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Have you seen this model Andrej Pejic? Don't you think he's gorgeous? He passes as a girl any time.


So do you think androgyny is attractive in general? And do you see physical androgyny different from inner androgyny?





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I think its disgusting. If its a girl, then fine. But its a guy, so its not attractive AT ALL!. Feminine guys are a huge turnoff. Ones that dress so well like a girl you could mistake them for one is an even bigger turnoff. Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

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He's in my signature. It should now be obvious what I think of androgyny XD I really think that it's the ultimate form of beauty. IMO. My friends have remarked upon me looking like a young boy or girlish. I personally don't mind being told that because it suits me, but it can look weird on some people. At the same time, weird is also a good look XD Anyway, a boy with girlish facial features is a massive turn on for me. It's just beautiful, man. Also, I'm not really into the masculine look. It's not for me at all haha I MEAN COME ON. HE'S BEAUTIFUL.


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Edited by Menorain
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Honestly, looking at that model creeps me out. I really, REALLY dislike it when someone's sex is unclear, or when gay men and women dress like their opposite sex.


I prefer men to look like men and women to look like women. Men and women that ACT like men and women are very attractive to me.


Best of all is a hairy, masculine guy!

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Honestly, looking at that model creeps me out. I really, REALLY dislike it when someone's sex is unclear, or when gay men and women dress like their opposite sex.


I prefer men to look like men and women to look like women. Men and women that ACT like men and women are very attractive to me.





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He's in my signature. It should now be obvious what I think of androgyny XD I really think that it's the ultimate form of beauty. IMO. My friends have remarked upon me looking like a young boy or girlish. I personally don't mind being told that because it suits me, but it can look weird on some people. At the same time, weird is also a good look XD Anyway, a boy with girlish facial features is a massive turn on for me. It's just beautiful, man. Also, I'm not really into the masculine look. It's not for me at all haha I MEAN COME ON. HE'S BEAUTIFUL.


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I love Andrej Pejic! I think he is beautiful too. I think I like beauty in all it's forms no matter what the sex is. I believe masculine men or boyish boys and are equally gorgeous as the effeminite ones. And that goes to females too. Still beautiful is beautiful. And A.P. is truly amazing. I don't mind the blurring of gender lines.

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Hmm, just watched a movie that made me want to elaborate my thoughts on this subject matter.





Hmm, to me, androgynous is all about looks, coz I can always here this model or that model is androgynous and that is good for the model. And I think the androgyny I'm talking about has nothing to do with how one act. I'll use the word "feminine" for those who act feminine.


So here are my thoughts: I hate feminine, but I can totally accept androgyny. This movie I just finished watching, the leading man acts really masculine, and doesn't have long hair, but there was this one shot of him that I really believe his facial features are actually androgynous. And I think he was cute too.


But I still don't like this model, Andrej, because one thing I totally hate, like really really really dislike, is men with long hair. I don't think any men with long hair is good looking, not even Johnny Depp. (but I'll bet he looks good in short hair. I just can't stand men with long hair.)



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I don't see what's wrong with androgyny. I think it's beautiful and even I have trouble saying that I'm attracted/not attracted to it. I think that's why it's so beautiful because it questions my own definition of what I'm attracted to. I can see the male facial features and I also see the female ones, all mixed into one person. On a side note, I don't understand why effeminate gay males are seen as a "target" even within the gay community. I know people have their own taste and find certain things attractive, but to call someone else's gender expression "disgusting" is just wrong. Girly boys are cute too, you know.

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I adore androgynous guys! :2thumbs: Especially this one! And long hair on a beautiful man is nothing short of amazing to me!


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You have good taste. Ville Valo, my fellow Finn, is beautiful and I think HIM's music is amazing! He is a bit grunge sometimes, but he deffinitelly played with the androgyny in the early years. I've seen him/HIM perform live twice first in the end of nineties, second time was two years ago. I've also seen his first ever tv-interview with this old hack who didn't know how to sit with Ville in the studio because he was such a scary beautiful young man then and soo decadent in behaviour and looks. He was wearing dark red. tight velvet suit. So hot then in a different way, now he has gone to more natural looks.


His band HIM (His Infernal Majesty) was called HER in the USA when they first started performing there. Apparently there was already a band called HIM there in the first place that didn't like the connection. I thought it was good humour with the HER-name. LOl

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I really like HIM and have twice missed my chance to see them live (still kicking myself in the butt for that). I actually like Ville's grungy an natural looks, too. He's a very sexy man and his voice clinches the deal!
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What does it mean to be gay? What is it that attracts someone to the same gender? I've grappled with this question for decades.


