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Racial attraction


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  1. 1. Who are you generally attracted to?

    • Members of my own race
    • Members of another race
    • Both equally

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i'm attracted to whites mostly, but honestly that's most likely because that's what 98% of the people around me are.


i find a lot of blacks attractive.


also, i find people who are partially asian to be really good looking, which is weird because i don't think i've been attracted to someone who was entirely asian.


by and large, i also tend to go for italians one way or another.

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The word comes from the latin term mule, which is the result of the breeding of a donkey and a horse, so when you use that term, you're calling someone a mule. Slave owners were the ones who made up the phrase. People stopped using that word in 1930, if it was too offensive to use in 1930 and that was 35 years before the civil rights acts, then it's really outdated today.

Not to quibble, in fact I agree with you about the term having negative connotations, but just because something was once offensive or has offensive origins doesn't mean it necessarily has to remain so. Take the word "Queer" for example (which incidentally I do dislike, and personally avoid using or referring to myself as). It has fairly negative origins (you were basically calling gays "strange" or "odd") and it was definitely a very negative word for a long time. Nowadays it's much more acceptable.




Regarding this word, I think it depends on where you grew up. I actually heard the word several times growing up, and I'm a bit surprised that others haven't. However, I grew up in the deep south, so maybe that's why. In the ways in which I typically heard it used it wasn't meant in an explicitly offensive way, though I concede it still wasn't politically correct.


In any case, I wouldn't use it. With many things I avoid saying or doing them because I know they are offensive to some people even if they aren't offensive to me. With this particular word I wouldn't use it primarily because I do find it moderately offensive myself AND have no desire to use it. So I'm not trying to overly defend it by any means.


by and large, i also tend to go for italians one way or another.

I hope this doesn't offend any Italians (after all this whole thread is about ethnic and racial tastes and preferences, and here's a good example of someone who likes Italians), but personally I find them to be one of the least attractive ethnicities of white people. I find the Scandinavian look a lot more attractive. Generally I like the fairer complected white people. I like a good looking tan guy, but ideally I still like him with light hair and eyes, and primarily I don't want him hairy. Lots of white people with dark hair and eyes I do find very attractive, but with Italians there's too big a 'risk' that they'll be hairy. I also don't generally like the facial structure or body type/build.


Anyway, this isn't definitive by any means. As I said, I'm open to all sorts of people of any race or ethnicity. For me it's a case by case basis first and foremost :)

Edited by AFriendlyFace
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I really don't have a preference when it comes to dating, but after thinking about it and coming across this thread, ive dated mainly hispancs and whites.


But then again, there is one guy that I like around here and he's cute and a milano (black and white mixed together incase you don't know the term) and his eyes are amazingly deep and has a great personality :)

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Paler skin tones turn my head, regardless of ancestry. I'm even put off by whites with tans.


On the other hand, pale skin tones with dark hair get my motor revving.


I know that for me ancestry is not an issue because I've had other people ask tactless questions of the people I was dating and I had to confess I hadn't even noticed.


I even got into an argument with another member of my family over a woman I was seeing. All I knew was that she had lovely dark hair, black eyes and beautiful skin. To them, she was Native (a no-no with some facets of my gene pool). I hadn't noticed.

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I really don't have a preference when it comes to dating, but after thinking about it and coming across this thread, ive dated mainly hispancs and whites.

Upon reflection I realized just how many Asians I've been with. The more surprising thing to me though was that in terms of numbers I've actually seen more Hispanics than whites or blacks. Of course I attribute that to my location and my general non-biased approach to dating, sex, and romance. For these reasons alone I think I'll make a slight effort to date a Caucasian or African American the next time. Don't want to fall into the same old patterns and miss something great. On the other hand if a terrific Asian or Latino comes around I certainly won't say "sorry, you guys have had your turn" :lol:

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I have more of a physical and age criteria than racial. If we are speaking strictly about the body and not the important stuff, such as personality, demeanor, behavior, boy scout and 4H member qualities, I can't think of a race that I have found unattractive.


I do have a fondness for Asians--Thais specifically. But then I'm baised as my BF is Thai. :D

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I have more of a physical and age criteria than racial. If we are speaking strictly about the body and not the important stuff, such as personality, demeanor, behavior, boy scout and 4H member qualities, I can't think of a race that I have found unattractive.


