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Quite frankly, I find all these people hard to keep straight. The similarly spelled names don't really help. I had thought that Somers was Chartley's cousin, but apparently I misremembered.


Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the story. But all of these gentlemen are pretty much interchangeable to me, and aside from Travers I never really got the sense that Granger let himself love any of them.

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I didn't think about this putting Lord Granger in the picture for the battle of the Nile.  This is a wonderful twist that not only gives Lord Granger another chance at glory, but also in a position to grab a ship to give him the possibility of overtaking and confronting Maidstone face to face. 


I just hope that George has another chance to make Fox look like an idiot to the nobility of the realm.

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I didn't think about this putting Lord Granger in the picture for the battle of the Nile.  This is a wonderful twist that not only gives Lord Granger another chance at glory, but also in a position to grab a ship to give him the possibility of overtaking and confronting Maidstone face to face. 


I just hope that George has another chance to make Fox look like an idiot to the nobility of the realm.

Fox doesn't need any help on that front. He's well fleshed as an idiot who can only choose the losing side.

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Fox doesn't need any help on that front. He's well fleshed as an idiot who can only choose the losing side.


Yet within 8 years in the Story, he will be Foreign Secretary and Leader of the House of Commons in Grenville's "ministry of all the talents"

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Yet within 8 years in the Story, he will be Foreign Secretary and Leader of the House of Commons in Grenville's "ministry of all the talents"

It just goes to show that no good deed goes unpunished.

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Somers is the cousin of Sir Phillip Kerry.  They had a very hot threeway with Granger on his trip back from the battle of St Vincent. 


I think Granger cares deeply for Cavendish but I don't think he is his person he is destined to be with.  Cavendish will be someone that Granger always cares about and on a certain level, they are extremely well suited for each other.  The problem is that whomever Granger ultimately ends up with, along with Caroline, will have to challenge him in some way and I don't see Cavendish doing that.  I thought from the moment he was introduced that Chartley would be the man for Granger.  I loved Travers best but had he lived they could never have been together in the long run.  There was just to many things pulling them apart.  Chartley and Granger have a certain spark that for me at least Granger is missing with Cavendish. 


p.s.  I don't think Chartley is as old as Travers was.  My impression is that Chartley and Bertie are probably the same age and Travers would have been a year or two older...

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I think Chartley is too stogy and as morally bankrupt as Bertie. He is after all involved in his schemes. Granger is going to have to end up with someone of the same social standing (which seems to be raising constantly) which means that Calvert won't last. Hmmm, perhaps a splinter? In the eye? (One can dream right?) 


Cavendish is still a couple years behind granger but in years to come he will be a powerhouse. Is he the oldest of the Duke's sons? I believe he is. So that would keep in in the right circles and like he said, he may even outrank him socially. He is also a member of the brotherhood although we don't know who sponsored him or when that happened. But seeing as though he was a midshipmen not long ago it will be interesting to find out. The reason I say he is in the brotherhood is his assignment to Arthur and the statement that he would be the likely assassin. So who sponsored him?


This also means he is more than he seems. Perhaps he won't end up being with Granger today, I still find him the most likely candidate for a lasting and meaningful relationship with Granger. Besides, he's hot and I like the character and his persona. So just because of that, Mark will write him back into the story again as a central player.


I don't see Chartley surviving the trip. He'll croak gallantly, perhaps with Calvert, and Granger will be able to attribute it to Bertie down the road so he can throw it back up in his face. He really likes to do that.


Davina should have a little swaddler when they get back. I hope it looks just like George. That way when they have the carriage accident that kills both her and Freddie the kid will fit right in with George's kids.

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Granger is going to have to end up with someone of the same social standing...




I think this is incorrect. Someone of Granger's same social standing would constantly have the same obligations that Granger has and would not be able to provide the level of attention Granger would need for the long haul.  

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Gads Mark. Do you have like, "Oh John's about to walk into a show" radar or something? Geeze, now I'm gonna have to sneak a listen in between cues. Torture, sheer torture.

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Well, ya. But I'm used to getting kissed first.


A great chapter. Looks like Drama comes to Granger in the form of Gatling and Calvert. THIS should be interesting. The only thing missing here is the time-frame in comparison to Granger's current position. A shame that the Vulture could not have been captured and those in charge hung for treason or piracy. Also too bad Maidstone wasn't on board. I wonder if anyone significant was? More fish food.


How will Calvert react with word that Granger has Malaria? Especially when he learns he is gone and on such a dangerous trek! Looks like we're gonna have a freak out party. Gatling will be beside himself as well. A little hero worship here. But which one?

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Calvert performed above expectations, at least from me.  He handled himself well enough but without that certain something that Granger seems to have.  Gatling did exceedingly well, the fact that he had the Spanish crew practicing the guns may have saved the day somewhat, although the Santa Clarita should have been able to handle most of the problems, as they did. 


Maybe Calvert can fall madly in love with Gatling and Gatling will realize that Calvert isn't so bad; and they can be together and leave Granger well enough alone....

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Granger oozes sexual charisma and should keep on spreading the proverbial love; I don't see him settling down with one man like he has with Caroline.  Maybe it's wishful posting, but George has his whole life ahead of him and part of this saga's fun is discovering who is going to fall into his bed next.

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Granger oozes sexual charisma and should keep on spreading the proverbial love; I don't see him settling down with one man like he has with Caroline.  Maybe it's wishful posting, but George has his whole life ahead of him and part of this saga's fun is discovering who is going to fall into his bed next.


