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My perfect kiss was actually with my first with my girlfriend. It was after a date, moonlight picnic, camping and then movies the next day, and after she dropped my off...

A perfect kiss can come in many different ways and times. It has to be with someone special who you feel for and who feels for you. It has to mean something to the both of you. It can be anywhere and at any time, but the best kiss in my opinion is the one after you've both said 'I love you' for the first time and truely meant it.

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Hmm, kissing is just a small part of showing affection. I honestly couldn't describe the perfect kiss, but over all the favorite kisses have come with David. As what makes the kiss perfect really? I mean I could be in an unexpected rain storm after a bus sprayed water all over a very expensive outfit and if David walked up and laid one on me I'd think it the most perfect kiss. So it doesn't really matter about the time and place or whatever, but the person it does.. a lot. :)

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Perfect kiss requires two people good at kissing. In my experience, three out of four guys are horrible kissers.


Eh but they could get better if another guy would teach them, in a way, some might need some guidence, also need to watch and feel what feels best etc.


some not experience could learn.

Edited by Drewbie
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The perfect kiss, is the quiet romantic one that happens after you've finally decided that you're comfortable enough with yourselves and others to hold hands. And you see something awkward on the tv like someone just like you two and you both find yourselves licking your lips and moving closer to each other and hesitating, but then you shy away. But then something inside of you clicks and you realize that you want to be with this person, damn the consequences. So you move a little closer do the little cheesy arm thing only to have them lean in first and then suddenly you find yourself utterly intimate with the person, inside of them without penetration, without permission, battle for control, yet appeased when you don't have it. And then you pull away for a second and you want to do it all over again, but instead you smile for a second and go back to your side of the couch.


That's prety perfect for me.

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What makes the perfect kiss?


Is the the place, time, person, what their wearing, or even how they smell..........

I think all these things are very individualized and will vary a great deal depending on the circumstances, time, place, setting, etc.


Perfect kiss requires two people good at kissing. In my experience, three out of four guys are horrible kissers.

Unfortunately I'm inclined to agree for the most part, but perhaps I'll be more optimistic and say that only 2 out of 5 are hopeless, 2 out of 5 are great, and the other guy can get better with practice/instruction. :boy:


In my experience the two worst 'kissing sins' are simply bad taste/breath and being too passive.


Unfortunately I've kissed more than a couple of really cute guys with with uncute breath. Perhaps it's my poor sense of smell, but I rarely notice or even have a hint until I'm kissing them, and then suddenly it's like, "Whoa!". Personally, I don't particularly care for the guy to have a 'taste' at all. I just want it to be fresh, and mostly neutral. My advice: good oral hygiene and drink plenty of water. When it comes to my breath I don't watch what I eat and drink at all, but I've always been complimented on my breath and I rarely ever find my mouth feeling 'icky' or nasty. I attribute this to drink insane amounts of water :P I never take a bite or sip of anything without chasing it with water. This is because I don't like for the taste to linger in my mouth. I like a fresh palate. :)


The other big thing I've found is that too many people are too passive. It's like they're enjoying the kiss, but all they want to do is open their mouth and let you figure out the rest. I like someone that kisses back enthusiastically and keeps me on my toes...actually I probably shouldn't have brought up toes at all.


A few good experiences:


One of my best kisses was also my first proper kiss. The guy completely took me off guard. We were just standing there talking, and the next thing I knew he was kissing me. The element of surprise definitely worked in his favour. Of course prior to that (and since then :unsure: ) a few other people had tried to kiss me unexpectedly and it wasn't appreciated at all. So it definitely came down to the fact that not only was I surprised and caught off guard, but I also liked and was attracted to the guy.


Some of the best making out I ever did was with an ex. It went on so long my tongue was sore! I think the key thing was that we were both really into it, and each other, and there was a really good balance of energy and passion. Conversely some of the worst kissing I ever did was with a different ex, and this definitely came down with him being way too passive (well, I guess to be fair, all it meant was that we weren't compatible in this way, and either I was too aggressive or had the wrong expectations/desires for the situation).


The perfect kiss, is the quiet romantic one that happens after you've finally decided that you're comfortable enough with yourselves and others to hold hands. And you see something awkward on the tv like someone just like you two and you both find yourselves licking your lips and moving closer to each other and hesitating, but then you shy away. But then something inside of you clicks and you realize that you want to be with this person, damn the consequences. So you move a little closer do the little cheesy arm thing only to have them lean in first and then suddenly you find yourself utterly intimate with the person, inside of them without penetration, without permission, battle for control, yet appeased when you don't have it. And then you pull away for a second and you want to do it all over again, but instead you smile for a second and go back to your side of the couch.


That's prety perfect for me.


Well, that's never exactly been my fantasy, but you certainly described it in an incredibly appealing way!


Just my thoughts,


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