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Black Panther: My favorite Superhero to date!


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I love the Avengers and I love batman Nolan series, but Black Panther is the first superhero movie that really strikes home run for me. It's expansive in scope, small in character, and heroic to the point of ovation.


Black Panther is a hero of aspiration, not one forced on viewers by bad direction. Basically, it's a fun story with engagement and good chemistry.


Like Wonder Woman, it's strength comes from the story and its moments of character development, not just a gimmick.


If the MCU can continue down this path, they'll find success across the board.

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I usually hate superhero movies. The last I saw was Batman vs. Superman, and it was so boring I fell asleep, and I vowed never again to waste money on going to see another one. Yet, I keep hearing how great Black Panther is, and how just about every movie theater in the city is selling out its weekend showings. I'm very tempted to give this one a try to see if it breaks the mold of the same generic crap that is just about every superhero movie in the last ten years.


On a side note, the one superhero movie I did enjoy was The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises wasn't bad either. But Captain America, Avengers, Thor, Superman, Spider-Man, etc. have literally all been the exact same plot and scenes rehashed ad nauseam. 

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39 minutes ago, TetRefine said:

I usually hate superhero movies. The last I saw was Batman vs. Superman, and it was so boring I fell asleep, and I vowed never again to waste money on going to see another one. Yet, I keep hearing how great Black Panther is, and how just about every movie theater in the city is selling out its weekend showings. I'm very tempted to give this one a try to see if it breaks the mold of the same generic crap that is just about every superhero movie in the last ten years.


On a side note, the one superhero movie I did enjoy was The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises wasn't bad either. But Captain America, Avengers, Thor, Superman, Spider-Man, etc. have literally all been the exact same plot and scenes rehashed ad nauseam. 


@TetRefine, I think you will enjoy it if you like Dark Knight


Marvel did something different, Disney actually gave us a 3-D villain (not just a 3D movie :P ) with a point (I'm not African American, but I just can't help liking the villain as much as I do, he's smart, aggressive, and someone I can honestly feel for getting a bad lot in life.)  If you do go and watch it, you will know what I mean Matt.


Also, I learned a new concept I did not know existed in science fiction, Afro-Futurism. The movie highlights a lot of important cultural and social ideas about black identity that my friend pointed out to me (she's a lesbian African American). A great story teaches as much as it does entertains, which is one reason why I just can't help but like this movie. Sure there's over the top action sequences, a bit of hyperbole, and suspension of belief, but that's part of all Superhero movies.


At times, this movie reminded me of a James Bond film, at times it reminded me of Lion King, and Dark Knight, because there was so much story and character, but all balanced without a need for understanding the rest of Marvel's universe.


Also, unlike Thor 3: Ragnarok, Civil War, or the other Marvel films of late, there was very little comedic relief, it was there, but it was done casually with character development in mind. It was brooding, dark, honest, and tragic. It's almost like Greek epic from the streets of Oakland California (they chose that location because it was the birth place of the ultra radical Black Panther group, it's nuance historical nod) to a futuristic African nation, Wakanda, which shows the viewers what could one day be possible (Sci-Fi aspect appealed to me alot).


There's something I can't put into words about this movie, it's just a feeling.


"Wakanda Forever!" will be a catch phrase for 2018

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