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Me and my friend were just discussing the dreams we had last night and I thought it would make a good topic for the lounge, so if you have any funny or strange dreams that you would like to share with us then post them here!



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I don't dream very often, or at least I don't remember very often. My dreams are usually unpleasant, and usually lucid. They almost invariably involve really stressful situations where I've let things go 'til the last minute or where I've done something, tried to cover it up, and had it exposed. The only really bizarre one I remember is the one where I won an UPHILL skiing competition. Go me!



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Aw, man I love dreams. I can usually remember them too. A lot of the dreams I have are Harry Potter themed (as is most of my life! :) ) But this is one of my favorites.


So I had a dream that I was working on a musical (I believe it was Zanna, Don't! a pretty smashing show) and I met this boy. His name was Ben, which I thought was adorable, because that's my name too. We started dating, and everyone called us cutsey names like The Bens, and B-Squared and stuff like that.


ANYWAY, The show opens, and I know that I'm going to have a ton of college friends come and see it. So I'm onstage, and in the middle of my song, I start to fly. Like, real flying, over the audience. It was pretty sweet.


After the show, I'm standing out in the house with BF Ben, and all of my friends come to see me. They meet Ben, talk about how cute we are, blah blah blah, and give good comments about the show.


I asked them if they liked my flying, and they say, "It was nice, but what I really liked was your other song where you did this." NO ONE CARED THAT I FLEW AROUND THE THEATER!! They all acted like it was a completely ordinary occurance, and something I did all the time. I was frustrated that no one was impressed.


That was it.


My friend things that it means I'm trying really hard to impress people, but they don't seem to be interested in all the special things I'm doing. Instead, they're more interested in just me. Which is guess is a nice thought.


And I've always wanted to date someone with my name. lol.

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  • Site Administrator

I'm sure I dream, but I never remember them, which is really annoying to an author because dreams can be great inspiration for stories....


On the other hand, I have lots of day dreams, but I'm reserving those because some may end up appearing in stories. :P

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Freud saw sexual themes in just about everything. Flying in dreams, he said, symbolized erections. He similarly interpreted other things that defy gravity, so I guess that's what he'd make of skiing uphill.

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I usually don't remember my dreams in detail, but sometimes I'll remember having a dream and not liking the way it was going and, like a movie director, I remember stopping the action and changing the way it was happening. I think that's way too funny. :lmao:


Sometimes I'll be writing a story and I'll dream about a way to do something in the story, or a new character, or a change in the plot. I usually remember these dreams in enough detail to be able to work with the ideas I dreamt about. Cool. :thumbup:


Colin B)

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Talking of dreams I just remebered that the other day, I was reading the anthologies entries. I dreamed(t?) about Bardeara's It's time to Go! :( In the dream also I was reading it and I was sad! :(


Amd when dreaming about Dom's character when I'm reading his stories has become kinda normal! :P



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  • Site Moderator

I don't always remember my dreams either. I have one weird that reoccurs often. It take on a forum format and I can never remember what was going on.


They also say, that dreams are the brains way of organizing and filing memories away.



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I usually don't remember my dreams in detail, but sometimes I'll remember having a dream and not liking the way it was going and, like a movie director, I remember stopping the action and changing the way it was happening. I think that's way too funny. :lmao:


Sometimes I'll be writing a story and I'll dream about a way to do something in the story, or a new character, or a change in the plot. I usually remember these dreams in enough detail to be able to work with the ideas I dreamt about. Cool. :thumbup:


Colin B)


Yeah I get dreams where I'm in control too! If something

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lucid 'awake but unable to move' happens to me a lot. i think it's when you're mind wakes up first before your body. filipinos have a term for nightmares: 'bangungot' - personified as an ogre that sits on the sleeper's chest, making him unable to get up.. it's quite scary coz people who just suddenly die in their sleep are said to have had a 'bangungot'.


ive never had a real honest-to-goodness lucid dream tho. :P

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