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The Line


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My problem seems to be that I cross the line too much. I've decided that the real problem is I'm blind. I can't see the line, and therefore have no idea of when I've actually crossed it. I also decided that I've been living on the other side of it for years now.


Who needs the line anyway? We should all dance on it, muah ha ha!


This has been a random thought message based on the thought that people shouldn't get so riled up over what comes out of other people's mouths, thank you for listening, and feel free to discuss the things that you think are just so far over the line it's unreal, and even just where you think the line is at. Converse, converse, and converse some more. Now. Get on it, idiots. Oh wait, there's that damn line again...

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Wot line? Did you hear about the blonde who saw another blonde on the other side of the river? The first blonde called out to the second, "How did you get over there?" And the second replied, "I'm over here! You're the one who's over there!" :2thumbs:

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Ahh. Another one of life's mysteries solved. Now somebody tell me what we're standing in line for. :)


*hits the buzzer*



Lol. Lines are for people who can't live without distinction. What we need is more than shades of gray (against black and white) and pink (against redneck and white)... but I dunno what you would call a mixture of the rainbow and whatever color is represented by homophobia...


Anyone who can't take a simple tasteless joke should be taken around behind the chemical shed by a detail of six men and shot, execution style.... God I need to watch V for Vendetta again.

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