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The Steam Thread

advocatus diaboli

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Steam is always super fun and a great way to spend time with friends. So, I figured that we should have a dedicated Steam thread, to help us co-ordinate with each other and play games together. I've created a questionnaire that you can fill out, that will automatically put all your answers into a spreadsheet.


I filled it out the best I could, but if there's more games you'd like for me to add, please let me know! The game should be multiplayer, though. If you notice any mistakes or something isn't working properly, please let me know so I can fix it.


I've already filled out my information. :)

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I've added my Steam details also, though I have an ever-expanding library of games, a few too many to list under 'Other'.

It makes sense to only include multiplayer games. But please be as thorough as possible! If I missed any popular multiplayer game, please let me know, so I can add it.

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It makes sense to only include multiplayer games. But please be as thorough as possible! If I missed any popular multiplayer game, please let me know, so I can add it.


I haven't gone into detail because a good proportion of the titles I own are multiplayer as well as single.


Judging from the list, you got the most popular ones. Civ V and the various Call of Duty titles are probably the next in line after what's there, but to be honest I think the list is fairly good as it is.

Edited by Stellar
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Filled out the questionnaire. Any EU3 or 4 players? :P


EU3.... Like, Europa Universalis 3?


Cos I burnt a ridiculous amount of time in that game for a while at one point. :P I've now moved onto Crusader Kings 2, though. Apparently marrying a 16YO son to his 33 YO Aunt is considered a 'bad thing'. 

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I hate steam. It has all the characteristics of spyware, advertises constantly and, is always loading an update.


All I want to do is play Civilization. I don't want any of the bullshit that goes with Steam.

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EU3.... Like, Europa Universalis 3?


Cos I burnt a ridiculous amount of time in that game for a while at one point. :P I've now moved onto Crusader Kings 2, though. Apparently marrying a 16YO son to his 33 YO Aunt is considered a 'bad thing'. 


Yup love those games. They released EU 4 a while ago and its quite different from #3, much harder to bullrush North Africa as Castille :(

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Yup love those games. They released EU 4 a while ago and its quite different from #3, much harder to bullrush North Africa as Castille :(


I noticed 4 is out, will probably pick it up when I have the cash. (By which point Steam will have probably decided to stick a big sale sticker on it for a day or something :P )


I think the stuff they did for linking up up with Crusader Kings 2 is pretty cool. A bunch of the hidden countries which have their own traits and things but which are only available if you manage to have them exist in a CK2 Save which you then transfer over.


(The Roman Empire is really bloody hard to create.... but if you do, then its apparently ridiculously powerful in EU4 as a reward for having created it. :P )

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I noticed 4 is out, will probably pick it up when I have the cash. (By which point Steam will have probably decided to stick a big sale sticker on it for a day or something :P )


I think the stuff they did for linking up up with Crusader Kings 2 is pretty cool. A bunch of the hidden countries which have their own traits and things but which are only available if you manage to have them exist in a CK2 Save which you then transfer over.


(The Roman Empire is really bloody hard to create.... but if you do, then its apparently ridiculously powerful in EU4 as a reward for having created it. :P )


Ooooh didint know that! Gotta try that game! Just spent the day as Burgundy...was almost to easy (granted I was allied to spain, GB and Austria..but meh:P). xD

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Ooooh didint know that! Gotta try that game! Just spent the day as Burgundy...was almost to easy (granted I was allied to spain, GB and Austria..but meh:P). xD


Yeah, one of the DLCs for CK2 is the Save Converter. Basically, you play to the end of the CK2 timeline, run your savegame through the converter and pick it up where you left off in EU4. 


Apparently they put a lot of effort into making sure that things transfer over really well, including a bunch of stuff for a Re-formed Roman Empire or an Order of Norse Pagan Knights :P


CK2 is also just ridiculously fun. You will feel like a terrible person by the end of any game because...well, you will have been a terrible person by the end of any game. ...And even if you make all of your decisions completely ehtically sound, you can guarantee your Heir is currently plotting something demented. :P 


I once had a Welsh Duchy go through 3 generations of rulers within about 4 or 5 years. It all started when the first guy decided to bone his Daughter-In-Law... and sorta went downhill from there.

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Yeah, one of the DLCs for CK2 is the Save Converter. Basically, you play to the end of the CK2 timeline, run your savegame through the converter and pick it up where you left off in EU4. 


Apparently they put a lot of effort into making sure that things transfer over really well, including a bunch of stuff for a Re-formed Roman Empire or an Order of Norse Pagan Knights :P


CK2 is also just ridiculously fun. You will feel like a terrible person by the end of any game because...well, you will have been a terrible person by the end of any game. ...And even if you make all of your decisions completely ehtically sound, you can guarantee your Heir is currently plotting something demented. :P


I once had a Welsh Duchy go through 3 generations of rulers within about 4 or 5 years. It all started when the first guy decided to bone his Daughter-In-Law... and sorta went downhill from there.



