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Pokemon Games and New Anime: Pokemon Origins


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Moved over from Games:


Yes, if it is not already obvious, I am a Pokefan :P


Ever since Pokemon Red on Gameboy as a kid, I have been hooked.


The actual Games are interesting and fun, because they have a lot of side missions, contests, and special obstacles. Heck, I love fishing for magikarp, too!


However, I am not a fan of the actual Anime, stopped after Johto, because it was just repeating itself. I love Anime, but repetition is one sin that any writer and animator knows.


However, I never thought I would say this, but the new Anime mini-series was actually good and nostalgic for gamers. For all us old players of Pokemon from the Gameboys up to Present, the miniseries anime is like a trip down old familiar games from Pokemon Red and Blue. It makes me want to dig out my old gameboy and plop the batteries in for another game with Red.


Anyone else get nostalgic for Pokemon games or remember all their childhood times spent on them?



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I haven't seen any of the cartoons in a long time, but I love Pokemon X/Y.  I just wish they would get the bank/transporter online so I can fill in the rest of my pokedex with all of the ones I've collected since blue/red

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I haven't seen any of the cartoons in a long time, but I love Pokemon X/Y.  I just wish they would get the bank/transporter online so I can fill in the rest of my pokedex with all of the ones I've collected since blue/red


Hey Trebs, you don't seem like the type to have waited for Mew at a Nintendo event. :D I d be pleasantly surprised though


I freely admit to never going to them, so I never got the full 151 of the original.

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So you're another PokeFan too? hahaha! Have you seen the movie, Pokemon Origins? it's like the entire game of Pokemon red being animated and put into a movie. I've played the old versions, red, blue, yellow, gold, crystal, emerald, got stuck on hunting Creselia in Platinum, and figuring out a way to earn exp points using an emulator for black and white. Never got a gameboy myself so I play using emulator.

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So you're another PokeFan too? hahaha! Have you seen the movie, Pokemon Origins? it's like the entire game of Pokemon red being animated and put into a movie. I've played the old versions, red, blue, yellow, gold, crystal, emerald, got stuck on hunting Creselia in Platinum, and figuring out a way to earn exp points using an emulator for black and white. Never got a gameboy myself so I play using emulator.


I've played the original on Gameboy, but didn't buy the later ones like GBA, so played the other on emulators.


I had a friend who could speak fluent pikachu in high school :D According to her it is a blend of Japanese and morse code

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Really? So she's like a translator. I imagine what she's gonna be like if ever she would be one of the characters, I bet she's cool to us pokefans, I mean deciphering "pika, pika" to an actual word. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Really? So she's like a translator. I imagine what she's gonna be like if ever she would be one of the characters, I bet she's cool to us pokefans, I mean deciphering "pika, pika" to an actual word. :D


Well Pokemon are interesting, I love top 10 lists that Pokefans bring out:


This one is interestingly disturbing:



Pokemon can also be tragic::


Edited by W_L
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Tragic? In what way? I get the disturbing part, knowing that what they were saying were actual words we don't understand.


Have you heard about the rumors from Japan, there was a time when kids watched a pokemon movie after that, all of them acted weird, like they've been possessed or something. People think that pokemon is satanic or evil.

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That sounds like the Lavendar town thing, plus the Porygon episode with the seizures.


My solution, what the kids need to do is pray to Arceus for Poke-"redemption"? Arceus is the "Alpha Pokemon", creator of the universe, and the only level 80 Pokemon to be found in the wild.


Don't believe in Giratina deceptions, he just wants to lull you into the distortion world, where he was banished :P


Repent! Repent! Pokefans!


( :D I am only half joking, Pokemon lore does believe Arceus is the Creator of the Poke-verse and Giratina is Satan in pokemon form)

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