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A loss today


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That is definitely sad. We should all remember how she fought for gay rights and be thankful for her accomplishments. We must fight on in her memory and continue the fight.


By the way, I moved this thread, because I thought it was more appropriate for The Lounge. :)

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Truly a sad day for the GBLT movement. In fact, you could argue that the modern fight for gay right egan when Del and Phyllis teamed up with Harry Hay to work together for "homophile rights" back in the 1950s.


One poignant note: all the obituaries said: "Her wife Phyllis Lyon was at her bedside as she passed away" or words to that effect. They were a married couple for 55 years, legally recognized as one for less than one -- but that's a cosmic change from the past.

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Truly a sad day for the GBLT movement. In fact, you could argue that the modern fight for gay right egan when Del and Phyllis teamed up with Harry Hay to work together for "homophile rights" back in the 1950s.


It's sad that she's dead, but at least she saw the huge progress made and even lived long enough to benefit from the possibility of gay marriage. However, I think that the above quote is rather innaccurate. It is also very USA-centric. Here is a timeline:-



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This is subject that everybody will have their own views.


For me 6 am 4th July 1967 Leo Abse Sexual Offences Act, was the beginning, if a very limited beginning (decimalisation of homosexuals). It certainly was the most monumental event in my life. However, Leo Abse, had been campaigning since before 1961, and probably before then. George Thomas



I certainly do not agree with all of Leo Abse views and actions, but he is certainly the most influential and the real creator of our community, on this island.

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Del Martin died at the age of 87

she was one of the first true gay rights activists and she founded the Daughters of Bilitis


sad day for activists...

a very sad day


This is surely sad news that most won't hear about.

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