*waits patiently for the download* Damn there's a ton of DLC for this game! :o


I dont mind being a terrible person in a game, there's something quite satisfying in using diplomacy and cloak and dagger to play your friends and enemies against eachother...all for the greater good of course!

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I hate steam. It has all the characteristics of spyware, advertises constantly and, is always loading an update.


All I want to do is play Civilization. I don't want any of the bullshit that goes with Steam.


Why don't you set Steam to offline mode? The ads / storefront doesn't load, updates don't download or any of that stuff - you just get the menu for launching games.


*waits patiently for the download* Damn there's a ton of DLC for this game! :o


I dont mind being a terrible person in a game, there's something quite satisfying in using diplomacy and cloak and dagger to play your friends and enemies against eachother...all for the greater good of course!



Yeah, the DLC is basically opening up different types of noble for play. With the basic game you can play any of the Christian lords. 


Then, say, Sword of Islam opens up Muslim rulers for play, Old Gods opens up pagans ect ect. 



If you buy the DLC, then you probably want to start with Sunset Invasion turned off. It is an alternate history scenario where the Aztecs hit on trans-atlantic colonialism first... Basically, at some point in the mid-to-late game a massive invading Aztec army rolls up on the atlantic shore and proceeds to cut everyone hearts out. :P



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Need to actually figure out the game before I start buying all those DLCs, lol. I tried with a little far away duchy to get a hang of things and got steamrolled by the byzantine empire on my first attempt. Then England kept falling apart after William the Conquerer died...grrr

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Need to actually figure out the game before I start buying all those DLCs, lol. I tried with a little far away duchy to get a hang of things and got steamrolled by the byzantine empire on my first attempt. Then England kept falling apart after William the Conquerer died...grrr



One place I remember being really nice as a starting ruler:


Duke of Gwynedd, Wales. (Think its Gwynedd... basically, the ruler of the northern half of Wales).

Gives you a reasonable-sized starting location, a few vassals to rule over but few enough that it's easy to remember who's who. Also, you start independent, which gives you quite a lot of freedom and although England is right next to you, you generally have quite a while before they even look in the direction of Wales. (If you start just after Hastings, then england will probably spend quite a while stuck in civil wars as the remaining saxon lords try to rebel against William the Conqueror. If you start just before Hastings then...well..I've seen England break up into 3-4 seperate Petty Kingdoms before now :P.)

Also gives you a pretty nice goal to aim for... becoming King Of Wales. ;)

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How's EU4?  It looks interesting.  I have EU3 with all the expansion pack up to the one after Napoleon's Ambition (the one with Latin name....  LOL).  I usually play Portugal....  Sometimes Switzerland (but usually it's Victoria that I play Swiss or Belgians).

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One place I remember being really nice as a starting ruler:


Duke of Gwynedd, Wales. (Think its Gwynedd... basically, the ruler of the northern half of Wales).

Gives you a reasonable-sized starting location, a few vassals to rule over but few enough that it's easy to remember who's who. Also, you start independent, which gives you quite a lot of freedom and although England is right next to you, you generally have quite a while before they even look in the direction of Wales. (If you start just after Hastings, then england will probably spend quite a while stuck in civil wars as the remaining saxon lords try to rebel against William the Conqueror. If you start just before Hastings then...well..I've seen England break up into 3-4 seperate Petty Kingdoms before now :P.)

Also gives you a pretty nice goal to aim for... becoming King Of Wales. ;)


Decided to start as Denmark and create the Scandinavian Empire...only by some HUGE fluke I ended up inheriting something on the way...http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y222/Valmon/nerd.png

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How's EU4?  It looks interesting.  I have EU3 with all the expansion pack up to the one after Napoleon's Ambition (the one with Latin name....  LOL).  I usually play Portugal....  Sometimes Switzerland (but usually it's Victoria that I play Swiss or Belgians).


I like EU4, it's a bit different which was annoying at first. :P I've always like to play Castille, they have the best location and tons of options out of the "superpowers". I tend to eat Aragon, ally France and then either go off to enslave the muslim world and colonize a bit. Once Portugal has a bunch of colonies I start declaring war on them over and over to keep growing. Biggest I've gotten with Castile is all of NA, SA, Africa and half of Europe (up to the HRE borders + England and Italy).


I tried converting a CK2 game to EU4 as well..but it broke up my HRE in tiny little pieces and put England in...central Sweden of all places (probably since my capitol was there). I'm guessing it was due how the HRE was made up historically..which really sucked as I was looking forward to starting the game as an unstoppable blob and taking over the world :(

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