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Breaking Bad is back.

Bill W

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The first episode of the final season has aired.  I found it left a lot of questions already, so I'm waiting to find out the answers. 


The episode started at Walt's house, yet there is a chainlink fence around it, the place is covered in grafiti and kids are using the empty pool to skateboard.  If that's the case, how did it get in that condition, seeing we later see Walt and his family are still living there. 


The guy picking up the bug from Walt's house in that first sequence - whose bug was it?  Was it one the Feds placed to bring Walt down or was it one of the ones Mike planted there for Gus earlier?  Although the guy looked somewhat familiar and the neighbor lady knew him (since seeing him caused her to drop her groceries), but for the life of me I can't remember who is was/is.  So how does he come into play? 


Walt basically threatened, indirectly, both Jesse and Hank, so what happens next?  Does Walt kill Jesse and/or Hank or will one of them kill Walt?  Jesse seems to be coming unhinged and since he's giving - throwing his money away, so does this bode that he can no longer handle the memories of what they either did directly or indirectly?  I can't wait to see how this season plays out. 



I have now learned that was not a bug that was removed, but a ricin pill (I guess my vision is worse than I thought).  I don't think the mystery man was Walt in disguise (it certainly didn't sound like his voice), but after the last blunder, I'm wondering about that too. 

Edited by Bill W
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  • 2 weeks later...

Breaking Bad is one of the best shows on television.


I have learned to let scenes like that play themselves out.  It may take all season, but we will eventually learn what happened to Walt and the others.  And it will probably shock the hell out of us ... and be one hell of a great ride.

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go to Project Free TV


you can watch the first....6 episodes of the new series because it's all uploaded to the US schedule


also, i'm still on season 4, so i will not check back here. i still love Jesse, he's so damn cute.

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  • 3 weeks later...



My theory.


I knew Hank was going to die as soon as he said that he loved Marie. I'm pretty sure that's the first time in the show he's said that. Also, her finding the brains they used in the garbage is good foreshadowing. Hank/Gomez will kill Todd then Jack will kill both of them. Walt will refuse to cook, because they killed his brother-in-law. They'll kidnap Jesse.


Marie and Skylar will find out about Hank and Skylar will leave Walter, telling Jr. the truth and taking him and Holly with her. Junior flips out and tells his friend, who tells everyone. That's how people find out and why his house gets trashed and why 'HEINSENBURG' is spray painted onto the wall of his house.


He flees, since he's been found out. I'm not sure what happens to the money, but Walter comes back and makes a final stand against Jack/Nazis. That's what he needed the gun for. Jesse is the last bit of family he has. Walt is successful in saving Jesse. Jesse doesn't forgive him though, and either kills him or does or says something to make Walter wish he was dead but has to live with it for the rest of his life, whatever it is.


If that happens, Walter beats the cancer again and lives a long life.

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