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New gay mayor sworn in

Jack Scribe

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I was most proud of the progress in gay/lesbian acceptance while attending the swearing-in ceremony of the newly-elected mayor and two city councilmen this week. The mayor and one of the councilmen are gay. Appropriately, the partners of the two gay elected officials were at their S.O.'s side. And in the case of the mayor, his partner was accompanied by their two, very young children - a son and a daughter. The hetero councilman was joined by his wife and their two children.


Jack B)

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that is indeed a good progress on gay (and lesbian) acceptance.. that's in california tho, still have a long way to cover from cali to maine.


Here, in Quebec we had a party leader that was publicly gay, but it didn't worked out well for him. (tho that was wasn't because of his sexuality, at least that's what the polls said). I kinda wish that he had became the prime minister.


but I guess that even in a very liberal place you can publicly say that you've used drugs while being minister and still get away with it, but that's another subject

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This is most auspicious event and quite notable in normalizing gay acceptance in the Land of the Free and Severely Discriminated Against. It also occurs in a city that gave us Congressman Sonny Bono; and, unfortunately, also, occurs in a State where being gay and Christian is not quite acceptable everywhere.


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It's a shame really, that being gay in one part of California is becoming very acceptable, while in another it is cause for continued hate in the name of a forgiving god.

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