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Guest jamieanderson

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Guest jamieanderson


Having looked around for somewhere to start, this seemed to be the place where I would cause the least trouble. Should this not be the case then would some kind admin type please tow this off to the correct area and I'll promise to be good in future.


I have written a few stories, mostly appearing on Nifty but I did actually get two published properly, thus earning me a massive $100 and making me a professional writer or pornographer, depending on your point of view.


Down in the real world I used to fix computers, not these toys that we have on our desks, but bloody great mainframes. For a while I worked for Digital, and there I was allowed to rampage over the Eastnet using Notes. This was just like Forums, but tended to raise the bloodpressure. If there are any Ex-Deccies out there, yes it is me again!


I started life in Scotland but after 20 years I got fed up with the place and moved on. Since then I've been around North America and Europe quite a bit.


Currently I'm medically retired and I live on what used to be a farm just outside a medieval walled city of Buren in the Netherlands.


This I share with my partner of nearly 30 years, who totally disapproves of my writing habits.


And there my dears I must leave you as it is time to feed the cats,



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Dear Jamie,

Welcome to the nuthouse :funny: Take off your shoes and get comfy. What have you written and where can we read it. Most of us here are authors and you've met BM and my good friend Pyro. Most of us have posted on Nifty and here.


We'd love to read some of your works.


Take care, :)

Miguel (Mike) Sanchez :sword:

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Guest jamieanderson

My previous work? As I said, mostly on Nifty. I actually have an entry on the Author's list and you can link to them from there.


When I learn how to do it, I'll submit one on this site,



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Guest jamieanderson

OK, I submitted my first effort in here. It's title is The Locker Room.


Let the firing commence!



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Och, hoots! It's anither wee laddie frae Norrth o' Gretna. Cead Mille Failte!


But obviously the shower-room lockers were bigger at your school than they were at mine. Perhaps we should compare sizes some day!


Glad tae :2thumbs: ken ye!



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