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911: the truth is out there

This film featuring Mulla Omar and Bin Laden was captured in Afghanistan in late 2001. Bin Laden likes to tape his "high level" meetings.


as reported by Fox and CBS.


NBC reports suicide attack plot a year in advance.


The story is so fantastic that many people dismissed it thinking that Islamists were incapable of launching anything of that scale or sophistication. A suicide attack with an airliner was a key part of the plot of a popular novel by Tom Clancy and many people dismissed it as being a figment of popular culture inspired imagination.


In fact, Bin Laden was behind

and had long been obsessed with the structures as a symbol of America.


There are some mental people out there that would like for you to believe that 9-11 was an inside job. They were around in 1993 as well accusing the FBI of carrying out the bombing.


I know that it is easier to believe that there are power hungry idiots in our government that would try to pull this off. The FBI? The CIA? The White House? FBI is one of the most politically polarized agencies in Washington and blew off major league clues that something was happening. CIA is so inept that's its embarrassing. The Bush White House was incapable of pulling off anything nearly this complex.


What were the results? What was the payoff? Two expensive and unpopular wars. Balkanization of the United States and the alienation of her traditional allies. Exacerbation of the hatred and fear that exists between the United States and the Islamic World?


Who profits? Nobody won. Everybody lost and we're still up to our ass in the fallout.


Don't be a FOOL. Tell a "Truther" to put up or shut up. Their special brand of retardation is only making things worse.


If you've got some evidence, bring it on. We need to see it. If there was a huge conspiracy, some people need to be taken out and shot.


Otherwise- take your idiocy and get lost. PLEASE: it's time to get OFF.


We've got to come to grips with the reality behind 9-11: there are indeed people out there that would do great harm to the West in general and the United States in particular. Ignoring them won't make them go away and we will hear from them again.


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I heard a pretty good counter yesterday to the 9-11 truther argument that I wish I'd have thought of myself, because it makes so much sense and essentially shuts down the arguments that the truthers have....at least as it pertains to the downing of the twin towers.


If there was really overwhelming evidence that the WTC was blown up with explosives as opposed to succumbing to the heat of the fire from the plane crashes, then why haven't we heard from an overwhelming majority of the nations structural engineers backing the claims of the truthers? They say that the heat from the fires wasn't enough to bring the towers down, that steel doesn't melt... where are their experts? And if this was really the case, wouldn't there have been an outcry from the majority of people who design these buildings and oversee the construction projects of the magnitude of WTC?


The 9/11 truthers are just as crazy as the radicals who believe in "global warming."



I watched the National Geographic special about the science behind the conspiracy theories which destroyed all of the conspiracy theories.


The "truthers" don't put a theory out there. They just believe. They hang on to that belief like some idiotic religion.


The psychology behind it is like the psychology of faith: it is easier to believe in a mythological construct than a complex and disturbing truth.



I always thought that the psychology behind the 9/11 Truth movement had more to do with high doses of LSD that permanently altered their mental state.

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