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Yes it can. My step father is a dentist and during one of my check ups (one of the most humiliating moments in my life) he told me with a smug look that performing oral sex can cause the back of your throat to have abrasions and etc and he can usually tell when someone is doing so.


He scared the life out of me too by saying that because um.... yeah....


I guess if someone is constantly giving head, it can be sore too. :P And I know that if the guy had gonorrhea, then you will eventually have a sore throat.


I need a new dentist


That was seriously mean of him :(



Yup, my throat is soar right now from a night ago. I bet his is soar too, TEE HEE. CUZ MA DICK IS HEWWWUUGEEE.



Potentially. But with the right technique, one wouldn't have the worry ;)

Mark Arbour


My step father is a dentist and during one of my check ups (one of the most humiliating moments in my life) he told me with a smug look that performing oral sex can cause the back of your throat to have abrasions and etc and he can usually tell when someone is doing so.


Wow. That sucks. Er, well, literally and figuratively. Going to the dentist will be interesting for most of us now.



Potentially. But with the right technique, one wouldn't have the worry


You saying Chase was doing something wrong?



If you chose your partner poorly you can get a number STDs from giving oral sex. You DO NOT want herpes in your throat.

Mark Arbour


Well that's a pleasant thought. Throat Herpes. :blink:



It has always surprised me, especially when reading the stories on here... that people seem to be very careful about ensuring their characters wear condoms down below but never for oral sex. This is strange because anything you can catch from penetration you can get orally. Hmmm :)


I wonder if it works the other way around though... if you give a bj with a sore throat does anything transmit the other way.



well what is the point in giving a BJ to a condom?

Mark Arbour


Maybe if it's a really hot, attractive condom? :P



Hmmmm... well, if a cock is really thick or the owner of the cock has a cold or the flu that causes a sore throat as one of the symptoms, you're likely to have a sore throat.

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