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My December



So it's raining, there is even talk about the possibility of snow flurries by Wednesday. It's rather sublime to live in Southern California and see the possibility of snow in the forecast. It's not the first time it has happened. It snowed some 6 years ago now, back when I was living with my Aunt on the north side of the city. It was interesting, amazing really. there wasn't much of it, an inch or less. But, enough that you could scrap together a decent snowball of the grass and toss it at the kids running around.


Yeah, it would be neat if it happened again. I'm just not going to hold my breath. I know, many you folks in more "northern" climates may be blinking like mad and asking what the fascination with snow is. Its the novelty of it, something out of the norm.


My graveyard shift employee got hit by a car Thursday night, while walking home. The driver failed to notice he hit another human being, that or he just didn't care enough to stop. The person behind him stopped however. Anyhow, My employee ended up with a broken hip out of the deal. No work for 6-8 weeks. That kind of sucks, especially at this time of year. but as someone pointed out it sucks anytime of year.


I'm sure, however, happening now its just like adding insult to the injury. You can't turn on the TV or the radio without hearing some exaltation of the season. I just don't feel it. Are we really supposed to buy into the notion that there is a "magic" swirling through the bitterly cold air for a month.


Maybe at one point I did believe that when I was younger. Now the air only brings disappointment with the season. No magic, no snow flakes, only a cold bite that blows what little warmth you can muster out of you.


That doesn't however account for surprise's that do happen. I got a phone call this morning from my boss. Directing me to pay the employee who got hit two weeks worth of pay while he is out.


It's a nice gesture. As novel as snow in many cases.


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Sounds like you've got the winter time blues.... it'll get better I promise :)


If you want... I can FedEx you some snow the next time it snows here :)


Eric :P

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Maybe at one point I did believe that when I was younger. Now the air only brings disappointment with the season. No magic, no snow flakes, only a cold bite that blows what little warmth you can muster out of you



i agree

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Winter time blues... Aww Steven. I don't see the.. magic in Christmas or winter really, it also hasn't really snowed here enough to actually play in for a few years now and that does suck. I also hate when it's so cold and nasty out.. but it doesn't snow.. on days like that.. a good soft falling snow would be nice.


But anyway, before I ramble... I think I'm going to Fed Ex you some Aberporn to get you through the winter.. you seem to be in need of new material.

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