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Cliff James has posted Chapter 41 of Circumnavigation, "A Volitile Passenger".


B).............. A lot of baksheesh going on!! And Ghassan it quite the thief! I wonder.......... "He pulled on a shirt and locked up Atlantis, assuming that she would be safe moored offshore but near the dock." A fair assumption,

but while Trevor is away how hard would it be for Ghassan to come back to the boat and add to his baksheesh,.....say grabbing a propane tank?

:lmao: Great chapter! CJ!


B).............. A lot of baksheesh going on!! And Ghassan it quite the thief! I wonder.......... "He pulled on a shirt and locked up Atlantis, assuming that she would be safe moored offshore but near the dock." A fair assumption,

but while Trevor is away how hard would it be for Ghassan to come back to the boat and add to his baksheesh,.....say grabbing a propane tank?

:lmao: Great chapter! CJ!

As if it's not bad enough that Cliff James has left us with a big cliffhanger, one of his readers has added another layer of cliffhangery on top of that.


Benji, I predict you will pay a price for this.


As if it's not bad enough that Cliff James has left us with a big cliffhanger, one of his readers has added another layer of cliffhangery on top of that.


Benji, I predict you will pay a price for this.


:blink:...............Accckkk!! I do not do cliffhangers!!! 0:)


who said Trevor locked his gas tank cabinet?


Someone please steal all his gas tanks!!


Like you think Trevor will cook during his voyage?


I wonder if those tanks float in the ocean? So that he could use them against the pirates by shooting them.



Its funny that Trevor never thought that these guys won't take anything that's not nailed down.


Also its a pity that he did stock up ciggies by 50%


Trevor never notice the body odor of his Pilot?? What kind a gay guy is he?


Trevor too straight - he doesn't seem to check out any guys after Joel


Now Trevor needs those moving pictures frames so he can flash up a naked Joel or a naked Swed pics from his cell,


- - - -


I wonder if Joel is flashing nude pics of Trevor at Lisa?


who said Trevor locked his gas tank cabinet?


I wonder if those tanks float in the ocean? So that he could use them against the pirates by shooting them.



B)....... Propane tanks can and will float in water, even full! Errr! Pirates and target shooting?? What a great idea!! 0:)


So the phone is tap and no good guy ever going to know about it.


They look at ultimately of Trevor still gonna do what he's gonna do and they don't see that if he gets his answers then maybe he won't go poking around the bermuda.


So looks like trevor will go boom 8am unless our favorite pilot comes back to steal gas.


Hey can't Trev have a gas leak and then opps pick up the bad can and then say whats this and then throw the bomb overboard and shoots it or it blows up anyway


or maybe it will be like the ending is JAWS


Sorry there will be no throwing the tank overboard. Any sudden movements will set off the nitro and the bomb with it. Unless Trevor knows for certain what is wrong and in some other life was trained as a bomb tech he won't be able to deal with the bomb. Right now there really isn't any way out for him. Either the bomb blows up with him on board killing him and destroying the Atlantis, or it goes off with him not on board destroying the Atlantis. He needs a miracle or he's hamburger.


Sorry there will be no throwing the tank overboard. Any sudden movements will set off the nitro and the bomb with it. Unless Trevor knows for certain what is wrong and in some other life was trained as a bomb tech he won't be able to deal with the bomb. Right now there really isn't any way out for him. Either the bomb blows up with him on board killing him and destroying the Atlantis, or it goes off with him not on board destroying the Atlantis. He needs a miracle or he's hamburger.


B)..........But it didn't go off when it hit the side of the boat, each minute that goes by the nitroglycerin slowly sweats out, it becomes a time race until it becomes volatile. It could go off as you noted or take a week, however we know that Bridget has her finger on the phone, so Trevor has one day left! I beleive Trevor's luck comes in the form of Egyptian greed!


B)..........But it didn't go off when it hit the side of the boat, each minute that goes by the nitroglycerin slowly sweats out, it becomes a time race until it becomes volatile. It could go off as you noted or take a week, however we know that Bridget has her finger on the phone, so Trevor has one day left! I beleive Trevor's luck comes in the form of Egyptian greed!

Unfortunately the narrator has already informed us of the bomb's condition. It has become much worse.


Unfortunately the narrator has already informed us of the bomb's condition. It has become much worse.


B)........True, but I believe it hasn't hit that volatile point yet, and can be moved once more! I think Bridget will detonate it and stop listening in to Lisa and Joel, before she discovers the mistake.


As if it's not bad enough that Cliff James has left us with a big cliffhanger, one of his readers has added another layer of cliffhangery on top of that.


Benji, I predict you will pay a price for this.




I fail to see how this chapter could be considered a cliffhanger! It ends with Trevor relaxed and happy, having actually enjoyed some of Egypt. Also, he wanted to have a satellite phone aboard, and now he does, in his propane storage rack.


You do seem to see cliffs absolutely everywhere.. however, like a broken clock being right twice per day, you may well have found an actual cliffhanger; Benji's! :worship: Yes, Benji may indeed have given us a cliffhanger... :blink:


who said Trevor locked his gas tank cabinet?


