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National HIV Testing Day

Prince Duchess

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So I dont know how man of you all knw this but today is National HIV testing day.


So im writing this to hopefully get everyone to go out and get tested because this affects everybody. I dont know about yall but this one of my biggest fears.

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So I dont know how man of you all knw this but today is National HIV testing day.


So im writing this to hopefully get everyone to go out and get tested because this affects everybody. I dont know about yall but this one of my biggest fears.


Recently this week my church youth group had this program where they had the health departmentcome by and talk to us about STD's and HIV/AIDS and let me say wow!?!?! I know theres things they teach you in Sex Ed but this definitely tops it. They say now the statistic is every 9 minutes someone gets infected. If thats not a red alert than i dont know what is. But they also went over barriers for sex like condoms. They have this hing ive never seen before called a 'dental dam' maybe im just late but there definitely doing all they can to help us prevent us from getting infected.


Honestly once again there is no reason why someone shouldnt get tested. If you dont have the money i believe most of the state health departments do them for free daily and they even have free condoms you know those '3 for free'.


So i really just wanna make sure that everone is safe and knows there status.


P.S. Heres some links that have more info.


Testing Day Info


Find A Test Center Near You


Condom Advice


Dental Dams


Female Condoms



Thank you. I didn't know that. It was very thoughtful of you to let us know.

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