I do have a fondness for Asians--Thais specifically. But then I'm baised as my BF is Thai. :D

I agree, Steven. My main physical preferences are more physical criteria than racial. On the other hand some of that is, as a result, indirectly associated with race. For example Asians tend to have little body hair and often have a smaller build. Since a smooth body and small build are both physical preferences of mine it's no surprise that I'm often attracted to Asians. However, I find smooth, slender, average-to-shorter guys of all races about equally attractive based on those characteristics alone. Indeed blonds with these characteristics really turn my head :wub:

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  • 2 months later...
I agree, Steven. My main physical preferences are more physical criteria than racial. On the other hand some of that is, as a result, indirectly associated with race. For example Asians tend to have little body hair and often have a smaller build. Since a smooth body and small build are both physical preferences of mine it's no surprise that I'm often attracted to Asians. However, I find smooth, slender, average-to-shorter guys of all races about equally attractive based on those characteristics alone. Indeed blonds with these characteristics really turn my head :wub:


For me attraction is , its height then a smooth bod , and then how its built , lastly , having a good character.


Too bad for me ... mr right not cross my path ... those at my height ... be too young for me :(

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  • 4 months later...

To whom one is attracted is NEVER, EVER wrong.


To whom one is MORE attracted, can be a fun learning experience.


Generally, I am attracted to hairy guys. They hairier they are, the more, uhm, unbecoming my behavior...


I was at a nude beach once and an extremely hairy black man asked to put his blanket near mine. I quickly had to flip onto my stomach! But he smelled SO good, I just couldn't get enough of him. We were partners for almost 10 years before he died of AIDS.


What attracts us to a person should never be a source of shame. It's actually kind of fun. Most of my friends know that hairy guys or nice smelling guys unhinge me, so they're constantly trying to get me into situations where I simply cannot be held responsible for my actions...


There are so many good looking guys of every race and description! How can anyone narrow down their choices? Gadz, I need blinders when I leave the house! Other than hairiness, I tend to like men with big eyes and big smiles and thick, lushes hair styles. Everyone says I'm crazy but for me, hairy knuckles trump six-pack abs. What can I say?


Don't question if the attraction is right or wrong, good or bad! Just enjoy the feeling!

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  • 11 months later...

My problem with my race is that they are so short, I'm Mexican - American and most of the gay guys I've been around who are mexican-american, are like 5'6 - 5'8. I'm above average at 6'0. I hate having to bend down for boyfriends/girlfriends. My last girlfriend was 5'10. XD I like people tall.


Anyways most of the guys I'm attracted to happen to be Caucasian, but mainly the ones who tan. Too pale can be a turn off (just don't tan too much like the Jersey Shore people), most of the hot guys I've seen are at raves, they just love taking their shirts off when its hot. And I don't know what is in the caucasian gene pool, but the one's I've been around are like 5'9-6'2. Love it! I also have a huge attraction with dark haired guys with blue eyes. I've never really been attracted to any other race. Just Caucasian and a few from my own race. Every now and then we get a little hot Latin fever. Love Brazilian's.

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I think that its interesting to note that serial killers almost never kill outside their own race. When they do kill outside their race, it is either an accident, mistaken idenity or because they are about to be discovered.

Watch Dexter? Awesome show. I can't think of any significant killings outside his own race that weren't motivated by being found out...


I don't think it's wrong to be racially specific in whom you are attracted to. You can't help what you are and aren't attracted to.


Some people like hairy, others smooth...tall others short, boy next doorblond hair/blue eyes others nerdy/pale/thin as a stick.


Race is just another factor for some people.

I kind get what you're saying but I think for some people it's not even 'race' but the physical features that race produces. For example, I don't like flat-bridged noses (even on caucasians!!) so that rules out a lot of members of a lot of other races (i.e. Asian, African American etc.) I don't like freckles or thin lips on guys so that rules out a few very white races (ie. Scottish, Irish etc.) Generally this leads to an attraction to caucasian/mixed guys. I don't think 'race' is even a factor here (physically at least; obviously personality/cultural similarities may sway me more towards caucasian guys).


EDIT: Though it wasn't until the end of high school that I saw anyone of a different race so that might be a contributor to my selection of features.