Someone please steal all his gas tanks!!


Like you think Trevor will cook during his voyage?


I wonder if those tanks float in the ocean? So that he could use them against the pirates by shooting them.



Its funny that Trevor never thought that these guys won't take anything that's not nailed down.


Also its a pity that he did stock up ciggies by 50%


Trevor never notice the body odor of his Pilot?? What kind a gay guy is he?


Trevor too straight - he doesn't seem to check out any guys after Joel


Now Trevor needs those moving pictures frames so he can flash up a naked Joel or a naked Swed pics from his cell,


- - - -


I wonder if Joel is flashing nude pics of Trevor at Lisa?


I can't say whether it's relevant to the plot or not, but Benji has it right: Propane tanks, even full, will float.


Trevor has specific tastes... and he tends to walk into bulkheads when he sees a guy he likes. Or, like in Taranto when he met the Sweede and racked his nuts on the corner of the pool table. :)


B)..........But it didn't go off when it hit the side of the boat, each minute that goes by the nitroglycerin slowly sweats out, it becomes a time race until it becomes volatile.


Yep... and it's worse in the heat of the day (the surface tension of the droplets is lessened by heat)




Unfortunately the narrator has already informed us of the bomb's condition. It has become much worse.


In the condition its in at the end of the chapter, it could be safely tossed gently overboard, and everything would be just fine, until it hit the water and went KABOOM! If it gets lightly bumped, as it did coming aboard, KABOOM!.


You're right, the bomb is definitely getting worse. There's also another small issue; if it is discovered and the bomb squad is called, they won't try to disarm it, even if they don't know abotu the unstable explosives. The standard practice for bomb disposal worldwide is clear the area first, then, perhaps, try to remove it with a robot if available, or more likely detonate-in-place. They only disarm them if they are fairly sure it can be done safely (such as via cutting an exposed wire) and they have reason to do so. So, even if Trevor discovers the bomb and calls for help, Atlantis would almost certainly be destroyed.




Now, this brings up an interesting question; does anyone know how you'd safe a load of unstable dynamite? (This isn't plot-related, just a question..) There is a way (besides blowing it up). :)


BTW, I was worried that the AIS tracking mentioned in the chapter (and prior ones) might seem a bit of a stretch, so I included links to one actual site so it can be seen fisthand. Quite a few regions are covered.


Now, this brings up an interesting question; does anyone know how you'd safe a load of unstable dynamite? (This isn't plot-related, just a question..) There is a way (besides blowing it up). :)

Easily done... cool it to 40 to 50 degrees F at which point it - the nitroglycerin - freezes and becomes very stable. If you have a power failure, run like hell. :P


Easily done... cool it to 40 to 50 degrees F at which point it - the nitroglycerin - freezes and becomes very stable. If you have a power failure, run like hell. :P


:lmao:....... Trevor to storekeeper; 'I need some liquid nitrogen' Storekeeper; ' I'm, sorry but I'm out of that today, may I ask why you need it?' Trevor; 'I have discovered a bomb aboard my boat that needs to be cooled down quickly, as my x-ray eyes have seen the dynamite sweating out nitroglycerin' Storekeeper; ' Ah, my brother Hassan has some, but it will cost you, and by the way I have 13 children! Do you have any beer, cartons of smokes?'


:lmao:....... Trevor to storekeeper; 'I need some liquid nitrogen' Storekeeper; ' I'm, sorry but I'm out of that today, may I ask why you need it?' Trevor; 'I have discovered a bomb aboard my boat that needs to be cooled down quickly, as my x-ray eyes have seen the dynamite sweating out nitroglycerin' Storekeeper; ' Ah, my brother Hassan has some, but it will cost you, and by the way I have 13 children! Do you have any beer, cartons of smokes?'


Well Trevor can ripe the antenna


cool it with ice water


and then put the tank in the freezer


and then throw it over board


shoot it when pirates come




Or he can wait for McGyver to come


How about using blotting paper to soak up liquid



or very fine sand/mud or better still sawdust


Ps I have not tried this, so there is no guarantee




Just thought I'd get that out first, as it's about time for the chapter 42 title to be announced. :ph34r:


Easily done... cool it to 40 to 50 degrees F at which point it - the nitroglycerin - freezes and becomes very stable. If you have a power failure, run like hell. :P


Bingo! That's one way! :)


:lmao:....... Trevor to storekeeper; 'I need some liquid nitrogen' Storekeeper; ' I'm, sorry but I'm out of that today, may I ask why you need it?' Trevor; 'I have discovered a bomb aboard my boat that needs to be cooled down quickly, as my x-ray eyes have seen the dynamite sweating out nitroglycerin' Storekeeper; ' Ah, my brother Hassan has some, but it will cost you, and by the way I have 13 children! Do you have any beer, cartons of smokes?'


