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Worst Date(s)


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I met this guy named Norman at a bookstore (LGBT fiction section) who agreed to go out on a date with me. I thought I had just struck gold. Wrong. Instead, it was the worse date ever. I didn't want to talk to him since, because he was really obnoxious, rude, and arrogant.


He seemed nice initially - he offered to pull out a seat for me at a dinner table and place my forearm crutches against the wall. :wub: Sweet, wasn't it? No. Sitting down across him turned out to be a mistake. He talked about his personal life which was pretty ok till he became impatient with our meal. I thought he was going to tear the poor waitress apart. :wacko: He seemed pretty annoyed with the waitress when she served us our meals. He didn't bother to even say a thank you. Then, he boasted about his future job as an actor. He asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up, and I told him I wanted to become a teacher or an author. He laughed. Yep, he laughed and I felt an urge to slap him. :angry:

"Don't you want a career in business?" he asked. I wanted to ask him why he chose acting as a career.

That wasn't the worst part. The worst part was when he questioned my English language ability. He didn't seem to believe I could write. He asked me if English was my first language. When I said yes, he went on and said, "Oh, I mean, no offense, but I thought since you're Asian, I assume English's not your native language." Maybe I was being sensitive... but that was, to me, pretty much an insult. Sure I speak Japanese and Mandarin, but those aren't my native language. When it came to my turn to talk about my personal life, he kept interrupting me. "Oh, I had that similar experience... You know (blabber blabber blabber)." All I could do was smile at him.

(Oh, need I say that he talked really really slowly to me, as if I couldn't understand him. UGH!)


After dinner, he sent me home and gave me a kiss on my cheek. When he asked me if we could go out on a date again, I told him we just met, and he became really frustrated. I sent him a text message, telling him about how I feel.

"I think you're a nice guy, but I need time before starting a relationship with you."

"Don't worry, I'm not a rice queen." That message, strangely, made me depressed for an entire week.


Have you ever dated someone who was weird or eccentric or ignorant? What was your worst date like?

Edited by jovian_w2002
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I met this guy named Norman at a bookstore (LGBT fiction section) who agreed to go out on a date with me. I thought I had just struck gold. Wrong. Instead, it was the worse date ever. I didn't want to talk to him since, because he was really obnoxious, rude, and arrogant.


He seemed nice initially - he offered to pull out a seat for me at a dinner table and place my forearm crutches against the wall. :wub: Sweet, wasn't it? No. Sitting down across him turned out to be a mistake. He talked about his personal life which was pretty ok till he became impatient with our meal. I thought he was going to tear the poor waitress apart. :wacko: He seemed pretty annoyed with the waitress when she served us our meals. He didn't bother to even say a thank you. Then, he boasted about his future job as an actor. He asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up, and I told him I wanted to become a teacher or an author. He laughed. Yep, he laughed and I felt an urge to slap him. :angry:

"Don't you want a career in business?" he asked. I wanted to ask him why he chose acting as a career.

That wasn't the worst part. The worst part was when he questioned my English language ability. He didn't seem to believe I could write. He asked me if English was my first language. When I said yes, he went on and said, "Oh, I mean, no offense, but I thought since you're Asian, I assume English's not your native language." Maybe I was being sensitive... but that was, to me, pretty much an insult. Sure I speak Japanese and Mandarin, but those aren't my native language. When it came to my turn to talk about my personal life, he kept interrupting me. "Oh, I had that similar experience... You know (blabber blabber blabber)." All I could do was smile at him.

(Oh, need I say that he talked really really slowly to me, as if I couldn't understand him. UGH!)


After dinner, he sent me home and gave me a kiss on my cheek. When he asked me if we could go out on a date again, I told him we just met, and he became really frustrated. I sent him a text message, telling him about how I feel.

"I think you're a nice guy, but I need time before starting a relationship with you."

"Don't worry, I'm not a rice queen." That message, strangely, made me depressed for an entire week.


