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The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: 2

Slightly over three years ago I made a blog entry entitled "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year." It's amazing how much things have changed since then. I have a completely different life now. I was happy then, very happy actually, but I have to say I think I'm actually even happier now.


I had the most fun this weekend! Friday night I went to a housewarming party, which was really awesome! It was actually for my girls who had moved back last August. LOL, it took them that long to get settled in and decide it was time for a housewarming party. Heck, the house was downright hot they'd been in it so long by then :P It was still really fun though! It was also a great chance for me to introduce them to several of my other friends since they wanted me to bring people. I was really glad for the opportunity to have everyone mix together.


Saturday I slept late, cleaned up the apartment a bit, then met up for a casual coffee date in the early evening. His name is Trey and he seems like a pretty nice, interesting, good-looking guy. I had a nice time and I think I want to see him again. Which is good considering how many unsuccessful first dates I've been on recently. Anyway, after that I went and picked up my new contact lens. It's amazing how much different the world looks when it isn't all blurry :P


That evening I went clubbing with a couple of my other good friends whom I haven't seen in awhile. It's always so good hanging out with them! We also ran into one of their friends and his partner and I had a really good time with them as well. I'd met the guy a few times before but never really got to know him before last night. He really is fun though, it was actually his birthday and that's why they were out. They don't go out often because they actually have two young kids at home :wub: It was so cute listening to them talking about their son and daughter. Anyway, back to my two main friends from this story. One of them, Steven, just had Lasak surgery done. He's thrilled with the results! It's so ironic because he literally got it done on the same day last week that I had an eye appointment and had to get glasses (and now contacts). It's sorta like the circle of life or something I guess :boy: Anyway, I think I'm going to look into that eventually. No point now though, I just bought a buncha contacts :boy:


Anyway, today was incredibly fun too! I went to church with my former "former friend" for the first time. LOL, I'll explain that. If you've been reading my blog for awhile now you'll probably be familiar with this guy, who'll I'll just refer to as Brian from now on for the sake of clarity (it's either that or just 'friend' I guess :P ). Yeah, we had a pretty messy falling out and he hurt me pretty bad, but it's been over a year now and in the last five months our relationship has been steadily improving. It got to the point that when our paths crossed by accident or due to common activities he'd be pleasant around me and act comfortable (I never really had a problem being pleasant to him and being moderately comfortable). Anyway, then we progressed to occasionally going places together with our mutual friends (we had a lot of those), then more frequently doing that, then finally actually inviting each other to events we were hosting/organizing. Most recently we've started occasionally hanging out together again, just the two of us. Things really got better after he started seeing his new boyfriend. I think because the new bf and I get along well and also because he's happier in general.


I have to say though, even though I initially was the one who was much more cool with him than he was with me and who made all the early efforts HE'S the one who's responsible for actually patching up our friendship (which is fair enough I suppose considering he's the one who ended it in the first place). I would have been quite content to leave the extent of our relationship at the socializing in groups together level. However, he started inviting me stuff, being really nice, and suggesting we hang out. It's funny because when he ended our friendship in the first place I was hurt, shocked, and more than a little angry, but I told him if/when he was ready to work things out I'd be open to the idea. ...turns out I kinda wasn't. I politely declined his invitations and dodged him for awhile after he started making efforts to fully reconcile. I don't really stay mad though, actually I wasn't mad at all by that point, just wary. Anyway, I finally gave in and things have been good between us again. Not the same though. It's just a bit difficult for me to completely trust him again. Honestly I don't expect to, on the other hand I didn't expect us to actually get to the point of being friends again so who knows what'll happen. It's just funny because a year ago this was like the height of our little feud and now I'm going to church with him. Anyway, yeah getting back to the story, we went to his church. He's a Unitarian Universalist and this was the first time I'd been to one of those services. I really enjoyed it! In fact I think I'll go back at some point.


