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A Cry For Help


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I have been asked for help by a young friend in Texas. He has been made unexpectedly homeless. Neither his, not his partner's family will help, both have turned him away. None of his friends have been able to help and the homelessness shelters are too full to be of any assistance at all.


I feel completely helpless. I know nothing of how things work over there and I am too far away to be of any help at all.


he is 20 so children's services can't be of any assistance.


Does anyone have any information that might help?

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Beware of scams.


There are plenty of people who will use your good nature to make a buck.


Try contacting some of our members who actually lives in Texas and get a reality check on the situation.


I don't want to stand in the way of anyone who needs help but standing in the way of a Con that preys on our communities better nature I consider a privilege.


Look for a PM from me.

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Couldn't have said it better than James. Except (well, what did you expect?) to add that the hopelessness of the situation is just a little too unbelievable. The Salvation Army would not turn him away, for example.

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Thanks James. As I said to you in the pm I can't swear this is not a scam because I don't know the person involved personally and only through an internet assocition. However, the circumstances in which I was told of this hold water for me.


All I am looking for is information, places that he can go for help and advise.

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I'm afraid I don't know. I know them both through a forum I admin and I continually encourage the young people on there not to give out personal information so I felt a little hypocritical asking where they were. I figured Texas was a start.

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Ah. Well it would probably be best to point this person to a specific place, give them some specific direction on how to get public help. If I was on the street at 20 I'd have been utterly clueless and probably just slept in my car. Anyway it's hard to direct someone if you don't know where they are... how frustrating. Good for you for making the effort!

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Hey there, I had a friend move to the Houston side of Texas just Monday. She's disgustingly wonderful at finding homeless shelters and getting people help when they need it. If your friend is in that area, then I might be able to help you out. :)


If not I would strongly advise finding out where he's at, Finding a homeless shelter in that area of the state. Calling them. And if they don't have room ask for the numbers to other homeless shelters. If they reject people often enough, then they'll have them on hand.


Also you should consider looking up shelters that cater to gay youth who have been kicked out of their homes.


Hrm what else... I'm sure there's more, but I don't usually get kicked out victims.



Edited by Objectivist
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Tell him to contact Texas' Health and Human Services Commission. They can help him secure affordable housing and may even pay for the housing until he is back on his feet. Sure there is tons of paperwork, but it will help him and his partner for a few months while they secure a steady income and shelter.


Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs:



Texas Online Portal: Housing Assistance:






I work for the equivalent of the Texas HHC in Michigan, the waits are long and the paperwork is daunting. However the help is real, it saves many wonderful people from terrible situations.


Asking for help, especially from the government, is a very difficult thing to do. However it is assistance that he needs. I suggest you try and convince him to seek help from the government. He's paid his taxes, he will continue to pay his taxes, the government is there to help. He will contribute far more to the government over his lifetime than the government will contribute to him for a few months collecting assistance.



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Thank you so much people. I have given all of your comments to my friend and they would both like me to convey their thanks.


I told them you were all great, now they believe me :)

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Thank you so much people. I have given all of your comments to my friend and they would both like me to convey their thanks.


I told them you were all great, now they believe me smile.gif


I just hope the help they need is provided in time, and that we are able to hear from them someday...

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I have provided them with the information that has been posted and I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart. At the moment they are taking time to sift through what they have and to calm down and make the most of the short reprieve they have been given to try and find proper help to get on their feet.


I will let you know how it goes, if I can


Again thank you all. I knew you would come through. :)

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