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I was just wondering if anyone here has seen any Broadway musicals, and if so, which ones are their favorites.


Personally, I've seen Spring Awakening and Monty Python's Spamalot. I really enjoyed both. Spring Awakening though, is my favorite out of the both.


I wanna see Jersey Boys next, but damn. The tickets are crazy expensive. :(

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I was just wondering if anyone here has seen any Broadway musicals, and if so, which ones are their favorites.


Personally, I've seen Spring Awakening and Monty Python's Spamalot. I really enjoyed both. Spring Awakening though, is my favorite out of the both.


I wanna see Jersey Boys next, but damn. The tickets are crazy expensive. :(


Personally, When I went to London, I saw with my sister the phantom of the opera, It was soooo good.


Spring Awakening is also a good one indeed, it sure have some sexual stuff in it tho, :P



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I have seen Wicked, Mama Mia!, and Hairspray and I will say all three are amazing productions. Wicked was my personal favourite, but both of the others were still spectacular. I actually saw Hairspray on Broadway whereas I saw Wicked when it traveled and saw Mama Mia! in Las Vegas. I would recommend any of these musicals. Wicked is a drama in a comedic sort of way. It has its funny parts and dramatic parts. Mama Mia is very happy-go-lucky and just a lot of fun with all the ABBA music. Hairspray is also a mix. The Broadway version I will say is much more spectacular than the new movie adaption, of course.



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Live, I've only seen the Phantom of the Opera, which I saw recently in New York. I love Phantom -- I really do -- but I was disappointed by what I saw. I guess I didn't really have a problem with the technical aspects, such as the costumes, the chandelier, etc. although they could have been improved. It was the singers/actors who were the real disappointment. The guy who played the Phantom had a vibrato a mile wide, jerked about like a spider, and sounded as though his mouth were full of spit. The Christine could hit the high notes, but she couldn't hold a pianissimo above the staff, and her diva behavior was a real turn off. From youtube clips of the original London cast (Crawford, Brightman), I know that Phantom can be much, much better. Disturbingly, the Phantom that I saw supposedly played the role more than any other singer/actor in history; I really wonder what that says about aesthetic standards at Broadway. Maybe it's better in London.

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The Lion King is one of my favorites, but I also love Phantom. November, with Nathan Lane, was the most recent one I saw when I was in NYC, and though it was good, it wasn't amazing.


Canudra, try buying from scalpers. It's sketchy, but if you go day-of you can often get tickets for well below box office price.



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Well, if we're just talking musicals, I've seen the touring editions of Cats, Phantom, and Les Miserables'... of those, i think Les Miserables was my fave... awesome music.. The most Recent I saw on Broadway was Mama Mia and Wicked...


Omigod... I wish EVERYONE could see Wicked... I can't say enough about the play... It has an awesome and timely message, great music ("Gravity" was by far the best song) and the whole production was just superbly performed...





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In High School I was on the Foreign Language Honor Society and a Broadway show was always our big spring field trip. Sophomore year we saw Aida on tour in Hartford, CT. Junior year we saw Man of La Mancha on Broadway. But by far the best of the trips was my Senior when we saw Aida again, except this time on Broadway. We were lucky enough to see it before it closed (We went in May, it closed that same September, 2004) on Broadway. When we went Deborah Cox was playing the part of Aida which was spectacular enough in and of itself, but I almost burst into tears when I found out that Adam Pascal (who I'm hopelessly in love with) was resurrecting Radames a month after out show.


So Aida is by far my favorite, unfortunately it closed (to the best of my knowledge, I never actually checked to see if it really did close I just took their word for it) :-( Man of La Mancha was good too. I don't know if it is still on Broadway, but the set they used on Broadway when I saw it was seriously genius.


And as a side note my mother and I are the biggest ABBA dorks ever, in the history of the world, so we try to make it a point to see Mama Mia every time it comes around Connecticut.

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If you are in NYC there are less expensive ways to get tix. Phantom is great. Check out revivals....solid material and part of the fabric of American Musical Theater

I have always wanted to see Phantom, but I probably won't be going to NYC any time soon.


Les Miserables is supposed to be at Kansas City in September. I would love to go, because it is one of my favorites. When I was in high school, we sang some of the songs. I've been a fan ever since.

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I have always wanted to see Phantom, but I probably won't be going to NYC any time soon.


Les Miserables is supposed to be at Kansas City in September. I would love to go, because it is one of my favorites. When I was in high school, we sang some of the songs. I've been a fan ever since.



B) ......I've only seen two, CATS and Phantom, very much enjoyed both!

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I was just wondering if anyone here has seen any Broadway musicals, and if so, which ones are their favorites.