I think everyone is missing the obvious.. maybe Trevor needs to try bribing the bomb? 0:)


Well Trevor can ripe the antenna


cool it with ice water


and then put the tank in the freezer


and then throw it over board


shoot it when pirates come




Or he can wait for McGyver to come


Lol... Those might work.. assuming he could find out that there is unstable dynamite in there. :)


How about using blotting paper to soak up liquid



or very fine sand/mud or better still sawdust


Ps I have not tried this, so there is no guarantee


Talcum powder would work, as would clay powder (that's how dynamite was originally made) and sawdust as you point out.. (cellulose is often used in modern dynamite). Sand would not work (not absorbent and would leave a film between the grains) but blotting paper would!




One problem Trevor has is this; even if he knew how to treat it, how would he know of the unstable dynamite? :)





No CJ - Trevor can't ask the OxyClean Man to clean the bomb


No Infomercial the bomb on a 1-888-Get-The-Bomb-Off-My-Boat


No CJ - Trevor can't ask the OxyClean Man to clean the bomb


No Infomercial the bomb on a 1-888-Get-The-Bomb-Off-My-Boat


B)..........How true, isn't fortunate that someone will relieve Trevor of that duty! 0:) Wouldn't it be funny if the tank wound up back on the boat carrying Mufid or even Bes? Irony, is best played out with circumstances, and we all know the goat's play on circumstances!! :lol: Trevor may never even know of the danger he was in, as it skirts past him! Lucky for him to have paid all that bakseesh!! :lol::lol:


You gave it away CJ - Trevor is going to give the bomb tons of cigarettes...


Shhh!! Don't tell anyone... it's supposed to be a secret.. :ph34r:


No CJ - Trevor can't ask the OxyClean Man to clean the bomb


No Infomercial the bomb on a 1-888-Get-The-Bomb-Off-My-Boat




Yep, that bomb just might be an issue in chapter 42... 0:) Or, maybe Trevor sails on around the world, just him and his bomb (would that be "Da Bomb?!?!) with the bomb just getting more and more unstable... A nice, relaxing voyage (though prone to a very sudden ending)


B)..........How true, isn't fortunate that someone will relieve Trevor of that duty! 0:) Wouldn't it be funny if the tank wound up back on the boat carrying Mufid or even Bes? Irony, is best played out with circumstances, and we all know the goat's play on circumstances!! :lol: Trevor may never even know of the danger he was in, as it skirts past him! Lucky for him to have paid all that bakseesh!! :lol::lol:


Poor Bes (the Bringer of Joy.. and bombs) doesn't seem well liked? Hrmmm..


Of course, what could be ironic (and goats do love irony) is if the bomb did end up in someone else's hands, and Trevor went and, at great and valiant effort, took it back, shortly before KABOOM!


Don't worry though, Trevor is a central character, so it would be difficult for him to die and the story go on... It's not like there's another highly popular (and hot!) central character who has been mentioned in the story several times as being the beneficiary of Atlantis's insurance, would inherit Atlantis (or the insurance $$$) and has sworn to find Ares no matter what... Oh wait, that's Joel... Nah, don't worry, I'm sure it's all just a coincidence. :)


Oh, and BTW, please take anything the Frog says with a large dose of salt. As we all know, he's not entirely rational when it comes to the issue of discerning cliffhangers, and tends to see them everywhere they aren't. These chapters, of course, are not cliffhangers, it's merely a mystery. :) I mean really, one measly highly unstable bomb does not a cliffhanger make!


And why not look on the bright side? Trevor wanted a sat phone aboard, and now he has one! :2thumbs:





Oh, and BTW, please take anything the Frog says with a large dose of salt. As we all know, he's not entirely rational when it comes to the issue of discerning cliffhangers, and tends to see them everywhere they aren't. These chapters, of course, are not cliffhangers, it's merely a mystery. :) I mean really, one measly highly unstable bomb does not a cliffhanger make!


And why not look on the bright side? Trevor wanted a sat phone aboard, and now he has one! :2thumbs:




B).........Isn't salt lethal to a frog? :blink: I mean a toad may have no problem, but a frog needs his skin wet all the time!!! Could that be construed as a mysterious cliffhanger and threat to an endangered specie???


Yes, Trevor wanted a satellite phone on board, but wind up with a lousy rock, not even the nice shiny ones, but a lousy landscape rock used instead of a lawn. :lol:


Oh, and BTW, please take anything the Frog says with a large dose of salt. As we all know, he's not entirely rational when it comes to the issue of discerning cliffhangers, and tends to see them everywhere they aren't. These chapters, of course, are not cliffhangers, it's merely a mystery. :) I mean really, one measly highly unstable bomb does not a cliffhanger make!

Spotting cliffhangers is easy for frogs. Where ever you see a goat, there's a cliffhanger nearby. it's easy; it's foolproof. Irrationality is a goat ailment.


Spotting cliffhangers is easy for frogs. Where ever you see a goat, there's a cliffhanger nearby. it's easy; it's foolproof. Irrationality is a goat ailment.


B)............But he has threatened you with salt, isn't even more ominous! :blink: Run for your life frog!!!


B)............But he has threatened you with salt, isn't even more ominous! :blink: Run for your life frog!!!


he could be a salt water froggy ... so fresh water would send him hopping

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