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Pervs! I don't get rap, I mean, what's the point when it's barely intelligible? Then again... I don't think this video is about the rapping so again... Pervs!

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I know not what you mean Cia...

The rap is mediocre at best I'll admit, and it's actually kinda funny.

But the whole video...it's art, and in the finest sense as well.

Nutthin wrong with appreciating art. I always say people don't get enough exposure ;)

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Wait, Merlin...you like this guy?

....but he doesn't look like he's doped, or hasn't eaten for the past month, or has cancer, or all of the above....at all.

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Anyways....this really isn't just a "let's drool over the guy" video...anyone into rap here?

He's so funny with his Chris Brown and Busta Rhyme

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Krista I like country too. There was a Brad Paisley concert here last year but I completely missed it and was bummmmed. My boots are only seeing gameday wear these days it's sad. I needa take them out again. But rap can have it's moments.


Matt, it was a little bit annoying but good thing he was hot or I wouldn't have been able to handle it. I seriously wonder how people like him live...like you go about every single day of your life with everyone wanting you....


So uhhh after watching this i got inspired and took a shot at my own Chris Brown/Busta Rhyme.


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I seriously wonder how people like him live...like you go about every single day of your life with everyone wanting you....


Oh yes, I'm sure its very hard being beautiful. He must have to work so hard for everything he gets...... Posted Image

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I liked to see a few more years on him.... say like Ryan Reynolds.... or Bradley Cooper.... or Chris Evans.... yeah... He's cute... but a bit young.... (though I guess I'm not one to talk since everyone says I look like I'm 16)...

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