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Physical Appearance is Completely Irrelevant


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I think there's too much emphasis on looks in the Gay community, at least in my opinion. You would think we would have learned a thing or two about personality and character by now. I'm more of the liberal in viewing of people; I like all people, regardless of their national origin, culture, race, age, gender, fat, skinny, tall, short, handicap, young or older. What may turn me off is the way they treat other people or disrespect of others. I'm fortunate to have people I call friends in many places across this globe. Our family is made up of many cultures and races. I abhor discrimination of any kind.


Was brought up in a large city where there is richness in diversity of people and cultures. When meeting people, for me, the connection is more with personalities than looks. Do we notice how people appear physically? Of course we do! However, it's the exchange of the spirit, which sustains, not the exterior facade.


I'm not yet perfect, but I still haven't learned to walk on water. I know that day will never come, but I keep trying.



Edited by MarkInAlisoViejo
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I agree with both of you. Personality, character, attitudes, etc., are critical for sustaining a relationship -- be that a sexual or pure friendship relationship. However, physical appearance does have an influence in the initial stages of a sexual relationship (it is less important for a friendship relationship). After that point, the physical appearance becomes less and less relevant. It would be nice if we could jump straight past that stage, but I don't think humans are well designed for that.


Having said that, there are always exceptions.

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>>there's too much emphasis on looks in the Gay community, at least in my opinion.



Says the way hot guy with the mid-rift shot for an avatar. :lol:


I am a Beast. I know it, everybody knows it. Couldn't hide it if I wanted to. The blue fur is a dead giveaway.


I am sooo large that I can't fit in some cars. I can easily bench 300+ and have maxed out around 500 pounds. My thighs are 32" waste 34, arms 30, chest 55.


Only those people that are not so superficial to judge by mere appearence get to know the person inside.


I find that it works better that way. Superficial almost always equals annoying so I'm not missing a thing. :)

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I'm not yet perfect, but I still haven't learned to walk on water. I know that day will never come, but I keep trying.




Forget all about walking on water. That's dumb. Focus instead on turning water into wine...that's far more useful! :funny:


As to physical appearance being 'completely' irrelevant I would drop the 'completely'. However, physical appearance does become far less relevant as you get to know a person.

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Says the way hot guy with the mid-rift shot for an avatar. :lol:


Morgan wanted me to post that photo, although he didn't want me to crop off the underwear part, I refused, probably a good thing too :wub:0:)

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>>there's too much emphasis on looks in the Gay community, at least in my opinion.



I am sooo large that I can't fit in some cars.


Okay, so some people live in big houses. Remind me not to offer you a ride. :P

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Morgan wanted me to post that photo, although he didn't want me to crop off the underwear part, I refused, probably a good thing too :wub:0:)


And you better behave because I still have the whole photo :music:

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I think that physical attraction is essential for a relationship. It's certainly the least important factor, but if I the idea of sleeping with my partner revolts me, then there is no room for a relationship with that person. Possibly a bit shallow, but it's how I feel.

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I think that physical attraction is essential for a relationship. It's certainly the least important factor, but if I the idea of sleeping with my partner revolts me, then there is no room for a relationship with that person. Possibly a bit shallow, but it's how I feel.


Yea, I agree with it, Attraction does start it and still goes along the line, I like personality the best, I am attracted to some guys that some don't.

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I think that physical attraction is essential for a relationship. It's certainly the least important factor, but if I the idea of sleeping with my partner revolts me, then there is no room for a relationship with that person. Possibly a bit shallow, but it's how I feel.


This is quite true. I should note that I have no business in posting in this thread (90% virgin here), but I think that no matter how you look at it, physical appearance is and will always be a motivating factor in a relationship. You simply can't look at someone who is physically unappealing to you, be disgusted with any suggestive looks they send your way, and still create and maintain a healthy and loving partnership with them. I say partnership since relationship can still pertain to friendship, and friendship is still wholly possible. Sure, after a while the physical barriers will come down as the other person is sweet and treats you right, earning your trust and winning your heart, but physical appearance is really what draws your attention in the first place before they open their mouth and swoon you or drive you away.

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Wow, James! That's impressive. If I pay you, will you break some people in half for me? I promise to even bail you out if you get caught... it'll be fun, we'll make a day of it. :D


As much as people say that looks aren't everything, they are important. Some people just don't like some things. I personally just have a weird issue with dating outside of my race. I've never been racist or anything like that, but for some strange reason I like the little white boys. ~shrugs~ I also am not overly fond of guys with very long hair. Guys who are really tan don't really grab my attention, either. The point is that everyone goes for certain things, no matter what they say.