Have you ever dated someone who was weird or eccentric or ignorant? What was your worst date like?



:( ................What a F____G MORON!! Sorry, but you do not need to be depressed over this jerk. That 'worst date ' is going to be hard for someone to top here. <_< (no comments from the peanut gallery)

Edited by Benji
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:( ................What a F___G MORON!! Sorry, but you do not need to be depressed over this jerk. That 'worst date ' is gong to be hard for someone to top here. <_< (no comments from the peanut gallery)


I totall agree with Benji.

The guy should be erased from your memory.

I've met guys who've had some of the awful charactersitics you describe, but never met anyone with all of them. Instead of being depressed you should be happy because you know you can never have a worse date so you can look forward to better in future.



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Ugh yea, forget him Jovie, he's not worth anything. and don't loose hope on dating.


And so what obviously you can speak fine, and so what if a person has an accent or can speak a few languages, only thing I can think of when he said he's not a rice queen is that, he didn't just date ya cause he's only attracted to asians or seen you as a prize, still not a good way of saying it.



what kind of answer was that yuck. :hug:

Edited by Drewbie
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Thanks Guys. I've not spoken to him since our first date. Oh, and I've erased his number from the contact list on my mobile phone. Honestly, after receiving that message, I do feel a little bothered every now and then, but I have wonderful mates who have cheered me up (including you guys) :D . Thank you so much > :D <

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The SMS you got is the straw on the camel's back. I'm sure that were I I this guy's psychologist/ lawyer, I could find him tons of excuses. From your end he's just a jerk. Someone who moans and bitches at the waitress is a big no-no. Period. The racist slur in the SMS? You may move on to better people.


From the photo thread, you've got a great smile, so be the hot piece of cuteness you are, and go on trying, use the electronic media, which is a good way actually to move beyond physical appearance, and you'll get to meet guys whom you'll enjoy and make happy.

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Blah, that guy was a total tool! You deserve much better, and you'll find someone cooler to go on a date with. Dating basically means you'll wade through a lot of crap before finding someone decent. It's the crummy business of things. :D


But someone being rude to the waitress is a huge turnoff. Unless the service was bad, there was no reason to be mean. I like people who have something to say, but not when they're rambling about how great they are (when they're not all that.) Plus, laughing about what you wanted to do in the future? That's not right. Why did he ask in the first place if he was going to mock your answer? You should have swiftly kicked him in the balls under the table and said it was an accident. I would have done that. :lol:


As for that racist comment, it was stupid, immature, and uncalled for. I guess his ego was bruised when you didn't jump at the chance to date some future actor. GAG!


And WTF was that about, asking you if English was your native language? I know how you feel, because I get that all the time. Mostly older people who don't know any better and figure I'm some foreigner, but occasionally young people will assume I'm from abroad. Personally, I would have called him out on that fact and then walked out. I speak shitty Cantonese, so yeah, English is totally my first language and I hate when people make assumptions based on my race.


Go you for sticking the date out and being so polite about things. You're a good man, lol.

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The SMS you got is the straw on the camel's back. I'm sure that were I I this guy's psychologist/ lawyer, I could find him tons of excuses. From your end he's just a jerk. Someone who moans and bitches at the waitress is a big no-no. Period. The racist slur in the SMS? You may move on to better people.


From the photo thread, you've got a great smile, so be the hot piece of cuteness you are, and go on trying, use the electronic media, which is a good way actually to move beyond physical appearance, and you'll get to meet guys whom you'll enjoy and make happy.


Yeah, lol, but I have moved on, thank you :) I guess that experience has taught me a lesson - that guys at bookstores are not to be trusted... lol, nah, just kidding. I shouldn't be so bothered by what he said. These people are just plain nasty and mean and hopefully, I won't have to deal with them when I date in the near future. I have to choose my dates carefully :D .


