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For those who have the Sci/Fi channel, they are planning a Star Trek marathon all day Thursday of TNG, Enterprise, and some of the movies to get us ready for the movie release.

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For those who have the Sci/Fi channel, they are planning a Star Trek marathon all day Thursday of TNG, Enterprise, and some of the movies to get us ready for the movie release.


Why did you tell us?


I am cursed with star trek!

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Unfortunately, I won't be able to watch that much of it. I've got to attend an all day annual training session so I can't take off work.

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For those who have the Sci/Fi channel, they are planning a Star Trek marathon all day Thursday of TNG, Enterprise, and some of the movies to get us ready for the movie release.

I love Star Trek but I detested Enterprise. I just never understood why they had to go backwards, they had such an opening after Voyager finished, it was such a waste. :(

That said, from the clips I've seen, the new movie looks kinda cool, even Kirk is a hottie....so bonus points. :D

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I love Star Trek but I detested Enterprise. I just never understood why they had to go backwards, they had such an opening after Voyager finished, it was such a waste. :(

That said, from the clips I've seen, the new movie looks kinda cool, even Kirk is a hottie....so bonus points. :D


Teen kirk or Young Adult Kirk? :D

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For any Brits reading this: I have just seen a trailer for Bring Back Star Trek. It goes out on Channel 4 on Saturday at 9pm. Justin Lee Collins is IMHO one of the funniest TV presenters around at the moment and If it

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Teen kirk or Young Adult Kirk? :D



Having seen a picture of Kirk in this new movie, I'd have to say wow. Much better than young Shatner. I never was a big fan of Kirk.


Personally I am more looking forward to seeing Simon Pegg (Scotty). I know, it's weird. But he's been on the top of my list of guys that I fancy yet don't know why for years.

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I love Star Trek but I detested Enterprise. I just never understood why they had to go backwards, they had such an opening after Voyager finished, it was such a waste. :(

That said, from the clips I've seen, the new movie looks kinda cool, even Kirk is a hottie....so bonus points. :D

Damnit Galahad! :P How can you detest Enterprise? Tell me what was wrong about it! (Don't you DARE mention the theme tune, that's not a valid argument!)


Yeah, he is quite easy on the eyes. Saying that, they're ALL quite easy on the eyes. (Except perhaps Scotty) ;)


For any Brits reading this: I have just seen a trailer for Bring Back Star Trek. It goes out on Channel 4 on Saturday at 9pm. Justin Lee Collins is IMHO one of the funniest TV presenters around at the moment and If it's anything like his other Bring Back programmes it's going to be a laugh.

Hopefully I'd have seen the movie by then, so I'd be ready to watch something like that!


(Chants) Bring Back Star Trek! Bring Back Star Trek!


I just hope he doesn't go and interview any of the eccentric fans. Anyone remember that film Trekkies?


Having seen a picture of Kirk in this new movie, I'd have to say wow. Much better than young Shatner. I never was a big fan of Kirk.


Personally I am more looking forward to seeing Simon Pegg (Scotty). I know, it's weird. But he's been on the top of my list of guys that I fancy yet don't know why for years.

I agree, Kirk wasn't on my list of favourites. Saying that, the Original Series was my least favourite out of them all. Not really sure why. But it isn't at the bottom any more!


Hehehe, I'm not that much a fan of Mr Pegg. :P

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Hopefully I'd have seen the movie by then, so I'd be ready to watch something like that!


(Chants) Bring Back Star Trek! Bring Back Star Trek!

I just hope he doesn't go and interview any of the eccentric fans. Anyone remember that film Trekkies?


I'm with you on that one. I have never seen trekkies, I don't think my cringe-omiter could take it. I once went to a Trek convention at the Albert Hall (just after Generations was released) with a couple of friends. I told them that if they show up with so much as a phaser I'd ditch them.


That said, I'm the geek who has a full size replica steel Bat'leth mounted on my wall. But I maintain that it's purely for self defence purposes. I pity the idiot who tries to burglarize me. I have it all planned, the first sign of a disturbance I'll grab my Bat'leth and run down stairs shouting "Heghlu'meh QaA jajvam" (today is a good day to die) at the top of my voice.



I agree, Kirk wasn't on my list of favourites. Saying that, the Original Series was my least favourite out of them all. Not really sure why. But it isn't at the bottom any more!



</FONT>Although I grew up watching the original Star Trek, I was never a big fan of it. Dr Who was/is more my thing. It was pretty much :TNG that got me into Star Trek.


Even now I find it hard to sit down and enjoy an episode of the original Star Trek. That said, without the original we could never have what followed. So I can't completely dismiss it. And I loved most of the films (although I doubt I'll live long enough to ever want to watch the fifth one again).


I'm not a big fan of Enterprise either. But, I wish it had been given a better time slot in the States, as I understand it they kept on moving it around, which is a sure fire way to kill a series off.


The thing is IMO the first three seasons of :TNG, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise were all fairly lame. Yes they all had the odd good episode here and there, but none of them were fantastic until their fourth season.


When Enterprise first aired I really didn't like it. As I said in a previous post, Star trek is about going forward not backwards. Each episode to me was just showing us why we have the prime directive. Okay, it had its good points. Malcolm for one, I loved that character, and some of the creatures in Dr Flox's sick bay were pretty cool :D . But that's about it. Then came season four. Wow! barely a duff episode. Unfortunately, by that time I think a lot of people stopped watching. I have quite a few friends who gave up on it. Even now I can't convince them to watch season 4.

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Darn, I want a Bat'leth, now! :D


The fifth one was the worst movie, hands down. The best was the second with Wrath of Kahn. Although, First contact was fun; it would have been number 1 if they just let Lt. Hawk say he was gay instead of putting it in scripts.


