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Struggling to make amends

I happen to be a firm believer in making up for misdeeds. I've always been told that it's the right thing to do. Sometimes our own selfishness can cause us to forget what people mean to us. Only through painstaking steps can we repair what has been broken. Even when we take these steps, there may be times when it isn't enough. Words can only do so much. It's so frustrating to watch as people no longer interact with you the way they once did. Maybe I my own personal issues are too much for some to handle. I have to take my recovery day by day. It's never easy to say that you're in a vulnerable state of mind, but I am. Some days I'm happier than others. The sad days do come, and I don't know how long it will take to minimize them. Life has it's ups and downs. Our interactions with others are affected by what we do. Even though I never intended to hurt anyone, it was apparently unavoidable. I suppose I had it coming to me, because I lost my sense of how to interact with people. The pain was so unbearable, and it still is at times. Sometimes I don't even want to get out of bed in the morning, but I know I have to survive for another day. Things will be better. It's only a matter of time. Sometimes it really tests my patience. Maybe the Christians are right for once. It seems the only way to learn patiences is through what they call tribulation. I call it struggle, but the meanings are similar enough.

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I wish I could offer a few inspirational words to you, Tiger. Some sage pearls of wisdom to help you out.


All I can offer is: I hope things get better - or at least more tolerable - for you soon.

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