Blah, that guy was a total tool! You deserve much better, and you'll find someone cooler to go on a date with. Dating basically means you'll wade through a lot of crap before finding someone decent. It's the crummy business of things. :D


But someone being rude to the waitress is a huge turnoff. Unless the service was bad, there was no reason to be mean. I like people who have something to say, but not when they're rambling about how great they are (when they're not all that.) Plus, laughing about what you wanted to do in the future? That's not right. Why did he ask in the first place if he was going to mock your answer? You should have swiftly kicked him in the balls under the table and said it was an accident. I would have done that. :lol:


As for that racist comment, it was stupid, immature, and uncalled for. I guess his ego was bruised when you didn't jump at the chance to date some future actor. GAG!


And WTF was that about, asking you if English was your native language? I know how you feel, because I get that all the time. Mostly older people who don't know any better and figure I'm some foreigner, but occasionally young people will assume I'm from abroad. Personally, I would have called him out on that fact and then walked out. I speak shitty Cantonese, so yeah, English is totally my first language and I hate when people make assumptions based on my race.


Go you for sticking the date out and being so polite about things. You're a good man, lol.


LOL, his ego was huge, so yeah, now that you've mentioned it, I guess I did "bruise" it hehehehe (malicious laughter) :P Serves him right for being so mean to that waitress and me. Seriously, I was so embarrassed just sitting with him in the restaurant. I felt like apologizing to that waitress on his behalf. He was a baby. LOL, cool! Cantonese is a dialect, right? hehehe, I think my father knows a little hehe. And I totally agree with what you're saying about our English Language ability. I have people talking to me really really slowly because they assume I'm from China - which I'm not. My dad's of Taiwanese descent while my mother's of Japanese descent! lol.


Thank you so so so much guys for cheering me up!!!!!

Edited by jovian_w2002
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Yeah, lol, but I have moved on, thank you :) I guess that experience has taught me a lesson - that guys at bookstores are not to be trusted... lol, nah, just kidding. I shouldn't be so bothered by what he said. These people are just plain nasty and mean and hopefully, I won't have to deal with them when I date in the near future. I have to choose my dates carefully :D .

Yes, bookstore guys cannot be trusted. They're there hunting for nice boys, when they're pretending to be all intellectual. :lol: They're probably holding up an Edgar Allen Poe collection book, while their eyes scan the area. :D


But seriously, don't be bothered by what he said. There are a lot of rude and obnoxious people out there, and it's better to just let their comments and behavior roll off your back. It's easier said than done. It takes some practice. You're still young, practice! And dating is a crummy trial and error process. You may run into a few more jerks, but that makes it so much better when you find someone good.


LOL, his ego was huge, so yeah, now that you've mentioned it, I guess I did "bruise" it hehehehe (malicious laughter) :P Serves him right for being so mean to that waitress and me. Seriously, I was so embarrassed just sitting with him in the restaurant. I felt like apologizing to that waitress on his behalf. He was a baby. LOL, cool! Cantonese is a dialect, right? hehehe, I think my father knows a little hehe. And I totally agree with what you're saying about our English Language ability. I have people talking to me really really slowly because they assume I'm from China - which I'm not. My dad's of Taiwanese descent while my mother's of Japanese descent! lol.


Thank you so so so much guys for cheering me up!!!!!

Yup, Cantonese is a dialect. I wish I knew mandarin and Japanese! I'd be all cool, spouting various languages. Maybe one of these days I can dedicate myself to learning.


The next time someone assumes you're from China, just stare at them blankly and start speaking Chinese. Create a scene, wave your arms, talk loudly! Or curse them out in one of your languages? I would do that, but I prefer just walking off. Or crank up my music. :D

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The next time someone assumes you're from China, just stare at them blankly and start speaking Chinese. Create a scene, wave your arms, talk loudly! Or curse them out in one of your languages? I would do that, but I prefer just walking off. Or crank up my music. :D

9 times out of 10 they wouldn't know Chinese if it hit them in the face, so you could get way with just making a bunch of noises and they would be none the wiser LOL. Maybe get a friend to make noises with you and appear to know what you're saying hahaha.

