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Diablo III


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Meh, I would have considered it but the requirement to be online in order to play singleplayer has stopped me from buying the game.


Course, the really funny thing is that all those people that can't play because the servers are down? The people who pirated the game are fine. We are now reaching the points where illegal downloads give a better quality service than the over-priced industry. Well, done, games publishers.



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Meh. Regardless of having to connect to the servers, I've been waiting over a decade for this damn game so I'm going to play it. A few days late, but I'm installing it now. If anyone else plans on playing it, or currently does, let me know!

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It's definitely different than D2. I'm still trying to figure out how everything works.


For anyone playing on the America servers, my battle tag is Duffman#1558 so add me!

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Had tons of fun, until I hit Act 2 hell with my monk. Suddenly im getting completely wrecked, even with 46% resist all, 20% dodge and 45.5% dmg reduction through armor (added to that the flat 30% reduction monks/barbs get).


Slightly annoying -.-


Tag is Stradivarii#2965

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I just started Nightmare and got raped left and right. I'm still trying to get used to the differences from D2. It's a hard struggle to not want the way the spell system used to work, but it's still a damn fun game!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Running through normal is fast, you can probably do it in a few hours of your not OCD about exploring everything (like I am), nightmare isnt much harder, but hell act 2 is a bitch -.-

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Running through normal is fast, you can probably do it in a few hours of your not OCD about exploring everything (like I am), nightmare isnt much harder, but hell act 2 is a bitch -.-


Yeah... Hell's a... bitch. That's gotta be taken really slowly. Like... inch by inch by... centimeter. But if you're fast enough or have a friend that can help you run through, Normal and Nightmare can be taken down in the same night honestly.

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D3 was a huge letdown in my opinion, really not on par with what you usually expect from Blizzard. Probably would have been more fun if normal mode was harder and the story a bit better. RUnning through 50% of the game (normal + nightmare) only to then suddenly hit a brick wall is just...crap :P

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  • 6 months later...

All the talent that brought us the original games has left Blizzard. Online only even for single player...riiiiiiiiiight. To hell with D3. The storyline is whack so all they have is graphics (which ain't that hot)...so I'll just wait for better and occupy myself with other games meanwhile than gripe over D3.

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All the talent that brought us the original games has left Blizzard. Online only even for single player...riiiiiiiiiight. To hell with D3. The storyline is whack so all they have is graphics (which ain't that hot)...so I'll just wait for better and occupy myself with other games meanwhile than gripe over D3.


yeah I didn't buy it after hearing all the problems that came with it.

don't you know a video game is considered successful on how many buyers they can sucker into first time buying....as it first comes out.

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