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Oh, we exist. Frustrated and horrified, and dreading becoming 'the fourty year old virgin', but we exist.


Come, visit Southern California and we'll be sure to make sure you're okay, then.

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Nep - You do make me laugh. If you can be described as 'old' what the hell does that make me? I refuse to get old REFUSE i tell you.


Haha! Youre not old nephylim biggrin.gif just... on the way there smile.gif



Nep - Only just Yum Yum... thanks for the snack... not exactly fresh blood licked from the flesh of a nubile virgin but hey... virgins are hard to get these days


Just a question , when did my thread turn out to be a discussion about virgins? i'm lost.. wacko.gif




Hehe thanks guys , this is more popular than i ever expected it to be smile.gif










Watch your cheek young one ... on my way to being old.... my ass ;p


As for virgins... ANY thread can turn into a discussion about them... well at least when I'm involved... no thread however serious is safe from my overwhelming interest in sacrificing virgins and the many many ways this can be achieved. devilsmiley.gif


And as for being popular... it isn't the thread that's popular silly boy... it's you :)

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Watch your cheek young one ... on my way to being old.... my ass ;p


As for virgins... ANY thread can turn into a discussion about them... well at least when I'm involved... no thread however serious is safe from my overwhelming interest in sacrificing virgins and the many many ways this can be achieved. devilsmiley.gif


And as for being popular... it isn't the thread that's popular silly boy... it's you smile.gif


Well, Nephy, he's at least partially right... laugh.gif


As for the virgins: Let the virgin guys sacrifice their virginity to me...instead of just sacrificing themselves...at least it's more fun! tongue.gif


Popular? Him? You? Hmm....I think it's everyone to each other... biggrin.gif

Edited by kjames
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Watch your cheek young one ... on my way to being old.... my ass ;p


As for virgins... ANY thread can turn into a discussion about them... well at least when I'm involved... no thread however serious is safe from my overwhelming interest in sacrificing virgins and the many many ways this can be achieved. devilsmiley.gif


And as for being popular... it isn't the thread that's popular silly boy... it's you :)


Umm, Hey! I'm a Virgin too! Well, with four kids but oh well, didn't someone say that time heals all 'wounds'? hehehe!!! :2hands:

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I once saw a banner, while I was on a bus going through a town near uni, which said; 'Happy 30th birthday grandma!'. She is not too young to be a grandma. tongue.gif



Trust me... neither age nor logic has anything to do with being too young to be a grandmother :)

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Well, luckily, neither one of my boys want kids and my daughter, even though she would like to have one sometime in the future, I keep telling her she's in no position to having one, too unstable ATM. Me? HELL NO!!! I don't wanna be a gramma!!!! I started all over again back in 2000 with D... She's plenty!

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hehe awww :) i'm sure you wont need to be a grandma :) although you'd be a great one..


i'd like to be a dad one day but i am not doing the act with a gal , its a turkey baster (shudders ewwww) or adoption for me. *watches his boyfriend cringe at the mention of children...*



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So you should at your age smile.gif


Shame on you, Nephy'....even at his age contemplating children is okay, especially adoption.


Personally, I'm beginning to think--more and more--that all of us homosexuals were 'designed' to be this way in order to provide loving, stable homes for those kids 'thrown away' or abandoned by their parents. Is that a weird frame of thought?

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hehe awww :) i'm sure you wont need to be a grandma :) although you'd be a great one..


i'd like to be a dad one day but i am not doing the act with a gal , its a turkey baster (shudders ewwww) or adoption for me. *watches his boyfriend cringe at the mention of children...*


Happy anniversary. I just joined a couple days ago, so it's quite convenient whenever you announced your anniversary, that would mean I am late on mine. Hope I'll stay to see my day comes.


As for sage. I don't know why, I've thought about starting a fashion boutique, and "Sage & Lavender" would be the name of the label. So does that mean sage is commonly used to refer to a gay man? That would be weird.