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9 times out of 10 they wouldn't know Chinese if it hit them in the face, so you could get way with just making a bunch of noises and they would be none the wiser LOL. Maybe get a friend to make noises with you and appear to know what you're saying hahaha.



:P ........That would be an absolute riot!! Get your friend to foam at the mouth!! :funny:

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9 times out of 10 they wouldn't know Chinese if it hit them in the face, so you could get way with just making a bunch of noises and they would be none the wiser LOL. Maybe get a friend to make noises with you and appear to know what you're saying hahaha.

Ahh, good one! :lol: That would be a good sketch comedy...a person jumping around talking gibberish (pretend Chinese), including wild gestures while a friend pretends to translate, looking extremely stern.


Jovian, do that! You'll get a nice laugh out of it. :D

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wow that sounds like a really really bad date. The only way that date could have gone better is if some hot guy was sitting at a table by himself watching you with your date and comes over and says "Hey wanna get lost?".


The Jerk was probably rude with the waiter and acting all big shottish to try and impress you. Like "Hey im a actor im going to have alot of money" He prolly is a waiter himself as that joke always goes that like every gay waiter is trying to become a actor.


Laughing at what you want to do for a living thats not cool at all. That just tells you right there that he wasnt the one. Because your future partner will say "A Writer?Cool! What do you right? Can i read some of your work?" or something like that.


I don't think anyone will be able to top this date off. Unless they like google Worst Date Stories.

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This reminds me of a date I once had.


It was shortly after I moved to Houston and I'd met this guy at Pride. I thought he was really cute so we traded numbers. So he calls me and asks me if I want to go with him to this comedy club. I accept.


So first off, shortly after we get there we're chatting with a couple of other guys, and they make some remark about find girls to sleep with (not really a polite remark), to which my date pulls me close and replies that "we don't need that we've got each other." Now I'm certainly not a fan of being in the closet, but that method of coming out struck me as overly confrontational and designed to make the straight guys uncomfortable (which it did). I also didn't care for the presumption that we'd be having sex later. I'm certainly no prude, but I didn't find it very romantic or thoughtful that he decided to announce his expectation of having sex with me to a room full of strangers (he didn't get any by the way ;) ).


Once the show started I became absolutely mortified...he began heckling the performers. To make matters even worse he was heckling the black performers with racist/semi-racist remarks :angry:


I'm about the least racist person I know, so this did not go over well at all. I eventually said that I wanted to leave (you know before everyone decided to jump the racist, white boy f****ts :unsure: )


After we left he spent the next hour or so talking about the ex he wasn't over. :thumbdown:



I guess that was perhaps my worst date. On the other hand, I foresee many years of dating ahead of me, so I'm optimistic that I'll eventually have one to top this :/

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Awww thanks guys hahaha :P I feel really mean putting his name up, lol.


Ahh, good one! :lol: That would be a good sketch comedy...a person jumping around talking gibberish (pretend Chinese), including wild gestures while a friend pretends to translate, looking extremely stern.


Jovian, do that! You'll get a nice laugh out of it. :D


LOL great idea rknapp! LOL. Haha, and Tiff, yep! I tried improvising at a supermarket before for an acting assignment a few years back haha, and we created a scene that got a little out of hand.


Anyways, Norman approached me when I was browsing the collection. He asked me if I was interested in any of those books and when I said yes, he questioned my sexuality. That was what started the whole dating thing. I thought he was a really really nice guy. I mean, he was dashing and he had "manners". Gosh, he evolved into godzilla during our date! LOL. The next time someone tries to ask me out when I browse at the gay section of the bookstore, I'm going to have to pay more attention to his gestures and body language.


wow that sounds like a really really bad date. The only way that date could have gone better is if some hot guy was sitting at a table by himself watching you with your date and comes over and says "Hey wanna get lost?".


