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I believe that people can heal the damage, with or without the other person's assistance. I may be wrong though, or - more likely - perhaps it depends on the particular person and the specific damage involved. In any case, this poem definitely does a good job in expressing the feelings that occur when the damage is fresh, or even when the damage is more scabbed over but still unhealed.


Oddly enough, if I were going to change anything about this piece it would be to move the first stanza to the very end and move the third stanza to the very beginning.


I think I feel that way because to me the unparallel nature of the last line of the first stanza with respect to the last line of every other stanza would make a stronger impact as the last line of the poem. It would sort of sum things up and deliver that final punch.


I also like the third stanza, but something about it's current placement feels a little off, like it decreases a bit in intensity instead of building to that powerful finish. It also actually seems fairly introductory to me. So all in all I'd personally prefer it at the beginning instead.


Of course, poetry is a deeply personal thing, and this is an excellent piece, and if it communicates your feelings as is, then it should definitely be left alone :)


Great job, Krista! :great:


Thanks for sharing this with us,



Edited by AFriendlyFace
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