Many here, tend to be a bit touchy or quick to ignite, so let me start by saying I MEAN NO DISRESPECT TO ANYONE!!!


My ex-partner was the local Gay Queen of the Lakes in Minnesota for several years running. Even though I was helping sew his gowns together and do his hair, I just didn't understand it. When all dressed and ready to 'go on stage,' the man I knew was gone. The transformed person, who was demur and feminine was completely unattractive to me. First of all, I am a gay male and I was looking at a facsimile of a female. I am (mostly) attracted to dark-haired, hairy, masculine men. My ex-partner, in his Miss Julie, Queen of the Lakes form, was the opposite of everything I like. But we had many friends that were drag queens and that was a big part of our life.


Now, before some of you start shooting at me, re-read the above piece.... Ex-partner, helping him transform, many drag queen friends.... I have nothing against drag queens or androgynous people - MY PARTNER WAS VERY, VERY ANDROGYNOUS, that's a big part of why he won the crown for so many years in a row.


But here's my quandary. Why are so many gay men attracted to female facsimiles? In my head, being a gay male MEANS being attracted to male attributes. And I've had lesbian friends who would knock me down and walk across my face trying to get a good look at a female that I mistook for a male. Why is it that same-sex attracted persons are often attracted to a person who looks like the opposite sex?


Again, I have nothing against androgynous people or drag queens, or anything like that. I've know many, and have friends (and family) that fit this category. I simply don't understand the attraction that many have to such individuals, since I find it so completely off-putting. This is not a put down but a genuine question regarding what is attractive and why.


All I can come up with is that sexual orientation is a sliding scale, not one-side-or-the-other of a coin. Does where we land on that scale on any give day or moment, have an influence on what each of us finds attractive? Of course, our upbringing and all that crap play a big part, but it doesn't fully explain the situation.


OK, my shields are up - shoot away.

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I simply don't understand the attraction that many have to such individuals

Maybe it's more than looks. Androgynous means that said person looks good as either gender, right? It doesn't mean, however, they they act a certain way. I'm as much of a guy as the next guy, stereotypically. I love food, and I can't get enough about cars and motors, how much horsepower something has, but I don't look like the average man, and I can't help that. I'm skinny and bug eyed, but I can rebuild an engine at the same time.


Same goes with my boyfriend. He loves football and all the things I like, but he also likes clothes, cooking, and making his hair look pretty. He looks like a guy but he definitely doesn't act any more so than me.


I rarely find myself attracted to feminine acting guys for their personality, but I usually do find them very cute or physically attractive. I don't expect everyone's preferences to be the same, but to say someone is disgusting for how they look is harsh (not saying you said that but in general). People are not always their appearance. :P

Edited by Arpeggio
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What does it mean to be gay? What is it that attracts someone to the same gender? I've grappled with this question for decades.

I've wondered this also (not just the opening sentence but the entire post :P) and haven't really come up with an answer. My best guess would probably be that it lies within a few things, peoples subjective preferences, and in the sliding scale of sexual attraction like you said.


Personally I don't find androgyny attractive at all. I realize that people look how they do and its not their fault, but we need to be honest in acknowledging how big a part physical attraction plays in a relationship. I have no problems with androgynous people, and I am good friends with a few, but I don't think I could ever date someone with androgynous features.

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But here's my quandary. Why are so many gay men attracted to female facsimiles? In my head, being a gay male MEANS being attracted to male attributes. And I've had lesbian friends who would knock me down and walk across my face trying to get a good look at a female that I mistook for a male. Why is it that same-sex attracted persons are often attracted to a person who looks like the opposite sex?


I have wondered that myself so you're not alone in your questioning. It seems like if you're a man attracted to men, you'd want your man to look like a man, not a woman and vice versa for feminine lesbians who go for butch type women. There's nothing wrong with how anyone chooses to present themselves. I just don't get why if you're gay you'd want someone who looks like the opposite sex. If you want that then wouldn't you be straight??


Then again, as much as I like a man who looks rugged and manly, I find myself thinking androgynous guys even sexier sometimes. I'm also attracted to women who are quite feminine ... not wallflower types but curvy, wild and voluptuous type women. I guess it all just boils down to people are different and who the heck knows why any of us finds anyone attractive in general? It's likely just a person in particular that has traits we like no matter how they 'look.'

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