As for virgin. Add me to the roster (*does a secret handshake with fellow virgin boys*). Not inexperience with love but that's one of the reasons why I am still a virgin. I have problems.... Forty-year old virgin is not an impossibility, but I won't set that as a deadline....


Cat. (*goes over to give a hug Rush*) My cat died. OMG. Is it like three years already? (*checks*) Yes:(. Third posthumous anniversary on July 8. To this day, I still think about him. I wrote a lot, but I'll jump straight into the moral of the story. We need cats, especially when we are down, or even suicidal (either that or a boyfriend/girlfriend). Yes, I'm a feline evangelist. :D Yes, I vowed also not to get another cat, but I am softening now, because I know I need to move on. And yes, I should listen to my own advice, too, so you're not alone, Rush. I tend to think that's because we've grown to become too complex for us to deal with (but I could be wrong. I'm always right, except when I am talking about myself :P).


Anyways. Sorry to be a newbie who is already opinionated.... (*back to work on his stuff*)


Happy anniversary again.



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Shame on you, Nephy'....even at his age contemplating children is okay, especially adoption.


Personally, I'm beginning to think--more and more--that all of us homosexuals were 'designed' to be this way in order to provide loving, stable homes for those kids 'thrown away' or abandoned by their parents. Is that a weird frame of thought?



That's not a weird frame of thought at all. I don't think it is a reason but it is certainly a benefit.

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Cat. (*goes over to give a hug Rush*) My cat died. OMG. Is it like three years already? (*checks*) Yes:(. Third posthumous anniversary on July 8. To this day, I still think about him. I wrote a lot, but I'll jump straight into the moral of the story. We need cats, especially when we are down, or even suicidal (either that or a boyfriend/girlfriend). Yes, I'm a feline evangelist. biggrin.gif Yes, I vowed also not to get another cat, but I am softening now, because I know I need to move on. And yes, I should listen to my own advice, too, so you're not alone, Rush. I tend to think that's because we've grown to become too complex for us to deal with (but I could be wrong. I'm always right, except when I am talking about myself tongue.gif).


Just remember, always: A House is not a Home without a Cat.

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and awww ashi dont worry about it! youre just waiting for mr.right :D


No.... I HAD Mr. Right, before he turned straight.


Just remember, always: A House is not a Home without a Cat.


Too true.


Anyways, how do you use that multi-quote thingy?



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Just remember, always: A House is not a Home without a Cat.


A very sneezy home at that, if you're allergic to them. :( It's kind of weird to be allergic to something that's just so cute:lol:


Happy GAnniversary, Johnathan!


:wub: Chris

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Cat. (*goes over to give a hug Rush*) My cat died. OMG.




Hug well received darling... It's hard to loose a pet, especially when it's considered a member of the family. Mine had just gotten to us by ways of my son and DIL. She rescues all kinds of critters all the time, and the one she gave me was also rescued. Poor car was messed up by dogs and had no claws, hair was all matted and was a total mess. I don't think I want to have another animal, at least not for a long time, I have my oldest daughters cockatiels and they are getting old. Once those are gone, I'll have to think very strong about getting another animal.


I WANT A CAT! ... *looks innocent and child like* .... Rush buy me one! :P


Hehe , you get it cuz youre a mother :P hehe


and awww ashi dont worry about it! youre just waiting for mr.right :D




You ARE a child, at least MY child! You want a cat? rescue one! I've never gotten a cat from a store, pound, etc. They've all been rescued. I had a blue/gray one who came to me almost dead, dehydrated, his baby head just hanging limp. He was just a little tiny kitten, the mother had abandoned him. I stayed up all night giving him pedialite until I couldn't keep my eyes opened any longer. In the morning I got scared thinking there was an intruder in the house. It was my little Pancho jumping all over the house learning his new home. He was the only one that lived the longest with us. I was preggo with D when he passed, I suffered his death almost like it was one of my own children, I loved him so much!!!

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