Anyway, then we hung out, had lunch, and went to the Christmas party for an organization we both belong to. That was really fun too! THEN me and Scott and John (who also belong to that organization and were at the party) all went to the Christmas party for me and Scott's church. I had a blast at that! I've actually not been attending regularly for the last couple of months (it's a liberal Methodist congregation). I dunno, I've just kinda been re-examining my spirituality and religious views (part of the reason I wanted to check out Brian's church) plus I've been enjoying sleeping in on Sundays. Anyway, the party was ALOT of fun and it was really awesome catching up with all my old church friends. Oddly enough I also found myself quite attracted to one of the other guys there. He's always been sexually ambiguous. Scott, John, Luke and I have all speculated about his orientation and we all agree that he's quite possibly gay, perhaps even quite probably, but we don't know for sure. Anyway, I'd never been particularly attracted to him before, but tonight he just looked adorable in his black sweater and cute jeans. It sorta made me notice that he actually has a very nice looking face as well and his hair was fixed nicely. I think it's actually that I'm used to seeing him in his church clothes and he actually dresses very formally to church. I mean it's a pretty fancy church so we all dress up a bit, but he always goes all out with a suit and tie and everything. I've always said that I just don't think guys look nice in suits and ties. I'm sure it's no coincidence that the first time I really notice him he's wearing something else. Anyway, it's not like I'm actually dating Trey yet, so while he's going to be my primary interest right now if things don't work out I think I may just pursue ambiguously gay church boy.


Anyway, after that Christmas party Scott, John, and I went to our favourite cafe/bar and had a few drinks and hung out for awhile. It was so funny because Scott's actually interested in a different ambiguously gay guy from our church so we got really goofy (or I suppose you could say acted like teenage girls :boy: ) and planed our respective weddings. :lol: We've decided to be househusbands and neighbours together.


I'm really going to miss John when he leaves :( He's planning on entering the Catholic seminary in January and moving to Connecticut. Since the deterioration of Luke and mine's friendship and William moving WAY out in the 'burbs (and thus never seeing him anymore :/ ) I've really grown to think of him as my second best gay male friend after Scott. It's going to be much harder on Scott though. He and John are even closer than John and me. He's really convinced John is making a big mistake. Personally, I don't think really think it's the right fit for him either HOWEVER, I think NOT going would be a bigger mistake. I guess I basically think this is a mistake he needs to make or he'll always regret not trying it. I am of course hoping it isn't a mistake at all and that he'll be really happy, but either way I think he does need to go and see. Anyway, I'll miss him :,( Seems like my close friends are always moving away. On the other hand they often move back and it's usually after something they needed to try so I guess I shouldn't complain. Nah, I'll do the supportive friend thing instead. I'll probably even manage not to cry in front of him until the day he actually leaves. Hell, if I can pull that off for my girls I can do it for him as well.


Anyway, after that John went home and I went back to Scott and Luke's place and Scott went to bed and I chatted with Luke for awhile. Everything's been really strained with Luke for awhile now. It's the worst BETWEEN Scott and Luke (roommates) and pretty bad between John and Luke as well (ex's), and actually also pretty rough between Brian and Luke (also ex's). In fact, I actually think one of the things Brian and I re-bonded over was our own respective problems with Luke. So anyway, yeah Luke and I have had some problems too.


But yeah, was a really awesome weekend all in all. Went to three parties, went out clubbing with two good friends I hadn't seen in a while, went to a new church, got contacts, strengthened a renewed friendship, and re-opened communication with..well with however I'd describe Luke ('friend' doesn't seem quite the right work anymore :( ). So yeah good times.


Oh yeah, and one more thing that's lovely about this time of year. I absolutely love LOVE winter fashion! I've gotten to wear some of my favourite outfits the past couple weeks. I guess it's because there's more to work with in the winter: jackets, coats, sweaters, vests, turtlenecks, scarves, hats, etc. Together they just create an endless opportunity to mix and match and come up with new creations! In the summer, particularly a Texas summer, all one really wants to wear - at most - is a shirt, pants, shoes, a belt, and maybe random small accessories. Winter just offers more possibilities!


Anyway, take care everyone and have an awesome day! :D


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How many times did you say anyway? :huh:



by the way you have a e-mail kev onj your inbox at ga

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