Now, does personality trump physical appearance? In my book it certainly does. I've met more than one guy who was just "myeh" when I looked at him, and five minutes later he had me wanting to rip his clothes off. :D For me, personality is the hottest thing about a guy, without exception.

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This is quite true. I should note that I have no business in posting in this thread (90% virgin here), but I think that no matter how you look at it, physical appearance is and will always be a motivating factor in a relationship. You simply can't look at someone who is physically unappealing to you, be disgusted with any suggestive looks they send your way, and still create and maintain a healthy and loving partnership with them. I say partnership since relationship can still pertain to friendship, and friendship is still wholly possible. Sure, after a while the physical barriers will come down as the other person is sweet and treats you right, earning your trust and winning your heart, but physical appearance is really what draws your attention in the first place before they open their mouth and swoon you or drive you away.


Not that it's really my business, but may I ask (and do I want to know) waht a 90% virgin is?

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  • Site Administrator
... I think that no matter how you look at it, physical appearance is and will always be a motivating factor in a relationship. You simply can't look at someone who is physically unappealing to you, be disgusted with any suggestive looks they send your way, and still create and maintain a healthy and loving partnership with them. ...

Sorry, to disagree, but while I will concede that physical appearance can be and often is a motivating factor in starting a relationship, there will always be a point where it no longer becomes a significant factor. Given the appearance of some of the older married folk I know, physical attractiveness is NOT what is keeping them together.


My mum remarried in her 70s (several years after my dad died). I sincerely doubt physical appearance had anything to do with her starting a relationship with her husband.

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I also suspect sex isn't high on her list of priorities either ;)

That is an area of speculation that I have no interest in pursuing... :P

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I married a woman I met in college. Most guys were very envious of our relationship. Little did I know it would turn out to be the most tragic event of my entire life and it always will be.


I only dated one other guy before meeting Morgan. Again my friends thought he was such a hottie because of his looks, they obviously didn't see the same person I did. He was the shallowest most self-absorbed person I ever met. Now Morgan I happen to find to be the most sincere caring person I've ever met, and I think he's beautiful inside and out.

Edited by MarkInAlisoViejo
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physical appearance is really what draws your attention in the first place before they open their mouth and swoon you or drive you away.


Seconded. So physical appearance (looks) is quite important at the start of a relationship. But by physical appearance, we can also talk of racial and ethnic origin. For me, that is completely irrelevant. I don't care if a person belongs to another religion or has another colour of skin.


And Mark, why did yu say GAY people give more interest to looks. I know plenty of straights who judge others by their physical appearance.


Thought of contributing to this thread.



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And Mark, why did yu say GAY people give more interest to looks. I know plenty of straights who judge others by their physical appearance.


Thought of contributing to this thread.




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And you better behave because I still have the whole photo :music:

If the publisher of the photographs of me to which you have does not have and/or is unable to produce a signed model release from me specifically authorizing the use of the photos in the manner to which I object, the publisher can be restrained from distributing them and also may be liable for damages. About the only exception to that would be if I were engaged in what normally would be considered a common, voluntary, un-private activity in a public place, wherein I would have no expectation of particular privacy.


Caprice? 0:)

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If the publisher of the photographs of me to which you have does not have and/or is unable to produce a signed model release from me specifically authorizing the use of the photos in the manner to which I object, the publisher can be restrained from distributing them and also may be liable for damages. About the only exception to that would be if I were engaged in what normally would be considered a common, voluntary, un-private activity in a public place, wherein I would have no expectation of particular privacy.


Caprice? 0:)

Forget the rest, I'm still trying to figure out what caprice means :music:

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Wow, James! That's impressive. If I pay you, will you break some people in half for me? I promise to even bail you out if you get caught... it'll be fun, we'll make a day of it. :D


I would to Razor but they said my next one would be a felony so I'm saving my next beating for someone real special. :angry:


As much as people say that looks aren't everything, they are important. Some people just don't like some things. I personally just have a weird issue with dating outside of my race. ... I also am not overly fond of guys with very long hair. Guys who are really tan don't really grab my attention, either. The point is that everyone goes for certain things, no matter what they say.


It's funny how the different strokes for different folks thing works.


Big as I am, I could be owned by a cute redhead. :wub: Some people can't stand all the things I think are so cute about redheads like freckles, light skin and so on.


Long hair on the right guy is hawt IMHO. I have dated a very handsome guy off and on who is mulatto.


There is a theory about the how & whys of what turns people on. The science geeks say that we're programmed that way for genetic diversity. Even if we are gay, we're still human.

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