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Drinking Poll  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you drink? How much?

    • 0: I don't touch alcohol.
    • 1
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    • 4: I'm often drunk. *hiccup*

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I like to have a drink with a meal, and every so often I'll go and get blind drunk, like on my 18th, lol that was fun, but I don't do that very often for the fact of the morning after :lol:

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What a fascinating discussion we're having!


It seems like most of us aren't big drinkers at all. In fact apart from myself and Menzo I don't think anyone else has said that they are frequently drunk. For my own part I'm sure I wouldn't drink if I did get hang overs, throw up while drunk, or get sad or angry when drunk, but I'm very lucky in that none of that happens to me. I've been told frequently that I'm an extremely pleasant, fun drunk and I always feel just fine. So I don't feel too bad about knocking a few back from time to time.


Anyway, I think the important thing is to drink responsibly and safely :)


Take care all,



................showoff. :P If I could drink without ever getting a hangover or vomiting, sure, why not, I'd totally be an alcoholic. Sadly, though, with the amount of caffeine I consume on a daily basis I'm constantly not getting enough water, and vodka does terrible things to my body. I don't know why, but the worst hangovers are always vodka hangovers, and unless I drink tons upon tons of water in between, I'm gonna feel like a truck ran me over the next day.


It's surprising that no one's mentioned marijuana. It seems to be quickly replacing alcohol as the drug of choice for the moderate peeps. Given that it's got less drastic side effects and is actually starting to be more socially acceptable to have some form of dependency on it than alcohol, I'd think someone would've mentioned it. Yeah, I can't smoke on a daily basis either. First off, parchment lungs, ew. Second, it starts to lose its effect FAST for me, so if I smoke more than once in a good while, it's not fun at all. Third, if I don't know the people I'm smoking with well enough to consider them good friends, I'm gonna be in anxiety hell. While I much prefer it to drinking, both for myself and for those around me, I have the same basic issues with habitual use.


Oh, and EW! How can you drink alcohol with a meal?!?! Okay, wine, MAYBE, but when I think about the weird poeple who drink something like cognac with a meal, ew ew ew ew ew I'd vomit just smelling the alcohol. ~shudders~

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I like (good) wine, and sometimes a nice single malt whiskey.. but i don't drink on a regular basis, and i rarely get drunk (but, well, it does happen, maybe 2 or 3 times a year, but never to the extend that i can't remember what i have done ;) ). Even though i am German, i don't drink much beer :P .

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the perception towards drinking is that it's more dangerous socially than smoking.

That's not my perception at all. I consider smoking much more dangerous. That is assuming the people drinking are doing so responsibly. There's really no way to smoke 'responsibly' if you ask me. Just my opinion though.

I'm not a great drunk, I think. I said I-love-you to someone I didn't, and loudly talked shite about my ex-lover in front of my roommates. I'm not too sure about either, because I don't really remember, but I'm pretty sure I need to find someone like Kevin to get drunk with... i.e. pleasant, and fun. Haha! :funny:

Haha, I'm sure we'd have a grand time :P


So Kevin, when are you coming up to Dallas? I'm sure we would have some very fun drunken times!

I'm sure we would, lol! I hear there's a trip happening in a couple of months B)


Our lager,

Which art in barrels,

Hallowed be thy drink,

Thy will be drunk,

(I will be drunk),

At home as I am in the tavern.

Give us this day our foamy head,

And forgive us our spillages,

As we forgive those who spill against us,

and lead us not to incarceration,

But deliver us from hangovers,

For thine is the beer,

The bitter and the lager,

Forever and ever,


Oh I like that!


................showoff. :P If I could drink without ever getting a hangover or vomiting, sure, why not, I'd totally be an alcoholic. Sadly, though, with the amount of caffeine I consume on a daily basis I'm constantly not getting enough water, and vodka does terrible things to my body. I don't know why, but the worst hangovers are always vodka hangovers, and unless I drink tons upon tons of water in between, I'm gonna feel like a truck ran me over the next day.

Caffeine is toxic! I know I'm always going on about this, but, especially in large quantities, it's really bad for you! However, please don't try to quit/cut back significantly right now because it'll make not smoking a lot harder ;)


Anyway, you're right. Some of my only bad experiences with alcohol have involved vodka.


It's surprising that no one's mentioned marijuana.

Discussions of marijuana and other illegal substances aren't really well-suited to the forums. They're very controversial and can easily lead to things getting out of hand.


