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Underrated #8 - Exo


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While the 'Justin Bieber' train was taking off and going strong, every single young male pop star with a pretty face was instantly compared to his success and expected to follow suit. But there were a LOT of real talents that were, unfortunately, written off without being given a chance. This...is one of them...
There are still a lot of people who don't really know about Kpop music overseas, it is steadily latching on to a rapidly growing audience! And, in my opinion, I doubt that ANY group has been more influential in creating that crossover appeal for the masses than EXO has! With *TWELVE* cute boys electrifying the stage all at once (They sing, they rap, they dance their ASSES off!), you can't go wrong! How they're not as big all over the globe as they are in their homeland is a complete mystery to me. Their combination of pop, rock, rap, R&B, and dance choreography that's downright unheard of...I'm thinking that a revolution is coming! :: Nods ::

By the way...take notice...this ENTIRE music video is just ONE camera shot! :o Like...they memorized and performed this whole thing...in ONE take! That's friggin' AMAZING! Look at this! The choreography always switches to put the person singing lead in the forefront, and gives EVERY member a spot in front of the camera! Wow!



God, I love them so much! :P




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Like me, you may initially ask yourself..."WHY so many guys in one boyband???" Well, it's 'technically' TWO boybands combined into one! There are 6 members that make up EXO-K, and 6 members that make up EXO-M! The 'K' group is promoted in Korea, and the 'M' group (Which stands for 'Mandarin') promotes in China! So when you see them all together, they are actually speaking Korean, Mandarin Chinese, AND English! Which is also mind-blowing! But as you can see in the "Mama" videos below, sometimes the groups split up into 6 and 6, and the videos are both similar, but the Korean version and the Chinese version havea TON of differences, so you have to watch them both to get the full story! If you notice, the dance moves and gestures are different in each culture, and their approach to (essentially) the same song. But I can't 'tell' you what the Matrix is...you'll just have to see for yourself! :)


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Couldn't leave these out! Hehehe, just because! :P


Spread the word! These guys have to split every concert check, like, TWELVE ways! Let's support them so they can all be rich like Bieber! Hehehe!




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