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Nyet Novelty's DOR Review - Chapter 20

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Nyet Novelty's DOR Review - Chapter 20


Well this was an interesting chapter. It continues the day-by-day events of the previous couple of chapters and will continue into the next few chapters (or so the :worship: Greatest Master Himself :worship: tells us).


Because the story flows seemlessly from one chapter to the next at this part of DOR, it is more difficult to comment on the storyline itself, or the content in general. But like a good lawyer does, so does a good reviewer. When you cannot argue the facts, then you argue the law. When you cannot discuss the storyline, you fall back on discussing the style.


And since the style has not varied from the DOR 18 review, there is not much point in discussing that either.


So the final ploy is to appeal to the jury and try and promote the good guy image. Accordingly, this nyet reviewer will entertain you, the nyet review readers, with some glorious insights into what happens in DOR 20.


[How's that for a neatly annular argument!]


In DOR 20, Brian and Davey have their first meaningful conversation in this time line, but things are not quite as rosy as Davey might have hoped. Then again, things have generally been screwed up for him this time around. Knowing the fascination of our :worship: Beloved Author :worship: for screwing with his readers' minds, you can reasonably expect this screwing around to continue in the near future.


A lot happens in this chapter. It happens in three major parts.


The first major part is Davey informing the President about Sean, and hearing his reaction and thoughts on the whole thing. In turn the President gives Davey some things to think over. He knows Davey well enough to know that it'll take more than a direct order to get either him or Sean to cooperate in building another time machine.


Duty only extends so far, unless of course you are in the Soviet armed forces and ordered to contain Chernobyl. Anyone looking for the real start of the final rundown of the Soviet Union should consider the singularity of that event and the ensuing horror which penetrated through all Soviet apparatchniks. That was the critical point which started the meltdown of the USSR. The Berlin Wall was the later manifestation of this feeling of utter despondency. The problem of Soviet ennui may be picked up by our :worship: So Knowledgeable Author :worship: in some subsequent chapter.


The second major part was Davey talking with his father, and trying to set the stage to heal the rift between Davey and his mother. Will that ever heal? If Davey has something to say about it, you can be sure it will. Whatever the case, knowing our :worship: All Teasing Author :worship: like we all do, it won't be by the next chapter. That's for sure. :(


The third major part sees the reintroduction of Davey's 'friends' from the first Do Over story. Everyone's a little on edge, of course, but it seems they took things fairly well.


We know the next chapter will pick up almost exactly where this one left off. There was probably too much to cram into just one single chapter.


So, all the loyal reader can do is to importune :worship: His Imperial Authorship :worship: to post the rest of the chapters forming this continuous day-by-day account, much more rapidly than he normally would, until he comes to the next natural break in the narrative.


Thanks is given to :worship: His Danificence :worship: for ideas in this Nyet Review.


Incidentally, we look forward to the return of the Real Novelty for the next review. Failing that another Nyet Novelty Review may appear.


*gasp, quelle horreur!*


:D Primewordsmith

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