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First Experience In A Gay Bar/Club


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Haha, I have to post my story because its pretty unusual, maybe on the verge of crazy... Maybe... I'll let you decide that. :) It was when I was eighteen, here we have a club that separates the bar from the dance floor, well I went with my boyfriend at the time. Of course before he took a few shots and actually got me to take one too, first time drinking actually. Well I met a few of his friends an we all drove in his girlfriends car. They of course ditched me to go to the bar and drink so I was left on the dance floor alone, left with the promise that they'd come back and dance with me after a drink or two. That was the last time I saw them.


Given it was my first time at a club I had no idea what to expect, so I just kind of went and stood over in the corner alone. Didn't dance or anything, mostly just waiting for Josh (the ex) to come back and dance with me. Well this kid as he was dancing, practically reached his arm out and pulled me into the group with him and his friends. So I humored him and danced with him a bit, he was pretty decent looking. Well as I was dancing with him and his friends I looked over to my right and I swear to god I saw one of my idealistic boys. Don't deny that you don't have one, we all do. This boy, well he was just a splash taller then me I'd say maybe a bit shorter then 6' brown hair, brown eyes, lightly tanned, but in a natural complexion not those sun bakers that are oh so common. However, more then his looks were just his initial personality. He was a bit of a wallflower, which I'll admit to finding them attractive. He was literally just standing over to the side, looked a bit lost actually, danced with random people occasionally but more often then not pulled away to stand to the side...


For lack of a better description though, I kind of just walked straight over to the guy, refusing to take my eyes off of him. From what I remember, none of the other people in the club even existed, I just went to him. I'm not normally the bold or forward type, hell I can't even smile at a boy even when I know he is interested, but for whatever reason, in that moment I had no problem with coming up to him and saying hi, then I kind of just got him to dance with me. We probably spent a good hour or two dancing together, once even going outside and talking for a minute. However, as the night came to a close, and the bars were closing soon, in my mildly panic state I realized I had no idea where my current boyfriend or his friends were. Sadly, I blurted to that guy the situation, that they disappeared, thank god I wasn't as bold as to say that it was my boyfriend. He offered to let me stay with him for the night, he just had to go and talk to his friends he came with first. So I stood there on the dance floor waiting for him, after about five minutes I started getting a bit panicked and left the spot the guy left me and went outside, hoping that maybe my ex was looking for me out there.


Thing was, I couldn't find my ex or his friends outside either, by this point I was just about tear stricken panicked. I went back into the club one last time, hoping maybe I'd see the guy looking for me, I was stopped instead by the first guy. He could clearly see I was a bit upset. So I told him what happened, I didn't spare any details, including telling him my boyfriend ditched me at the club and now disappeared. Well I went home with the first guy. He was nice enough to let me sleep on his couch, though he did attempt to put the moves on me a bit in the middle of the night, nothing to horrible happened. The next morning he took me back to my ex's place, which was where my car was parked. Oh, trust me, I stormed up to my ex's apartment door and banged on it. When his roommate answered I was a tad bit forceful when I asked, "Did Josh come home last night?" The roommate actually had no idea what happened, he hadn't heard anything from Josh, but let me just stay there for a few hours to see if he showed up. I laid on Josh's bed for maybe an hour when he called me. He asked what happened and where I was. I just responded, "Oh, I'm just at your house, in your bed." This is when I found out that he had been drugged and rushed to the hospital. So lucky me I got the wonderful privileged of driving to the ER to discharge my boyfriend.


Now I hit myself constantly that I even picked my boyfriend up, I understand it wasn't his fault that he was drugged, but at the same time he also made no effort to come and dance with me. I found out from the reports he was rushed to the hospital at 1:45, but that was still three hours after we got to the club. Plus, although Josh was the first gay boy I had ever met, I found out with successfully meeting two guys in one night that I had at least decent enough looks to move on. I was scared though, so regardless of how mad I may have been I proceeded to do a few other regretful things in place of breaking up with him.


As for the first boy? Well four months later when I moved to West Valley with my sister, I walked into Starbucks to get an Americano only to run into the first boy working... Well, a few things went down between the two of us, but that is definitely a story for another time. Now I still think about the second boy from time to time, how could you meet one of your idealisms and not think about them? However, I do not remember his name, I just know he's 20 or was 20 that'd put him at 24 now... lived in California, I left him my phone number and never heard from him again. Its alright, there's plenty of other better boys out there.


Anyways, there's my story for you, I left a bit out, honestly... Sad thing is... I wish it was the most eventful clubbing experience of my life, but its not. Oh far from the most eventful. :)

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It was my 21st bday i was out with my best girl friend her brother and his bf it was a thursday night so it was really dead with like only 10 people in the whole club. So anyway we were playing pool and this creepy guy was posing on the window outside to the smoking area. He was licking his lips grabbing his junk and blowing kisses at us. Finally my friends brother had enough of it l. They almost got into a fist fight lol. The creepy guy was so drunk he said something like "ill fight all six of you" when there was only 5 of us. So later on into the night the guy left and it was getting late so we went to the car and as soon as we got in the car the creepy guy pulls up next to us in his car. We drove so fast but luckily he didn't follow us. So yeah thats my first gay club experience

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gay bar totally = get turnt, buy boy drinks, say words = profit


gay club = dunno about that music, to many X's on dem hands (but between me and you its awesome when you got some tight ass 18 year old all up in'ssss), and a ton of like gay gangster mexicans (only found in L.A areas) oh and "club love" the coolest emotion ever created =


Edited by thatboyChase
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Never cared much for our local gay bars. When I was interested in them, there were three in the area.


#1. One was a dive that played shitty music and the older regulars leered at anyone under forty with hair.


#2. Was a very scary leather place with hairy guys showing entirely too much skin. Chaps are for cowboys. Bare ass? Yeah- grizzly bear ass. Yikes.


#3. Was a prissy little place where all the queen-lings went and laughed at people that weren't wearing Italian shoes.


Typical conversation: Ewwww... don't talk to me.

Yeah, well f*ck you too Princess.


Went to a gay club in another city but was denied entry. To get in, someone had to vouch for you and you had to join "the club". You would get a membership card.


They did it that way because str8 people would come in and cause trouble and the status as a private club kept the police out. Anyone that they didn't think the bouncer could handle they turned away.


Haven't been to one in years. I'd much rather do anything else like wrassel alligators or French kiss water moccasins.

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