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Looking for writer(s) for me indie game dev project.

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Hi folks,


My name is Macxell and i'm starting up a Independent game development project and in need for writers to help me out. Basically all i can say is, the story resolves around a modern day gay detective that stumbled upon the supernatural and magical world veiled from the our world. The game will be a RPG game for the mobile platform. I need writers to collaborate with me to flash out interesting ideas and stories for the game. Catch is since it's an indie game dev project with me the only one working on it right now, there'll be no $ involved as i can't afford to pay anyone. *sees how all forum readers wonder elsewhere..eeps! come back!*


will tell you guys more eventually if any of you are interested. Do drop me a line and we can discuss more bout it. Please be 18 and above as i do really dislike explaining to parent why i'm getting their underage kids to work on a 'R' rated project without their consent.


hope it might spark some interested on here and we'll get our game developed king.gif



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Does this sound like what you are looking for?




Invisible Worlds



There are invisible worlds that surround us all. People walk around them and through them all the time and never notice. These worlds are only known to their denizens and are hidden in plain sight from plain sight. They are everywhere and no where at the same time. You will only see them if you know what you are looking for or if those worlds should collide.


The thing that you must first understand about the invisible worlds that surround us and that we all inhabit is that they each have their own rules and codes of conduct. They vary from one world to the next but there are two things that are universal to all of them. First, and most important, is that you never discuss the world or what happenings there with outsiders. Second, each of these worlds has its own set of dangers. Third, all of them are pernicious in their own way.


It helps to think of these worlds in terms of set theory. They can intersect or exclude each other. They can join each other completely or exist in harmony only at specific spots. They can exist as super-sets of one another or only as sub-sets of a larger world. They are complex and simple and subtle and obtuse all at once.


Last but not least, once you enter some of these worlds, you can never leave. Others you can visit but you can never go back. All of these worlds exact a price. In some you pay with your dignity, in others you pay in blood and treasure. In a few you may pay with your life.

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ooo interesting. sure but as a start it won't be overly complex. it will touch the hidden world, it'll have cultist groups mixed of c'thullu like cultist, dark mages, secret counsils n heck loads of conspiracy where major forces trying to screw with each other n etc. imagine c'thullu meets harry potter mets underworld mets hellblazer .. lol.. by the way might i interest you in the project? could treat it as some hobby past time project where when you're bored and wish to exercise your words you could indulge yourself in it. liberate the thoughts of your inner most darkest desire into the sentences and then see them come to fruition through the mechanics of the game. feast and satisfy your desire to view your work of art through your own eyes by being your own audience as you test the game.


free chocolate cookies might get involved for those that's interested lol...

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  • 2 weeks later...

baaasmiley.gifbaaasmiley.gifbaaasmiley.gif sizzle sizzle baaasmiley.gifbaaasmiley.gifbaaasmiley.gif


heh, well now let see, I'm in the process of trying to find a nice online virtual office where we can upload files, create schedules and have a calender and do messaging and etc. ne one knows a good site for that?


Yahoo group was rather good once until it turned into a death pit full of spammers. mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif

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