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(C-Review) "Reach" By CassieQ


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I have to say that I TRULY enjoyed what I've read so far of this story! I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like it before, and it crosses a few boundaries for me that I found intriguing. Some interesting artistic choices were made here. And I dig that. :) So let's get started! 


The story revolves, primarily, around characters Tibial and Chad. Two teens who are living in a slightly altered world where apparently the human population is dwindling due to serious mutations and female aversion to sex. (There may be more explanation of this in future chapters, but this is what I know from the first five.) So in this, the world of the Goddess, coupling rituals are held and young male 'training' is needed so they can learn about slow and sensual lovemaking. Making sex more appealing and comfortable to the women who will be their mates and produce more children. This training involves boys being taught the other side of sex by knowing what it's like to be penetrated. When they reach the appropriate age, an arrangement is made, the lesson begins. The plot is brilliant and well written, and as I said, I've never really read anything like it before. CassieQ's details really paint a picture for the reader and brings the characters to life.


Naturally, as Chad is chosen to teach Tibial about arousal and pleasure, the nervous boy finds himself more attached to the act with Chad than he is when his female mate comes into the picture. There is a sense of real confusion in him, some feelings are scary, some angry, some full of longing. And I enjoyed seeing his conflicted emotions kind of swing from one side of the spectrum to the other. Chad, who is a bit older, had an entirely different experience when he went through his own coupling ritual. One that was detached and unpleasant. Which was a brilliant part of this story, because his experience with Tibial is much more loving than he expected. So during Chad's part of the story, he finds himself struggling with his feelings as well. And all of this is done with subtlety and grace. CassieQ doesn't really hit you over the head with it. It's all told within the confines of the story. It grows and warms up gradually as you read along. Not to mention that the coupling scenes are SEXY!!! Sweet, romantic, erotic...I definitely give full applause for that, both on the male and the female side of things!


Now, I would really like to know more about this world of the Goddess and what goes into it. I feel like there are certain rules and ideas that are hinted at, but not really explained. And I'm really curious about those little details because I want to dive into this world and submerge myself in it completely. As I mentioned, I may have to read more to find out, but I'd love to see a little more detail there. I'd love to know more about some of the other characters like Robert, Sam, Lady Eva, Mia, etc. I'd love to know the state of the world it takes place in to find out how the coupling dances and mating rituals came to be. I think it could be done with just a few sentences here and there. And then I'm locked in for the ride.


Another thing that I wanted to mention...even though I appreciate "Reach" for taking off and getting right into the meat of the story from the get-go, I was a little thrown off by not being introduced to the characters right away. I've often talked about 'setting the stage' when I write anything, and I find that a lot of readers connect more when they have a framework to use to create the look of the characters they're reading about. (If that makes sense) For example, the ages of the characters aren't even mentioned until halfway through the first chapter. And I didn't know that Chad was just slightly older than Tibial at first, or that he was a redhead. He seemed more like an older gentleman. A wise teacher type. Little things. So I started off the story with one image in my head of who they were, and later found out that I had it all wrong. So I would definitely add a few of those details earlier in the story to sort of define the setting and the people involved. It's always cool to leave some details to the reader's imagination, but I've found that when you later add those details in yourself...sometimes readers have to stop and re-evaluate the picture they had already created and grown attached to. So if they're thinking of Tibial as a short 13 year old blond boy with blue eyes for the first half of the chapter, and then he's later described as a tall 16 year old brunette with dark eyes...it kinda interrupts the flow. Just for a second, but it's an interruption nonetheless. And then the reader has to recreate and reconnect all over again.


And one other thing, something that I've said in a few other reviews before...


It can be challenging, I'd even go so far as to say that it's downright difficult at times...but I would try to avoid that 'C' word. Hehehe! I don't know, that always makes me stumble in certain stories. I think the coupling scenes are absolutely beautiful. Loving and insanely erotic. There's romance, and soft whispers, and kisses, and eye contact...then the word 'cock' pops up, and suddenly that bumps it up into that X-rated category. It's realistic, sure, but I feel it kind of puts a bump in the smooth beauty that you had going. I think it creates an inconsistency in the tone and the mood of the moment. I know that can be a pain in the butt, but using words like 'length' or 'shaft' or...I don't know. (Even now I can't think of anything) But I try to avoid it myself whenever possible. Unless I'm writing something that is meant to have that kind of purely sexual feel to it. During the coupling scenes though, I was totally invested in the emotion and the passion and the sense of love and trust, even more than the sex itself. So just something to think about.


All in all, "Reach" is an excellent story! And I'll definitely come back to try to read more of it soon to see where it goes from here. If you guys are looking for something different and unique, really sexy, with an intriguing sci fi vibe included, definitely check it out! And let CassieQ know what you think! I loved it! :)



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Oh wow.  Just...wow.  Stellar tipped me off that you wrote a review for one of my stories and I was like "Me?  Are you sure?"  Thank you so much!  I am so glad you are enjoying it.  And thank you so much for your feedback...I'll have to watch my use of the 'C' word (lol) and drive a little more detail into the story.  I'm happy that you have enjoyed it so far and hope you continue to read  :)  Thanks again for the review!

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I really did enjoy the stoy, CassieQ! :) And I think great artwork should be appreciated by all. So I hope you kep going, and I'll read more when I can. :)


And no matter what, write the story YOUR way, k? Don't backtrack or second guess yourself. I already love it. I'm sure other people do too. so if you make any changes, base that on what YOU want to do. K? You're already genius. :)


I'll be reading. Believe me. K? Seezya soon! And never doubt your instincts. you've got it all right. :)

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