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Drinking song!



So this evening I have been drinking a little!


Here is a song that I wrote!


I was walking on the river on the other side of town! (The Town!)

I was walking on the river on the other side of town! (The Town!)

I was walking on the river on the other side of town, and I drowned ( I drowned!), because I'm not Jesus (JEE-SUS!).


I sing the main part, and my friend sings the () part.


Cool, huh?




Happy days!


Good night and good luck!


Heel yeah!


Recommended Comments

I'm a drunken idiot and its OK,

I drink all nigh and I sleep all day

(He's a drunken idiot and its OK,

He drinks all night and he sleeps all day)


It's all good, it's all fine

liquor, beer or expensive wine

(It's all good, it's all fine

liquor, beer or expensive wine)


I'm going on the wagon, sad to say its true,

I woke up in womens undergarments and didn't know what to do!


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