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Looking for a ghostwriter


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Following my previous post, here are additional details:


I am looking for a Creative Ghostwriter/Editor for several writing/editing tasks :


- Foreword text for my next Homoerotic Photography eBook (about a Love Story in Cuba)


- Ghostwriting/editing script for Trilogy of Artist Films (Cuba, Japan and India)


More details (drafts+images+samples) at the next link: http://www.kobiisrae...ds/writer1.html


Any comment or advice will be much appreciated!




Kobi (London, UK)


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Now I'm even more confused in regard to all of this.


First entry I see from Kobi was 30th September. I reply in same forum slot on 2nd October. I wait until 6th October then PM. Get a reply on 8th October stating the project is still on, send a CV. I PM rough CV in regard to writing credits (spanning from 1979 - 2012) and wait for a reply. 16th October I put out another PM asking if this project is still live. Nothing back from that at all.


Today, 20th, I get to see this forum thread - and also get to see for the first time the link to the writing in question. You cannot get to it any other way other than via that link - there is nothing on the website to lead you to it.


That link states that the text will be used as part of a commercial ebook, with a planned for release date of 25th October.


Apart from the fact that I have no idea what so ever as to whether or not Kobi wants me to collaborate on the writing project, I still have little or no idea of what he actually wants in the first place. Even following the link does not tell me approximate word length (the text itself has various 'notes' within it, but it jumps in tense from past-retrospective, past-modern and present sometimes within the length of a paragraph - so I have no idea if this is intentional, or just a disregard of writing convention.)


And this is before any mention of collaboration agreements - or commercial contracts have been agreed on.


From the website, the work stands at around 3,000 words (including note elements) - but with no idea of what the upper limit is, it isn't feasible for me to start re-working/re-writing totally blind, in the hope I get it right the first time, especially as the deadline is less than 4 days away, and I have had absolutely no communication from Kobi since 8th October.


At the moment I'm involved with 3 anthologies from XCite (Bad Boys, Dead Sexy, and the up-coming Boys in Bed) and a major launch from M-I Press (Mansized vol 1 - a 12-short anthology, with 4 spin-off collections) I'm also trying to finalise a deal on a novel (1st of the Harry Rimes series) and also bring up another completed MS to a marketable standard.


Given that I finally have some idea of the deadline - and given the lack of any communication (or even any indication that I am actually the person Kobi wants to bring into this) then I am sorry, but I am going to have to walk away from it.


If anyone else wants to take it on, then fine.

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This smells fishy to me from your description Xtro... bait and run almost...


Kobi if you are around and reading, give us more information like what Xtro has listed. They aren't demanding ones as they are legit. Or did you want someone to ghost write you for free? Nothing wrong with that but you have to out right say it too.

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