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Real life gay romance


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Hi all,


So many of the stories around here deal with the gay romance of fictional characters. Yet, I know that many people around here have personal, true stories of very positive and inspiring romance. If not, I also know that many people around here at least have a friend or family member that might have a real life story of a happy, successful gay romance.


In any case, I was thinking it might be inspiring to many of our members, especially the ones who are either young and/or closeted, to hear about these positive, successful relationships. I also think they're lovely to hear in general, and it makes sense to have them all in one place :)


So, who has one they want to tell us about?




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I dont know if this is appropiate because while it didnt really lead to romance exactly, it is fairly romantic but whatever. True story:

(Actually I think I already posted this somewhere but oh well):


A long time ago (about 5 years), I fell pretty hard for this new boy at school. Mike was really hot and effortlessly cool and funny and athletic and I really liked him. So we became really good friends. Now at school I was part of the choir and I persuaded him to try out, which he did and was accepted. But because he had joined halfway through the school year, he didnt know any of the material and would need someone to help him catch up. That someone was obviously assigned to be me.


So Im at his house and were working on the material and after a while we somehow ended up making out. From then on we started sneaking around and slipping to each others houses when one of our parents werent home and just having fun. That continued for a few months until the end of the school year when I learned he wouldnt be staying in town for school next year, that he was flying back out to Chicago and I wasnt ever going to see him again (which, because he was moving into the high school and Id still be in middle school anyway the whole thing was moot but whatever).


So he moves away that summer and Im heart broken and I think about him all the time and blah blah blah.


4 years later Im a junior my high school choir and were flying out to Chicago for competition (You should see where Im going with this). So Im at the venue where were competing at and Im just hanging out in our assigned homeroom with the rest of my choir doing nothing. I walk out into the hall and see another group of choir people from some other high school. But then I realize that he is one of those choir people, talking with a few of his friends. And he looked even more gorgeous then I remembered. But its a movie moment, ya know - I see him, he sees me, run into each others arms (in front of his friends and my choir) and make out, the whole thing. We spent most of the day together making out and talking about our lives and then doing a little more then making out in an abandoned classroom and its all great.


While this story doesnt exactly have a happy ending for us two, seeing as how I came back from Chicago and he went to UIC, it was a nice ending for us individually. We do still keep in contact and last I heard, weve both met other people and are pretty happy.

Edited by Nerotorb
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I met a man in GA chat who I fell deeply in love with over the course of several weeks when our light flirtations turned to deeper conversations and various emotional break throughs. The trouble was that we were separated by some 1,100 miles and I was going to university while he had certain legal committments that prevented him from moving. A long distance relationship can only be kept together by airlines for so long, though, and eventually we ended up breaking up. I still care about him though, and if our circumstances changed, we'd probably be willing to get back together.

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