I wanna see Jersey Boys next, but damn. The tickets are crazy expensive. :(

A friend just returned from New York. He LOVED (with appropriate hand gestures) November. It was written by David Mamet and stars Nathan Lane. http://www.novembertheplay.com/?ds_url_v=2 The hot ticket (even with mixed reviews) is Young Frankenstein. http://www.youngfrankensteinthemusical.com/. Megan Mullnally (Will and Grace) is apparently terrific.


I saw the pre-Broadway production of Little Mermaid. The production numbers are very clever and the Prince is rather cute. :Phttp://disney.go.com/theatre/thelittlemermaid/index.html


The prices are crazy. My friend got nose-bleed seats for November in the back for $95.00. Orchestra tickets for musicals approach $400.00. YIKES!


Jack B)

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The prices are crazy. My friend got nose-bleed seats for November in the back for $95.00. Orchestra tickets for musicals approach $400.00. YIKES!


Jack B)


ouch that are really crazy prices,, I could never/would never buy a ticket at that price,, $400 ouch even the $95 buck one is too much

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I've seen the lion king, beauty and the beast, cats and rent


umm just because i love the movie rent rent had to be one of the greatest expiereces


but i think that The lion king had to be my favorite beacuse of the way the afrian art was amazing.


i also saw The producers which isnt really a musical but it was very very funny.



I wanna go see hair spray, Jersey boys and wicked

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A friend just returned from New York. He LOVED (with appropriate hand gestures) November. It was written by David Mamet and stars Nathan Lane. http://www.novembertheplay.com/?ds_url_v=2 The hot ticket (even with mixed reviews) is Young Frankenstein. http://www.youngfrankensteinthemusical.com/. Megan Mullnally (Will and Grace) is apparently terrific.


I saw the pre-Broadway production of Little Mermaid. The production numbers are very clever and the Prince is rather cute. :Phttp://disney.go.com/theatre/thelittlemermaid/index.html


The prices are crazy. My friend got nose-bleed seats for November in the back for $95.00. Orchestra tickets for musicals approach $400.00. YIKES!


Jack B)


Yes, they're expensive. My school offers discounted tickets, but they're still around $50 and the seats are the worst seats in the entire theater. And on a college student budget, $50 is way too expensive. I'd rather pay an extra $40 for better seats than the last row of the upper balcony (that's where I sat for both Spring Awakening and Spamalot)


So, I'm saving up some money. Hopefully I'll be able to see something soon. But I guess I could always rush the shows. Problem is, some of them you have to wake up extremely early just to get some tickets...

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Being a native New Yorker, let's just say I've seen just about every musical that's appeared on broadway in the last 20 years. Most recently I saw Spring Awakening (agreed on the sexual stuff, hehe. But I am so not complaining about that), The Color Purple, Sweeney Todd (it was on broadway last year), Avenue Q, Wicked, Rent. I've seen les mis, mammia mia, phantom and so forth.


You can get cheap tickets for broadway, there's a half-price ticket booth inside the Marroit Mariquis hotel for same-day showing of Broadway shows. There's no need to pay $400, that's only for the most exclusive seats.

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Being a native New Yorker, let's just say I've seen just about every musical that's appeared on broadway in the last 20 years. Most recently I saw Spring Awakening (agreed on the sexual stuff, hehe. But I am so not complaining about that), The Color Purple, Sweeney Todd (it was on broadway last year), Avenue Q, Wicked, Rent. I've seen les mis, mammia mia, phantom and so forth.


You can get cheap tickets for broadway, there's a half-price ticket booth inside the Marroit Mariquis hotel for same-day showing of Broadway shows. There's no need to pay $400, that's only for the most exclusive seats.


I agree that's what I had done when I saw phantom in london. My sis and had bought our ticket on the same day. it had costed us 20 pounds per ticket. so more or less 40$US.


buying same day is not all secured, but it saves lots money

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Buying the day of seems like a good option for NYC, but don't do it for touring shows, or at least not the really popular ones. Tickets for Wicked in Detroit sold out within the first hours they went on sale. I'm very glad I knew about tickets going on sale.

I really wanted to see the Lion King when it was here a couple months ago, but I didn't get to.

Hopefully something else that's good will be coming soon, since I love my musicals, yes I do.



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This is soooo unfair :( I have to drive 30 miles to go to the IMAX theater...fourty to go to a concert and the nearest "broadway" type theater is....Portland??? Idaho is so uncultured :lmao:


well, there is the taco bell arena, and it does everything from Tractor pulls to Rock concerts, but it's usually sold out well in advance :angry:




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