So the more I thought about it, the more pissed I got, so I think I've come up with a solution. He wants no questions... and I have to ask him some, so I'll just ask him every question I can think of so that the next time when I just ask the few I have to ask him, he'll be appreciative!


Hi! :D How are you? Did you find everything okay? Do you have your customer card? How was work? What did you have for dinner? Warm enough for you? What color socks do you have on today? Working tomorrow? Almost time for your next oil change? You voted for Bush, didn't you? WHY ARE YOU SUCH A TOTAL PRICK!? You get the idea...


I mean really. He's only buying bananas. How long is he actually in this transaction with me? A minute? MAX? f**king be nice!


That is all...





PS. We have hay bales!!!!! :wub:;)


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You have hay bales, but will you be bailing some hay?


Rich is a good Minstrel btw. I need to find him on when I'm as Thrakosi. See, Thrakosi is my levl 25 dwarf guardian that is a metalsmith and needs some help with the level 37 mobs that he has to kill in the Trollshaws. Then I can make nice fancy armor with Thrakosi for my Captain and such.


Now, only thing is that to make armor that Rich can use, well I will need to look up what Beralethorn is doing regarding Tailoring. Should be able to make him some nice medium or light armor that should be close to his level if I need to do that in order to bribe him to help out :)


Oh, and as for pronunciation of Layer vs. Lair, all I have to say is that it all depends on where you learned your english and where you live now. Accents make all the difference in the world and we have dozens of regional accents in American English alone, let alone all those damn Queen's English types (ever mention the time that I went to Barbados and after speaking to some locals on a ferry boat, I asked the OOD what language they spoke on this island 'cause I can't understand a word of what they're shouting...)


Oh, and Banana Man - just tell him the price he pays for those bananas does not confer a right for him to verbally abuse you the way he does his own staff.




I don't have a daughter, but I do have a nice. When she reaches twelve she's going to be...well let's just say that any potential boyfriend will get the warn-off. I'll warn him she's a registered killer and only California's Juvenile Delinquency laws allow her to go around anymore. I'm afraid she might kill another boy...


Okay, maybe not a good idea...


Yikes. NOt even going there. 9 year old nephew has been 'going out' with a girl for two months now. This starts way too early. He isn't supposed to be growing a beard for another 3 years at least...

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Hey Viv :wub:


Do the words 'lair' and 'layer' sound the same when spoken?

I would definitely say NO! I suppose Dan's right though in that it makes a difference where the person is from and what type of accent they have. When I was growing up the way my friend - a cajun - said "feeling" was identical to the way he said "filling". Which just shocked the socks off of me when I realized it! It also turned out that he was completely unable to distinguish the difference when other people, even those without that sort of accent, said the words.



I mean really. He's only buying bananas. How long is he actually in this transaction with me? A minute? MAX? f**king be nice!

Perhaps you could make a suggestion about where he might store them ;)





Take care, Viv :D



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Hey Viv :wub:






Perhaps you could make a suggestion about where he might store them ;)





Take care, Viv :D




Did Kevin really just say that? LMFAO


I second that voting, Also you should ask him the following,


"Why do you always buy bananas?"

"What do you do with them?"

"Are they big enough for you, or shall I go get you some smaller ones?"

"Maybe you should go get the real thing so you stop being a prick to everyone."


Have a great day Viv!



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I totally agree with your husband. and his reaction. thats the exact same reaction i had. i mean. what the f**K? thats just not right.


as for the prick. damn prick. and if he thinks the service is so bad. and he finds everyhting so unsatisfactory then he sholdnt come on such a regular basis. i mean. you must be doing something right if he keeps coming back. or at least you should mention that to him. maybe then you wont have to deal with him no more. :)



anywho. i hope you have a nice evening. im f**king tired so nighty




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Maybe you should hide his bananas. Move them to another part of the store and when he gets there, he'll initiate the conversation asking why you moved the bananas.


Then you shout "NO QUESTIONS!" and continue to ring him up with a smile on your face :)


Or you could drop his bananas on 'accident' and then have to get him new ones. Which of course if everyone else knows he's a prick, they will take their sweet time getting them back to the man.


Or you could just try humming. Whenever he comes up just start humming a really annoying and upbeat song really loudly. You don't even have to ask him a question, just hum!


Or your scale could magically stop working and you have to find help in order to reset it for it to work. And this of course will cause a delay and another grumble from the man.




My favo(u)rite would be to have a combination of all of the above. Hide the bananas, when he asks why you moved them, shout NO QUESTIONS, start humming until you find your scale doesn't work, when it finally does, you drop the bananas and have to wait for someone to get some more. By this point he might just enjoy a simple "Hi, how are you :D "

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I'm sorry to say I am one of those people that (sometimes) hates it when the cashier tries to talk with me. But, im not rude like that man. Mostly, i just give them a sneer or just put on an obvious fake smile. Other times when i'm not pissed off or in a hurry, I'm more friendly with them.


Joe: You are an evil, evil man, lol.


If I had a daughter (or son) and some little punk said something like that to them. I would so hunt him down ;) .



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