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Underrated #9 - Ian Ridenhour


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While the 'Justin Bieber' train was taking off and going strong, every single young male pop star with a pretty face was instantly compared to his success and expected to follow suit. But there were a LOT of real talents that were, unfortunately, written off without being given a chance. This...is one of them...
Ian Ridenhour was a youngster when he started getting into music, but has since shown those that are paying attention that he may actually be the next musical genius that fans have been waiting for! Starting out before he was even 12 years old, Ian learned how to write, compose, arrange, and produce ALL of his own music! Not only that, but he plays his own instruments and has his own studio in the basement of his house! Now, at the tender age of 16, he's still going strong. He deserves to be listed as one of the massive talents to look for in the future! Because this teen cutie has some real magic working for him!



This first one is from a few years ago! Genius is already present. :)



Now a bit older, with new material!


Edited by Comicality
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