Not to be a thread nanny but NO ONE uses the word mulatto anymore in english, bi-racial is the preferred term.

I didn't even know what "mulatto" meant :blink:

Edited by writeincode
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Just found this thread and I have to say that what I am attracted to is beauty... and not just on the outside. If someone is beautiful then I will appreciate them no matter what race they are.


I find that many Africans are strinking and astonishingly beautiful, and Asian men, especially those with long blue black hair are not safe in the same room with me. Mediterranean types with curly black hair and flashing white teeth are of course any woman's wet dream. Scandinavial blondes with icy blue eyes and sexy accents make me go weak and as for Russians... all they have to do is talk. Arabic men are dreamy and ... well okay you get the message. My taste in men is truly international.


As for women... Mediterranean goddesses with long flowing hair and flashing eyes... Asian beauties with black eyes and soft curves... scandinavian valkieries and soft peachy british country girls... Irish colleens and Scottish highland lasses... oh lust how diverse are your tastes.


In short... If I am attracted to someone the colour of their skin, their accent (although it helps if it's sexy) or their culture means absolutely nothing to me.

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Not to be a thread nanny but NO ONE uses the word mulatto anymore in english, bi-racial is the preferred term.

I didn't even know what "mulatto" meant :blink:


That would depend on where and who you are... and it simply means of mixed Caucasian, Hispanic or African-American blood.

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As an asian myself, I kinda am a self-fulfilling stereotype, in that I would consider myself a potato/dairy/[insert other clever food items here =P] queen. I remember a long time ago talking to my best friend (she's also asian btw) about our physical attractions in men. Apparently, we both had the strongest attractions to white men with an extreme dislike in asians. Since then, I've noticed this 'yellow fever' phenomenon, where quite a few of my asian friends were dating white guys. I spent many a countless nights wondering why so many asians, myself included, were more inclined to be physically attracted to caucasians compared to asians. In my own personal case, I discovered an interesting correlation. I'm not sure if it's a psychological, social, cultural influence, or a combination of all three.


Growing up, I hated being asian and gay. It just meant being different from everyone else. With asians only making up only 4% of the US population and gays with an estimated 2-3%, I was in the extreme minority, compared to the majority- namely, white and straight. So when you look the guys that I tend to be attracted to, they're interestingly enough masculine white guys. Moreover, I always hated being the stereotypically skinny asian, and of course I'm attracted to well-built fellas. So I'm wondering if it may be that my mind is subconsciously being attracted to the type of man that I always wished I could be, but can't. Plus, with the media always depicting muscular, white men as the general norm may also have an influence with my white-perfectionist-complex.


With that being said, to say that I only consider race as the single factor in guys would be way too narrow-minded. I have seen cute guys who were african-american, latino, and *gasp* even asian. But the fact is, I naturally am more inclined to find a white man more attractive. And to some, it may seem racist. But imo, I need to disagree. Racism is too negative of a word to be used here in this context. There's such a malicious connotation when it comes to racism, and by no means am I hating anyone based on their color of their skin. I just happened to naturally prefer some over others, and if this whole psychological/social/cultural/whatever theory might be true, I can't help but be the product of my environment. That's how the cards fall, I guess... =/


Yet in the end, whether he'll be white, black, brown, yellow, blue, green, purple polka-dotted, if I meet the right guy, then hey... whatever =)


But that's just me though =P

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Pretty much, I'm just attracted to caucasians, both for girls and guys. Thats about it really. I'm not against other races, its just 99% of the time, I dont find people of non-white races to be attractive. I'm not particularly attracted to aryans, usually going for the black haired dudes. Aryan girls are where the parties at though :P


I've always found a severe repulsion from people of my own race (I mean repulsion in the sense of like magnets, pushing away from like poles, not in the sense of them being disgusting/repulsive :P) No idea why.

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Racism is that little slice of DNA that warns you that the Mongols are going to burn your village and steal your goats.


Understanding that this is built into EVERYBODY is key to getting past it.



I never thought of that. I have always been aware that a lot of the behavour and indeed physical characteristics of humans, races, genders etc... such as men tending to be long sighted (for hunting mammoth) and women tending to be short sighted (for gathering berries) and that women have better colour definition (to differentiate between good and poisonous berries) etc but I hadn't thought of this particular one... thanks James

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