However, you do make some really good points with regards to the legalization as well as the social trends. Might I suggest we continue the conversation in the Soap Box? We already have a thread, Cannabis debate that would probably be suitable. It's a little easier to discuss difficult issues there. ;)


Oh, and EW! How can you drink alcohol with a meal?!?! Okay, wine, MAYBE, but when I think about the weird poeple who drink something like cognac with a meal, ew ew ew ew ew I'd vomit just smelling the alcohol. ~shudders~

Alcohol is great with meals! The majority of the time I have wine it's with some kind of meal or snack. Occasionally I drink it by itself but not often (unless I've already finished the food and just want to have another glass). Margaritas are also incredible with food! So are coffee/alcohol combinations and mudslides. Beer is even quite tasty with certain types of food. It's really all about knowing how to pair them effectively :)


Anyway, my favourite alcoholic beverage at the moment would probably be a cosmopolitan and I have to admit I do much prefer drinking it on its own, but most of the others are okay with certain types of food. Of course I'm not one of those people that mixes alcohol with soda, I just don't like it that way (well I don't like soda), so maybe that would taste bad with food, I wouldn't really know. I also don't drink beer very often, only once in a great while, and I don't think I would like it with very many foods, but it is good with some (you haven't lived if you haven't had a good, ice-cold budlight and a plate of spicy, boiled crawfish!)




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I agree, but it's best to just make a cosmo :P

Cranberry sour is even better.


It dulls out the vodka flavour.


Sometimes I just don't want to be tasting it or I'll get drunk too fast...especially during a wedding banquet. :P

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It's particularly interesting to compare drinking to smoking. It seems that there's more smokers than drinkers here, at least. I wonder if it's cultural? i.e. the perception towards drinking is that it's more dangerous socially than smoking. At least smokers don't lose mental function during chainsmoking. I guess alcohol and cigarettes serve different functions in the satisfaction of our "vices."


Smokers don't lose mental function during chainsmoking, they lose it before chainsmoking, that's why they're doing it in the first place. And while doing so, they're horrible to be with, carcinogenic, stinking, etc.


I'm not a great drunk, I think. I said I-love-you to someone I didn't, and loudly talked shite about my ex-lover in front of my roommates. I'm not too sure about either, because I don't really remember, but I'm pretty sure I need to find someone like Kevin to get drunk with... i.e. pleasant, and fun. Haha! :funny:


Lol yeah those are the reasons that one is more wary of drinking than smoking -- an ex-classmate of mine fell off a roof and died while drunk, so of course it's dangerous -- it's bad enough when you wake up the next mornign and have no idea what you've done or said. Harhar... But it's also kind of ...good, to be drunk, though as you say you need the right company, on one's own it's just pathetic.


I used to get drunk fairly frequently when I was at the uni, but now I don't care for the hangovers anymore... So I just let myself get nicely tipsy, which can be bad enough the day after. Wine is good with food, and beer is good to get tipsy on when you go out. Czech, Austrian, or Irish beer, preferably.


Anyway in vino veritas, sometimes; I'd say your ex-lover deserved your talking shite. :P

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That's not my perception at all. I consider smoking much more dangerous. That is assuming the people drinking are doing so responsibly. There's really no way to smoke 'responsibly' if you ask me. Just my opinion though.


True, smoking is more dangerous health-wise. But the image of drinking that's been planted deep into the American cultural subconsciousness is quite negative. You get drunken husbands beating wives, reckless teenagers, etc. Needless to say, nothing of that sort is associated with smoking, although that's certainly changed in the last decade or so. The negative perception of drinking is probably a cause of and reason behind the temperance movement in the early 20th century, which resulted, among other things, the rise of gangs in Chicago -- if you couldn't get booze lawfully, you'd just have to go the unlawful routes. ;)



Lol yeah those are the reasons that one is more wary of drinking than smoking -- an ex-classmate of mine fell off a roof and died while drunk, so of course it's dangerous -- it's bad enough when you wake up the next mornign and have no idea what you've done or said. Harhar... But it's also kind of ...good, to be drunk, though as you say you need the right company, on one's own it's just pathetic.


Ouch about the defenestration... wait, that's out a window. Eh. Horrible anyway. But yes, getting drunk -- or highly tipsy -- in the right company is great. :D

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I voted either three or four.. I can't remember. (I voted a few days ago.. I'm not drunk).


I generally don't drink much... well relatively, compared to the guys in my house/building at least. Usually only once a week, and most times that is only enough to get me to the drunk side of tipsy. Occasionally I'll go out and blow

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:( .........Sadly, I drink way too much daily

How can you say that ? :blink:

Too much comparing to what ?

A little bit of alcohol in blood is the best way to prevent heart attack, specially in your age :P

And better, my advise : 2 or 3 times a week, wine during meals, a good brandy (Armagnac or cognac) at the end and a Chivaz as a night cap.

The only main point : don't drink "cheap". Good alcohols are expensive. If you can't buy them, wait till you have earned enough.

And take care...

