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Merging: the ultimate challenge

I know I've been ranting about driving lately. Maybe I'm just driving during "early bird special time" when all the old people are out? Sigh.


So why is it so hard to merge into traffic? I mean, getting on the freeway seems to be a life challenge for some. They drive down the ramp and maybe hit 45 then slow to 20-25 mph and try to move into the slow lane. That's not merging. That's just f**king up traffic.


Today it wasn't a freeway merge that got me. (And no, I'm not referring back to "Sex on the Freeway" although that event does flash into my mind periodically) There was a person in front of me trying to make a simple right turn onto a four lane road. There was no light, which means there's no hope unless you take a little initiative. This person waited and waited and waited, letting massive gaps in the traffic go by.


So now you're saying, "Well gee Mark, you're probably an asshole on the road anyway. The traffic was probably too busy for any normal person to merge." Well you're wrong. How do I know? Two reasons. First of all, the guy behind me was honking. It wasn't just me. The second thing was that there were three people that made LEFT HAND TURNS onto the road I was on. If they can make a left hand turn and cross two lanes of traffic, a person making a right hand turn has plenty of room.


Anyone wanna guess what kind of car this merge-reluctant individual was driving? If you said Buick, give yourself a gold star.


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I originally thought mini vans actually. XD

Mark Arbour


Good point. They're just as bad aren't they.



Actually Minivans aren't so bad...our Grand Caravan V-8 pretty much gets up and goes! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif



LOL kjames no dodge grand caravan has a V-8 most have v6's or a 4 cylinder, but issues with minivans is most drive them slow brake way before they need to, cannot merge to save a life.



I usually teleport rather than drive.



(S)he was probably trying to save gas by not having to step on it after turning into traffic. Nothing worse than having someone pull out in front of you and then slow down to thirty or less.

Mark Arbour


Yes, but you can't glide your way up to 45mph.



I can't recommend one of these strongly enough. :lmao: Any Buick will sh*t its pants to clear passage for you.



Mark, you love to torment me about Buicks. They can actually go pretty fast with someone like me behind the wheel and often do :P



There's a good reason that they don't sell guided missiles at WalMart.


Otherwise I'd nuke that crazy smart ass in the Chevy Tahoe that cuts me off every morning at 7:23.

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