Dr. Who? :P


Watched the new series and the old ones for Dr. Who, it's a mix bag, too. I don't know, some of it I like, but others I could have done without.


For Star Trek, grew up on TNG and DS9, then became a teenager around Voyager. College was filled by Enterprise, which I hated to watch for the first two seasons, third season was okay, and fourth season was definitely good.


Enterprise wasn't even Star Trek title first, because it was just Enterprise for two seasons. You can say the series was non-canon.

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Darn, I want a Bat'leth, now! :D


Definitely the best thing I ever bought off of ebay. :D



The fifth one was the worst movie, hands down. The best was the second with Wrath of Kahn. Although, First contact was fun; it would have been number 1 if they just let Lt. Hawk say he was gay instead of putting it in scripts.


While I really liked Wrath of Khan, my favourite film is First Contact, closely followed by The Undiscovered Country.


Dr. Who? :P


Watched the new series and the old ones for Dr. Who, it's a mix bag, too. I don't know, some of it I like, but others I could have done without.


Not wishing to hijack this thread with Dr Who, I'll just say that although the classic series looks a bit ropey by today's standards, you have to remember that most of the effects were state of the art back when those episodes went out. The BBC special effects department was world renowned in its time and when it was closed up a lot of the effects team went on to be involved in big budget Hollywood films. Effects aside, most of the stories were pretty good But yes, there were some duff ones there as well. But for one of the longest running television programmes in the world (1963

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Definitely the best thing I ever bought off of ebay. :D

While I really liked Wrath of Khan, my favourite film is First Contact, closely followed by The Undiscovered Country.

Not wishing to hijack this thread with Dr Who....


The ST movie that was a shocker was the one with Zeferin Concrin (sp) being a rock-in roller. contrast that with STOS:Metamorphosis its still a shocker - the characters are way different - and - its hard to say which one is the real Zef.


For Dr Who - thats the question since the 2005 series cameout - they keep on replace him so regularly - you think that its Billy Elliot Replacement!!! :lol:

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Darn, I want a Bat'leth, now! :D


The fifth one was the worst movie, hands down. The best was the second with Wrath of Kahn. Although, First contact was fun; it would have been number 1 if they just let Lt. Hawk say he was gay instead of putting it in scripts.


Dr. Who? :P


Watched the new series and the old ones for Dr. Who, it's a mix bag, too. I don't know, some of it I like, but others I could have done without.


For Star Trek, grew up on TNG and DS9, then became a teenager around Voyager. College was filled by Enterprise, which I hated to watch for the first two seasons, third season was okay, and fourth season was definitely good.


Enterprise wasn't even Star Trek title first, because it was just Enterprise for two seasons. You can say the series was non-canon.

Hehehe, did you guys see this when it was in the news? (Man robs 7-Eleven with a Bat'Leth!)


Don't watch Dr Who. It's bad for your health. I have no idea why we ship the retched stuff over to you guys!


What's with all the hate for Enterprise? I thought it was a great series.


Definitely the best thing I ever bought off of ebay. :D


While I really liked Wrath of Khan, my favourite film is First Contact, closely followed by The Undiscovered Country.


Not wishing to hijack this thread with Dr Who, I'll just say that although the classic series looks a bit ropey by today's standards, you have to remember that most of the effects were state of the art back when those episodes went out. The BBC special effects department was world renowned in its time and when it was closed up a lot of the effects team went on to be involved in big budget Hollywood films. Effects aside, most of the stories were pretty good But yes, there were some duff ones there as well. But for one of the longest running television programmes in the world (1963

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Hehehe, did you guys see this when it was in the news? (Man robs 7-Eleven with a Bat'Leth!)


Yeah, that wasn't me, BTW :P


If I were going to rob a convenience store I wouldn't use a childs Bat'leth. There is no honour in that!

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That's another thing about Dr Who, they keep changing him. Not really sure about the new guy though...


That's kind of the idea. It keeps the programme fresh.


The trouble with regeneration though is you never quite know what you're going to get.


I have my reservations about Matt Smith, as an actor he's pretty good if Party Animals is anything to go by. However, I am not sure I am ready for an Emo Doctor.


The Earth is in peril! Only the Doctor can save the day! No he can't, he's too busy listening to The Cure and slashing his wrists.


But time will tell, it usually does!

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That's kind of the idea. It keeps the programme fresh.


The trouble with regeneration though is you never quite know what you're going to get.


I have my reservations about Matt Smith, as an actor he's pretty good if Party Animals is anything to go by. However, I am not sure I am ready for an Emo Doctor.


The Earth is in peril! Only the Doctor can save the day! No he can't, he's too busy listening to The Cure and slashing his wrists.


But time will tell, it usually does!


There's also another issue to with regeneration. The time lords still must die after a certain amount of regeneration, so how many more times can you kill him before you get the "You killed Kenny effect"?


According to wiki 13 regeneration is max. We're on the 11th Doctor, not good odds. You could break the rules, but it is still a little off.

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There's also another issue to with regeneration. The time lords still must die after a certain amount of regeneration, so how many more times can you kill him before you get the "You killed Kenny effect"?


According to wiki 13 regeneration is max. We're on the 11th Doctor, not good odds. You could break the rules, but it is still a little off.



Fair point. But we do know that the Master was offered a whole new regeneration cycle for his services to the Time Lord High Council in the Five Doctors, thus creating a precedent for extended life span. With Gallifrey destroyed they would have to work something out, but as a fan I would have no problem with that.


As I understand it, Matt Smith has signed a 5 year contract so it

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Damnit Galahad! :P How can you detest Enterprise? Tell me what was wrong about it! (Don't you DARE mention the theme tune, that's not a valid argument!)


Okay, where do I start, weak scripts & plot, badly cast, the set was awful, oh yeah....the theme tune! :P

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