And boy do I have some surprises for you in that arena.  :devil:

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Cavendish is still a couple years behind granger but in years to come he will be a powerhouse. Is he the oldest of the Duke's sons? I believe he is. So that would keep in in the right circles and like he said, he may even outrank him socially. He is also a member of the brotherhood although we don't know who sponsored him or when that happened. 



Cavendish is a younger son of the Duke.  If he were the elder son, he would hold his Father's most senior subsidiary title as his own.  In the case of the Duke of Devonshire (who I think is Cavendish's father - it would ring true given the Surname) the Eldest son would be "Marquess of Hartington" (or somtimes the "Earl of Burlington").  Cavendish, merely being "Lord Frederick Cavendish" is a lesser (2nd or lower) son.  That said, in the Order or Precedence of Great Britain, he would until recently have ranked before Granger.  However now Granger is a peer in his own right, he ranks first in the social order.

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Thanks for that Westie. I thought Cavendish was the son of the Duke of Portland. I seem to remember Granger rubbing it a few people's faces wen he was injured. And I didn't stop to think, but if he was the oldest then he would most likely not be permitted to risk the legacy by going to see. I am assuming that is why Freddie did not serve. It sounds like everyone is encouraged to serve in some fashion but the nobel's first linage tends to serve in a safer position or to go into government. So with that logic it stands to reason that sine he was on board he was not the first line.


So that makes me ask Mark, why has he never spoken of his brother when they talked about Bertie or Freddie and why has he never been present at court?


And Westie, what if the first heir is of diminished capacity? For instance, a slight diminished mental capacity? Did they have a regent or was it handled some other way? I remember the movie, "The Lost Prince". Where the prince was severely epileptic. I just don't remember how it ended.

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And Westie, what if the first heir is of diminished capacity? For instance, a slight diminished mental capacity? Did they have a regent or was it handled some other way? I remember the movie, "The Lost Prince". Where the prince was severely epileptic. I just don't remember how it ended.


A diminished mental capacity was no preclusion to inheriting the title.  However, it should be noted that many problems that come with diminished mental capacity were poorly treated.... so the situation either didn't last or did not occur.  That said, the result of one such issue is the legendary "monster of glamis", where the true heir was hidden away bcuase of his deformities, imprisoned and only taken for walks on nights with no moon.


The Lost prince is a slightly different case.... Prince John was only 5th in line to the throne with 4 elder brothers (one of whom was the present Queen's father).  He was hidden away until he was 12 or so when a seizure killed him, but he was exceptionally well cared for and he was granted all his titular rights.

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Thanks for that Westie. I thought Cavendish was the son of the Duke of Portland. I seem to remember Granger rubbing it a few people's faces wen he was injured. And I didn't stop to think, but if he was the oldest then he would most likely not be permitted to risk the legacy by going to see. I am assuming that is why Freddie did not serve. It sounds like everyone is encouraged to serve in some fashion but the nobel's first linage tends to serve in a safer position or to go into government. So with that logic it stands to reason that sine he was on board he was not the first line.


So that makes me ask Mark, why has he never spoken of his brother when they talked about Bertie or Freddie and why has he never been present at court?


And Westie, what if the first heir is of diminished capacity? For instance, a slight diminished mental capacity? Did they have a regent or was it handled some other way? I remember the movie, "The Lost Prince". Where the prince was severely epileptic. I just don't remember how it ended.


You're correct, in that I have styled Cavendish as the son of the Duke of Portland.  Portland actually did have a son named Frederick (Lord Frederick Cavendish-Bentinck) who became a Major General.  I have altered history somewhat by capturing this man's life and rewriting it.  :o

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You're correct, in that I have styled Cavendish as the son of the Duke of Portland.  Portland actually did have a son named Frederick (Lord Frederick Cavendish-Bentinck) who became a Major General.  I have altered history somewhat by capturing this man's life and rewriting it.  :o

I should say SO. He was a bloody LOBSTER! That's like calling the pope a satanic cultist!

Glad you rewrote him cute though. lol. And next to Winkler and perhaps Llewellyn, Cavendish is my favorite sidedish, er, uhm I mean . .  seaman? . . .

or bits player,. . . uhm that didn't come out right either.  Uhm supporting man. Uhm, ya, there, I got it right! See. Just took me a bit. -_-  Or was that, I just took my bits? :blink:

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I have to agree.  Cavendish has always seemed to me to be the fun cute kid that everyone loved.


I miss not having more involved in the story currently, but understand that it can't always be about the cute and lovable.  


Speaking of cute and lovable (don't blow a gasket Ricky) it will be interesting to find out how quickly Calvert can re-provision his ship and chase back to England.  I firmly believe he will do his best to help Granger catch up to Maidstone.  

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I have to agree.  Cavendish has always seemed to me to be the fun cute kid that everyone loved.


I miss not having more involved in the story currently, but understand that it can't always be about the cute and lovable.  


Speaking of cute and lovable (don't blow a gasket Ricky) it will be interesting to find out how quickly Calvert can re-provision his ship and chase back to England.  I firmly believe he will do his best to help Granger catch up to Maidstone.  


You said, "Speaking of cute and loveable . . ." I thought you were going to talk about somebody that WAS. Instead you talked about the nuisance Calvert.


I don't think he will meet up with him before England unless he shows up at the battle of the Nile. But I think he will show up at the end of it if he manages to get that far that fast. No, joyfully I think he's pretty much out of it until he catches back up to Granger after the battle. Personally, I'd like to see him lead the charge, tied to the bow sprit.


BTW, thanks for the info on the diminished capacity Westie.

Mark, been thinking about it. We've never seen anyone killed in an action that was aloft. Seems to me that look outs and seaman aloft would be in real danger if both the Spanish and French aim high.

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