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Caitlyn Jenner

Carlos Hazday

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Someone told me Caitlyn had said in an interview that she still liked women, but she was straight. I'm confusing myself I think. She was straight as a man, and she still likes women, but I don't think she identifies as gay. That whole gender/sexuality thing confuses me. They say that gender and sexuality are two completely different things, which I can see, but when genders change, wouldn't the sexuality change in order to maintain the previous sexuality? And does that even make sense? lol


Most transindividuals continue to be attracted to whatever gender they were attracted to before they transitioned. Since most transpeople (like most people in general) identified as straight pre-transition, they essentially become gay post-transition. How you want to define that sexuality is up to the individual, though. I'm guessing Caitlyn is a little confused with regards to terminology herself. It's not easy to suddenly change all your pronouns and labels overnight. 


Thorn, the trans individuals I've associated with still had a working wee wee... :rofl: Sorry just trying to keep on the good side of the mods.


The way I understand it, for non-op transwomen who have completed HRT, the penis will essentially stop having a sexual function. Replacing testosterone with oestrogen does that. So, they pee with it, but it doesn't do much else. (I can't imagine that using clinical terminology about the functions of the human body should result in moderator action, but who knows?)

Edited by Thorn Wilde
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Thanks, Lisa. My thoughts on the subject were hazy to begin with; you just muddled them up entirely.

Lol, Carlos! Anytime!!!!  :D


This is something I've always wondered about also. Remember that Thomas Beatie guy? I think that's his name. He transitioned from a female. She was lesbian and she was married, I believe, to a woman. Then she transitioned, is still married (as far as I know) to the same woman, kept her boy bits, and had a baby quite a few years ago. He might have had more than one by now.


So...they're both women, married to each other, one woman is now a man. So does this mean they are both straight now?


I just Googled him. It seems that he's divorced from his first wife and now has another female partner. This would make him straight, right? lol

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Lol, Carlos! Anytime!!!!  :D


This is something I've always wondered about also. Remember that Thomas Beatie guy? I think that's his name. He transitioned from a female. She was lesbian and she was married, I believe, to a woman. Then she transitioned, is still married (as far as I know) to the same woman, kept her boy bits, and had a baby quite a few years ago. He might have had more than one by now.


So...they're both women, married to each other, one woman is now a man. So does this mean they are both straight now?


I just Googled him. It seems that he's divorced from his first wife and now has another female partner. This would make him straight, right? lol


If they had a baby, I'm pretty sure he's not the father... Just cause he gets a penis doesn't mean he can impregnate anyone. :P

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Wow! All I have to say is: Not tonight, honey, I have a headache now. Actually not ever again. Been there, done that, and decided I'm gay :P


Seriously, whatever makes Jenner happy. And on the good side, all the publicity may help out some kids realize suicide is not the answer.

Just saw something about a series on ABC Family about a teen boy and girl dating and both their fathers are transitioning to females. May have to check it out.

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I just find this fascinating. Thorn, he was the one who carried the baby; that's why he was famous -- he was the first pregnant man.



Beatie, a trans man, had gender reassignment surgery in 2002 and became known as 'The Pregnant Man' after he became pregnant through artificial insemination in 2007. Beatie chose to become pregnant because his wife Nancy was infertile, doing so with cryogenic donated sperm.[2][3]

Beatie's first pregnancy resulted in an ectopic pregnancy with triplets, requiring emergency surgery and resulting in the loss of all three fetuses.[4] Beatie has since given birth to three children.

The couple filed for divorce in 2012. The Beatie case is the first of its kind on record, where a documented legal male gave birth within a traditional marriage to a woman, and for the first time, a court challenged a marriage where the husband gave birth.




As a man, he gave birth to all three of his children from 2008 to 2010.

In February 2012, Beatie elected to have "lower surgery" to further modify his body. His surgical journey, performed by transgender surgeon, Marci Bowers,[16] was documented on his second appearance of Doctors, in 2012.[17] The procedure, called a Ring Metoidioplasty, included transfer of tissue, elongation of the hormonally enlarged phallus, as well as urethral construction and lengthening to create a functioning penis.[18] Beatie is also considering a hysterectomy.[19]


Anyway, sorry to run away with Caitlyn Jenner's thread! lol

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Ooh, transman with male partner? Both fathers biological parents. Usually not one for MPREG stories, but the scientific implications are fascinating!


There you go, Thorn! That could be your homecoming story. I get to Beta read, ok? Would offer to edit but then I'd screw up your punctuation! :D

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Someone told me Caitlyn had said in an interview that she still liked women, but she was straight. I'm confusing myself I think. She was straight as a man, and she still likes women, but I don't think she identifies as gay. That whole gender/sexuality thing confuses me. They say that gender and sexuality are two completely different things, which I can see, but when genders change, wouldn't the sexuality change in order to maintain the previous sexuality? And does that even make sense? lol


Gay, Straight, Bi, Trans...who cares what label she ends up with?  She will love whom she loves and the bits only dictate the mechanics of intimacy.

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Did any of you see the Jon Stewart show which featured the story about Caitlin? The part I found most interesting and also hilarious was where he documented the media slamming Jenner with the sort of put-downs and double standards usually perpetrated on women only.

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Did any of you see the Jon Stewart show which featured the story about Caitlin? The part I found most interesting and also hilarious was where he documented the media slamming Jenner with the sort of put-downs and double standards usually perpetrated on women only.


You mean this clip?


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