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[Corvus] Mike and Winston

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This is my obsession on eFiction. The story is completed (for those who only delve into completed works), and updates are frequent, about once a week, sometimes more. So that's good for people who are impatient, like myself :D .


The first chapter draws you in remarkably well, gives sharp insight to the main character and his background without going into long details or descriptions. It moves along quickly, engaging you rapidly, and provides subtle intriguing hints about the future, optimistic and omnious.


Really loving it so far; I encourage you to check it out and give feedback to him because it's important. We did a whole forum thread on it. :P


Come on people!!

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What did you all think about Chapter Seven?


It seems Mike has completed half of his mission. I wonder if Winston is keeping his end of the deal? Poor Mike seems to come from a seriously messed-up family. He deserves better than the raw deal he gets when he comes home on the weekends.

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What did you all think about Chapter Seven?


It seems Mike has completed half of his mission. I wonder if Winston is keeping his end of the deal? Poor Mike seems to come from a seriously messed-up family. He deserves better than the raw deal he gets when he comes home on the weekends.

This chapter was by far my favorite! I have to leave him another review soon! I've proclaimed myself his stalker, albeit not a good one, since I let the cat out of the bag.


This chapter was so real- as in depicting a typical dysfunctional family and how the child has to deal with it. Mike hates seeing everyone so unhappy, but is helpless to do anything but watch. I liked knowing a little about his racial background during his meal with Dan.


He came out to his Dad, and his Dad's reaction was....blah. I don't know how I feel about that yet.


But I definitely think Winston is backing out. He wants to have fun and is not prepared to give up his wife and shatter his image. He doesn't seem genuine enough to want to risk his life, you know?


Let me stalk Corvus now.

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I think he's busy right now stalking me. :lol: See my review for an explanation. ;)

I just left a review.


I read your review, too. What's all this talk about a rough thing? Jeez, confusion, confusion.


That's funny, I stalk him, he stalks you. We're a great bunch here at GA. :D

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He claims this is a rough draft. It's not been beta-read or edited. That's what the "rough" thing was all about. :)


Wanna use the tomato gun on him too? :lol:

Oh, I've never used beta-readers either. I just rely on my editor to tell me if it sucks or not. But they were some little typos in his stuff, but I didn't catch anything major.


Well, stalkers are supposed to be violent right? Then yes, I shall use the tomato gun on him also. That looked mad cool; are they for sale? Wait, I need someone to feed me the rotten tomatoes, so it can reload faster, more efficiently.


Interested? :D

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Wait, wait, what's this with tomato guns? :ph34r:


There's so much I want to say, but... can't, because chapter 8 and 9 aren't up yet. :X All I will say is that, uh. The weather was very nice today. Yes. Beautiful skies. And chapter 7 was long, wasn't it? Chapter 8's the same length.


Thanks, guys, for reviewing, and starting a Thread in the Forums! :wub:

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Wait, wait, what's this with tomato guns? :ph34r:

It will hurt. The tomatoes fly out with sheer force! Duck fast! Or do it like dodge ball. :D


Get those remaining chapters out fast!


Glad 8 will be just as long. Can't wait for the conclusion.

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Conclusion? I want it to go on forever. Even if it's a sequel like, oh, I don't know, perhaps: Mike & Dan.

No way, even good stories have to end at some point. Otherwise, it's like an injured animal that's dying, but somehow is trucking along miserably. You just have to kill it, you know?


Plus, going on and on, well, it might ruin the good aspects of his story.


I wonder if this will have a happy ending? Mike and Winston, initially implies that the two characters will hook up and possibly be together forever, but I doubt this is the case. I'm still waiting for Dan to enter the picture and turn this whole scenario good. But maybe he won't. Maybe he just helps Mike realize something.


Gah, I want more chapters. Where is Corvus? I am going to stalk him out and bug him for an update asap. And bug him for a sequel- Mike and Dan.

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No way, even good stories have to end at some point. Otherwise, it's like an injured animal that's dying, but somehow is trucking along miserably. You just have to kill it, you know?


Plus, going on and on, well, it might ruin the good aspects of his story.


I wonder if this will have a happy ending? Mike and Winston, initially implies that the two characters will hook up and possibly be together forever, but I doubt this is the case. I'm still waiting for Dan to enter the picture and turn this whole scenario good. But maybe he won't. Maybe he just helps Mike realize something.


Gah, I want more chapters. Where is Corbus? I am going to stalk him out and bug him for an update asap. And bug him for a sequel- Mike and Dan.



Haha, i am sure you will all like the end. I definitely did :P . I am not going to tell anything though... my lips are sealed... but i think it really is a fitting end to this story...

Edited by YaP
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Haha, i am sure you will all like the end. I definitely did :P . I am not going to tell anything though... my lips are sealed... but i think it really is a fitting end to this story...

Ah, but just because Mike & Winston might end, it doesn't need to be the end of stories that involve Mike.


There an author I read, who is not part of GA, who has had an ongoing story that just celebrated its fifth anniversary. He brings different characters into the story over time, although the two central characters are always there, so that things never get stale.


My friend Josh Aterovis, a published author, plans to keep his Killian Kendall Mystery Series ongoing for as long as possible. Again, Killian will always be in the picture although the cast of characters will constantly change or evolve over time.


I guess my ultimate point is that while Mike & Winston may have to draw to a close at some point there's no need to leave Mike behind. I'd love to follow his adventures for awhile longer.



