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Go see the new Star Trek


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Good flick.

The Pine package is memorable. Need more of that sort of thing.

Leonard Nimoy, even now, in his 70's, is SO impressive.



Admittedly, I am not a HUGE Trek fan, however: questions for the hardcore:


Didn't the TV show have a different explanation for how they all got together? It seems to me I remember Bones being dragged from the countryside and was more of less drafted, wasn't he?


And then there's a the little issue of his Spock's mother. Did I miss something? Did they kill her when the planet Vulcan was ruined? How do we explain Jane Wyatt, the actress that played Spock's mom in the TV series, which is supposed to take place well after the time of this new movie?


Also, there were several episodes of the TV series where they returned to Vulcan for various reasons; Spock was in Must, for one of them... Well, they talked about his boyhood and growing up on Vulcan, so how could the planet have been destroyed? Or am I throwing monkey wrenches?

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Good flick.

The Pine package is memorable. Need more of that sort of thing.

Leonard Nimoy, even now, in his 70's, is SO impressive.



Admittedly, I am not a HUGE Trek fan, however: questions for the hardcore:


Didn't the TV show have a different explanation for how they all got together? It seems to me I remember Bones being dragged from the countryside and was more of less drafted, wasn't he?


And then there's a the little issue of his Spock's mother. Did I miss something? Did they kill her when the planet Vulcan was ruined? How do we explain Jane Wyatt, the actress that played Spock's mom in the TV series, which is supposed to take place well after the time of this new movie?


Also, there were several episodes of the TV series where they returned to Vulcan for various reasons; Spock was in Must, for one of them... Well, they talked about his boyhood and growing up on Vulcan, so how could the planet have been destroyed? Or am I throwing monkey wrenches?



When Kirk's father ran his ship into Nemo's, it created a new timeline, altering future history. Up until that moment, they were in the universe of "classic trek". After the ship was destroyed, it was a completely different universe, and the events of classic trek no longer apply, that future never happened. It's a total "reboot" of the series.

<takes advil>

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When Kirk's father ran his ship into Nemo's, it created a new timeline, altering future history. Up until that moment, they were in the universe of "classic trek". After the ship was destroyed, it was a completely different universe, and the events of classic trek no longer apply, that future never happened. It's a total "reboot" of the series.

<takes advil>


You know the other question now is who will play the Next Generation crew after TOS has run its course.


Versatility wise and cool bald headed Picard choice for me would be Michael Rosenbaum. I know he might seem young right now, but age him a decade and I can see Jean Luc. If Sylar can be Spock, why can't Lex Luthor be Picard?


For Riker, I would pick Ashton Kutcher for his rugged looks.


I can't think of any good actors for Worf off the top of my head, Michael Dorn was really good in that role for both TNG and DS9.


Though, I had a crush on Wesley, I would pass on recreating that character.


Data should be the Mac guy, Justin Long. I want our favorite android to be represented by Mac rather than PC. :D


Geordi is going to be hard as another LaVar Burton will be hard to find. Perhaps, Denzel Whitaker after he ages a few years.


That's basically the male crew members for the Next Gen.


DS9 has to be done by Denzel Washington as the lead Benjamin Sisko, there are few African American Actor that have his great range. Forrest Whitaker is good at drama, but he lacks something in the seriousness factor. Morgan Freeman is great too, but he can't take the role due to age; he might be a good Father Sisko.


Anyone has ideas about future cast ideas.

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I doubt they're going to recreate the entire series like that; we may -- may! -- be lucky enough to get some more "New Original Series" movies, or even a "New Original Series" TV series, but that doesn't mean we're going to see them recreating everything else. If nothing else, the time line differences should be great enough after 80 years to pretty much 'prevent' the same crews from coming together again.

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My boyfriend managed to drag me along, bribing me with popcorn. I actually enjoyed it. I was a big fan of (young) spock.

The ending where they have the choose emotion over logic message is stupid though.

That's true, but we mustn't forget that

Spock is Half-Human, so it makes sense for him to embrace both. And given a Vulcan's natural temperament, he would be wise to 'listen' to his emotions.



You know the other question now is who will play the Next Generation crew after TOS has run its course.




Anyone has ideas about future cast ideas.

You have some good ideas there, but I'm really against Ashton Kutcher as Riker. I really don't see that one working.


I think it's harder to come up with ideas for a possible cast of a TNG or DS9 movie, as the actors really made the role theirs, saying that, Quinto pulled off Spock really well, not to mention Urban as Bones.


I haven't really got any ideas for actors, but for Star Trek: Nemesis, they did have to cast Tom Hardy to play a younger Picard. At the time, Adrien Brody was also thrown about as a possible younger Picard.


I doubt they're going to recreate the entire series like that; we may -- may! -- be lucky enough to get some more "New Original Series" movies, or even a "New Original Series" TV series, but that doesn't mean we're going to see them recreating everything else. If nothing else, the time line differences should be great enough after 80 years to pretty much 'prevent' the same crews from coming together again.

Paramount have already green-lit the sequel, (actually it was given an unofficial thumbs up before the first one was released!). I highly doubt that they'd do a series, simply because of the cost and the actors. Now that the actors (many of whom, Star Trek is their first big-budget movie) have been given a chance to make a film, I don't think that they'll be very pleased with making a series for TV.


Yeah, I also agree that it's unlikely that they'd 'reboot' all of the ST series. If they choose to redo DS9, then they bloody well better get Ron Moore back at the helm!

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Yeah, I also agree that it's unlikely that they'd 'reboot' all of the ST series. If they choose to redo DS9, then they bloody well better get Ron Moore back at the helm!


They need Ron Moore and Ira Behr for DS9, ignore Berman and Braga.


For all its flaws, the 4400 under Ira Behr had a great concept and was number #1 TV show for a good reason. I mean he is one of the conceptual writers for TNG "Best of Both Worlds", the pinnacle of Star Trek series.

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Paramount have already green-lit the sequel, (actually it was given an unofficial thumbs up before the first one was released!). I highly doubt that they'd do a series, simply because of the cost and the actors. Now that the actors (many of whom, Star Trek is their first big-budget movie) have been given a chance to make a film, I don't think that they'll be very pleased with making a series for TV.


Excuse me while I go do a little victory dance!


(And some research on those names... I don't follow actor / writer names very well, and probably never will)

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