The Jerk was probably rude with the waiter and acting all big shottish to try and impress you. Like "Hey im a actor im going to have alot of money" He prolly is a waiter himself as that joke always goes that like every gay waiter is trying to become a actor.


Laughing at what you want to do for a living thats not cool at all. That just tells you right there that he wasnt the one. Because your future partner will say "A Writer?Cool! What do you right? Can i read some of your work?" or something like that.


I don't think anyone will be able to top this date off. Unless they like google Worst Date Stories.


Yeah, unfortunately, of all the previous guys I dated, only 2 had worked out for me, lol. I used to be in a theatre school before my medical condition aggravated. Something to note here: some people in acting schools can be very conceited, and unless these people could change their behaviors, it'd be hard breaking into the entertainment industry. Being an actor is not all about money - it's about your commitment. I was not surprised when Norman told me he aspired to become an actor. He was committing a professional suicide when he was rude towards the waitress. I'm pretty sure if he appears on TV one day, she's going to boycott his films, because his boastfulness is just loathsome! I can imagine him dominating the film and the director lol.


So what if he had the looks. His attitude was just too distasteful. Sigh... I thought I had found my "true love", but who am I kidding LOL. At least, weirdly, I was pretty glad I put his nose out of joint, lol. I should have been direct with him, telling him off when I could, but I resisted, because I'm not that kind of person haha.

Edited by jovian_w2002
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This reminds me of a date I once had.


It was shortly after I moved to Houston and I'd met this guy at Pride. I thought he was really cute so we traded numbers. So he calls me and asks me if I want to go with him to this comedy club. I accept.


So first off, shortly after we get there we're chatting with a couple of other guys, and they make some remark about find girls to sleep with (not really a polite remark), to which my date pulls me close and replies that "we don't need that we've got each other." Now I'm certainly not a fan of being in the closet, but that method of coming out struck me as overly confrontational and designed to make the straight guys uncomfortable (which it did). I also didn't care for the presumption that we'd be having sex later. I'm certainly no prude, but I didn't find it very romantic or thoughtful that he decided to announce his expectation of having sex with me to a room full of strangers (he didn't get any by the way ;) ).


Once the show started I became absolutely mortified...he began heckling the performers. To make matters even worse he was heckling the black performers with racist/semi-racist remarks :angry:


I'm about the least racist person I know, so this did not go over well at all. I eventually said that I wanted to leave (you know before everyone decided to jump the racist, white boy f****ts :unsure: )


After we left he spent the next hour or so talking about the ex he wasn't over. :thumbdown:



I guess that was perhaps my worst date. On the other hand, I foresee many years of dating ahead of me, so I'm optimistic that I'll eventually have one to top this :/


Awwwww *gives you a big hug* Awwww, yeah, these people are just despicable. Racist comments are just uncalled for. EWWWW lol. If he thought he was better than the performers, he should have gone up on stage to perform (let's see who's the laughing stock, lol). And talking about his ex, wow, nice way to date someone haha. *Shudders*


But I'm glad you've moved on *hugs* and I'm really glad that you're optimistic about finding yourself a future bf. :D

Edited by jovian_w2002
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he was dashing and he had "manners".


Maybe he is a pretty good actor.


Fortunately for you, he gave up the act early on.


Somewhere (maybe on this site) I saw a list of signs of people to avoid. Being rude to one's restaurant server was right on the list.

Edited by glomph
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Maybe he is a pretty good actor.


Fortunately for you, he gave up the act early on.


Somewhere (maybe on this site) I saw a list of signs of people to avoid. Being rude to one's restaurant server was right on the list.


Yeah, it seemed to me as though he was a "pretty good" actor lol. And I agree with you, I dislike people who are rude. :P I knew our date was going downhill from the point he was rude to the waitress.


Thank you :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I once got somer dates from Asda and they were terrible! Deffinetaly the worst dates I have ever eaten.



Oh... you don't mean that type of date? Oh well.



Martin 0:)

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