That doesn't mean corvus has to limit himself to stories about Mike. :)

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Haha, i am sure you will all like the end. I definitely did :P . I am not going to tell anything though... my lips are sealed... but i think it really is a fitting end to this story...





Are you an editor? That's it; I am now going to see how I can become an editor so I can read works by authors in advance. That's, ugh, SO unfair! I'm dying over here!


Ah, but just because Mike & Winston might end, it doesn't need to be the end of stories that involve Mike.


There an author I read, who is not part of GA, who has had an ongoing story that just celebrated its fifth anniversary. He brings different characters into the story over time, although the two central characters are always there, so that things never get stale.


My friend Josh Aterovis, a published author, plans to keep his Killian Kendall Mystery Series ongoing for as long as possible. Again, Killian will always be in the picture although the cast of characters will constantly change or evolve over time.


I guess my ultimate point is that while Mike & Winston may have to draw to a close at some point there's no need to leave Mike behind. I'd love to follow his adventures for awhile longer.



That doesn't mean corvus has to limit himself to stories about Mike. :)


Oh, I've read his stuff. Loved all his stories. But utilizing the same character takes work, because you have to constantly have them grow; not everyone can do it. I can't. For me, I see an end and then I have no way around it.


You're right, if Corvus has inspiration, he can carry this journey of Mike's self-discovery as far as he wants to. It will definitely be interesting.


We really have to push for a sequel now. Seriously. :D

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Ah, but just because Mike & Winston might end, it doesn't need to be the end of stories that involve Mike.




I guess my ultimate point is that while Mike & Winston may have to draw to a close at some point there's no need to leave Mike behind. I'd love to follow his adventures for awhile longer.


That doesn't mean corvus has to limit himself to stories about Mike. :)



I totally agree :) .


I don't think i give away anything if i say that the end of the story is in a way that there could be a sequel if Corvus feels like it. When i mentioned that to Corvus he told me he doesn't plan to continue it - at least not at the moment. But who knows ;) .



I definitlely hope to read more of Corvus writing in the future !

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Are you an editor? That's it; I am now going to see how I can become an editor so I can read works by authors in advance. That's, ugh, SO unfair! I'm dying over here!


I had the honor to beta read it, so yea, i know how it ends :P

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I had the honor to beta read it, so yea, i know how it ends :P

I thought Gary said he didn't have any editors or beta-readers for this piece! *Stomps on the ground*


I'm going to volunteer as a beta-reader. That's freaking awesome. Then again, I'm not good at giving constructive criticism, so maybe I won't. I don't want to sound mean.


I look forward to reading more of his works in the future as well.

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Tiff, it wanting to know what happens before everyone else does is your only motivation for being a beta-reader or editor then I'd respectfully suggest you reconsider your decision.


It can be hard work. It's often tedious and monotonous. You frequently have to go over the same material multiple times. You need to have an excellent eye for the smallest of details. You have to be able to let the author know when something isn't right, even if you feel bad about doing so. You also have to recognize each author's style and adapt yourself to it so that the story remains the authors and not yours. Most of all you need to understand how important it is to be discrete about what you're working on. It's not a good idea to let on that you know what's going to happen or what the author's future intentions are. If you're part of the GA beta-reader/editor program, as I am, that's something which can land you in hot water with the project leaders.

Edited by GaryInMiami
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Tiff, it wanting to know what happens before everyone else does is your only motivation for being a beta-reader or editor then I'd respectfully suggest you reconsider your decision.


It can be hard work. It's often tedious and monotonous. You frequently have to go over the same material multiple times. You need to have an excellent eye for the smallest of details. Most of all you need to understand how important it is to be discrete about what you're working on. It's not a good idea to let on that you know what's going to happen or what the author's future intentions are. If you're part of the GA beta-reader/editor program, as I am, that's something which can land you in hot water with the project leaders.

No, I know I can never be an editor of any sorts. I feel bad for my editor, having to sort through my writing over and over again. I don't want to even look at my own stuff, let alone someone else's. I can imagine it's very tiring on your eyes and sometimes frustrating, depending if whether or not their is some conflict between you and the author.


I think I'm pretty content just writing!

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I choose not to look at it as a conflict. Yes there are times when you have to be brutally honest with your author. You also have to keep in mind that it's for the author's own good.


I'm in that situation right now with someone who won't be publishing his novel on GA until it's completed. We've spent most of the day today trying to figure out how to deal with just one issue. It's a seemingly minor issue and yet at the same time is one that, if not handled correctly, will ruin the entire story.


I guess what I'm trying to convey is this is something you need to enjoy doing despite the hard work that's involved. :)

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I choose not to look at it as a conflict. Yes there are times when you have to be brutally honest with your author. You also have to keep in mind that it's for the author's own good.


I'm in that situation right now with someone who won't be publishing his novel on GA until it's completed. We've spent most of the day today trying to figure out how to deal with just one issue. It's a seemingly minor issue and yet at the same time is one that, if not handled correctly, will ruin the entire story.


I guess what I'm trying to convey is this is something you need to enjoy doing despite the hard work that's involved. :)

You're definitely right; you have to enjoy what you're doing, hard work and all. Writing is hard, too, but that's why some people are only authors and others are only editors- they enjoy their respective work!


I also feel you have to get along with your editor. Ever heard of any cases where authors had to change editors? When I was hooked up with mine, I think we clicked well, and I'm able to handle her criticism and we genuinely get along, so it's not like I'm gettin criticism in a random and brief email.

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