Old bob

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Well, I've decided that I shall only be drinking two more times in the next two months. Next week for a friend's birthday and then perhaps again if/when I go to the GA convention (not because I expect it to be an alcohol filled event, simply because I'll consider it a 'vacation' and I wouldn't deprive myself in any way on a vacation. So if I feel like a glass of wine at dinner, or if we go to clubs/bars, I may have a couple). Apart from that though I don't intend to drink any other alcohol until June. I picked June because it's another friend's birthday as well as Pride. Pride comes first, so until the Pride festivities.


Anyway, It's mostly just a whim and a desire to lower my alcohol tolerance. Not to mention save a little extra money (I tend to enjoy fancy, expensive drinks :*) ).


I'll let you all know how I do. I don't expect any setbacks though since several times in my life since my teens I've elected to swear off alcohol completely for periods of time ranging from two years to a couple of weeks. Plus I just finished having cheese and crackers, which would have been one of the most tempting times to add a glass of wine. Instead I opted for herbal iced tea :)

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I put down 2 for my answer, but I think that doesn't really cover me at all.


I don't drink very often, maybe once a month, but when I do drink I generally try to get really really drunk.

I usually succeed. ^_^

Sounds like you're an average high schooler :P:boy:


Drink responsibly, no driving or riding with people who've been drinking, and be safe!

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Smokers don't lose mental function during chainsmoking, they lose it before chainsmoking, that's why they're doing it in the first place. And while doing so, they're horrible to be with, carcinogenic, stinking, etc.




...................you know, we don't like you either! And SOME tobacco smoke is extremely pleasant to be around, though cigarettes are not in that category. Plus, if you have polite smoker friends, they tend to stay downwind on purpose. If the smokers can deal with all of the other people's social annoyances, then they can deal with smokers.

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...................you know, we don't like you either! And SOME tobacco smoke is extremely pleasant to be around, though cigarettes are not in that category. Plus, if you have polite smoker friends, they tend to stay downwind on purpose. If the smokers can deal with all of the other people's social annoyances, then they can deal with smokers.


...so how's the quiting going, Jamie? :boy:

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...................you know, we don't like you either! And SOME tobacco smoke is extremely pleasant to be around, though cigarettes are not in that category. Plus, if you have polite smoker friends, they tend to stay downwind on purpose. If the smokers can deal with all of the other people's social annoyances, then they can deal with smokers.


lol, I agree that pipe smoke can be pleasant.


I also have some very good friends whom I respect who smoke -- but... while they're smoking they're still making the air around them carcinogenic, no matter how much I like and respect them. And smoking isn't only a social problem, it's a medical one, you're risking the lives of people around you.


Of course smoking is fine if you do it on your own.

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lol, I agree that pipe smoke can be pleasant.

Its also my opinion, but this was already brought in another topic about tobacco ! :D

As I was said then, I smoke pipe (and only pipe) since years, without any health problem in this matter B) .

(see my personal photo in my profile :D )

The only problem with pipes is all the work you have to do, to choose them (I'm the happy owner of 8 different pipes !), choose the right tobacco, clean the pipe before and after smoking, using a real stock of tools....

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I've discovered that I rather like this really nice Rum. It's just the right blend of flavors that I'm looking for without being overbearing. But beyond a glass of that every so often, now days, I don't really drink.

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Its also my opinion, but this was already brought in another topic about tobacco ! :D

As I was said then, I smoke pipe (and only pipe) since years, without any health problem in this matter B) .

(see my personal photo in my profile :D )

The only problem with pipes is all the work you have to do, to choose them (I'm the happy owner of 8 different pipes !), choose the right tobacco, clean the pipe before and after smoking, using a real stock of tools....


Isn't that supposed to be the nice thing about pipes? That it's a whole hobby of its own. ;)


Anyway, cool with eight pipes!! What kind of alcohol goes with smoking a pipe, whisky? Or something else? (Thinking of Captain Haddock here...)

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Isn't that supposed to be the nice thing about pipes? That it's a whole hobby of its own. ;)

Anyway, cool with eight pipes!! What kind of alcohol goes with smoking a pipe, whisky? Or something else? (Thinking of Captain Haddock here...)

Sure ! "Chivas Regal" (12 years old, the 18 years is too expensive for me) or an old "Four Roses" (I like Bourbon whisky), or after lunch or dinner some brandy, Cognac, Armagnac or Calvados (an apple brandy from the French r

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I'm an Australian teen, so I would have selected 5 if possible...


But I've definitely gotten over the whole get hammered for the sake of it phase that mostly everyone I know went through, generally from ages 15-17.


Legal drinking age here is 18 and I can safely say that since about 80% of my friends are 18 this year, I will be getting very drunk fairly often :P


I don't really drink to get drunk these days, it's more going to parties, knowing I will drink, and just accpeting that I will pass out later on as an inevitability :P


But I do love my beer, and when I get going cannot be stopped, stereotpye/

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