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  1. My first thought when I first saw the music video for that song: "Oh great, five Justin Biebers.". Then, I noticed they're singing about girls, which I definitely relate to. To be honest if men sang about something other then loving/wanting/being wanted by girls or being horny for girls, maybe I would like music sung by men more. Until then, I'm sticking to techno.
  2. I like classics and modern games, in parenthesis are games that I've played and enjoyed from the following series: Mario (3, World, New Super Mario Bros DS/Wii, Super Mario 64 DS) Sonic the Hedgehog (1/2/3&K, CD on XBLA, Adventure, Heroes, Unleashed daytime and Generations - most of the mothership titles, really) Tomb Raider (The first five and their expansion packs, I have AoD and it went downhill from there, in my opinion) Halo (3, ODST & Reach) Tales of.. (Symphonia, Abyss) Super Smash Brothers (All of them) To be honest, I'm not of fan of that many series because gameplay is essential to me and I'm really picky when it comes to that. When I do find a series in which I find the gameplay to be fun, I tend to stick to it. Take Sonic the Hedgehog for example, I've played just about all the mothership titles except Colours, to be honest.
  3. This would make a great story idea. Also (no offence intended) I can see why people need betas/editors - I guess it was about time for me to accept that not everyone self corrects themselves as they write text.
  4. To be honest I kind of expected the jaded attitude but I certainly didn't expect the way they were granted! Sucks for the boy though, haha
  5. Psychiatrist. The inspiration came out of literally nowhere and it simply felt right, so I'm sticking to that. .. but I have plenty of time to change my mind so it doesn't matter!
  6. Make myself happy. What can I say? Humans are selfish.
  7. My stand on censorship is the same as with mistakes (any writing mistake, that is), if it's visually disappealing then it shouldn't be there. I'm just saying that a misspelled word would be just as big a buzzkill as a word censored with asteriks. I don't know if Prime Time media is a good reference point considering how far the "lines" are pushed in TV shows like Grey's Anatomy and Glee with the same-sex kisses and all... ... but then again I've never heard an f-bomb on either two.
  8. My parents' marriage was arranged and it's a failure. The only reason the two idiots haven't divorced yet is because they're too proud to do so. Something about bringing shame to their respective families' names. What a load of bull - I'm against arranged marriage because from experience, I can say that if the couple is in love, it's out of sheer luck.
  9. When I read this I felt like all south-Asian countries are only populated by ignorant traditionalist bigots. Obviously I know better, but this reminds me of how many south-Asian parents use offspring as a means to an end, thinking that the child won't resent them for it (and believe me that will happen).
  10. To be honest this day is just like any other for me. Must be because I live in Quebec, where St. John the Baptist day has much more hype then Canada day.
  11. XBadboyX


    I actually cried while reading this. I think that speaks for itself - you did a truly magnificent job. The fact that the name "Gabriel" sort of is special to me also helped.
  12. I'm not the dating type - don't have the self-confidence (or the age for that matter, but I believe that I know myself well enough to be able to say this) but also I feel that I'd meet the person as an acquaintance then perhaps become romantically attracted.
  13. The Als' aren't that popular a team but hey you're rooting for my city's football team so I'm flattered (even though I have absolutely no interest at all in football). Which leads me to say that my Sundays aren't modified in the slightest. Oh, are you referring to "soccer"? (Insert devilish smile here)
  14. Hah, to be completely honest I simply don't know you well enough to be able to judge you as a person. He really is ungrateful though. ...as for the immature part - I don't have a problem with being more cheerful/bright/happy/play as a person but the line between being playful and annoying is thin, if you ask me.
  15. No cliffhanger, although every story in this chapter leaves me in agony waiting for the next one anyway.. Did I ever say that whenever you make Blake feel nervous in a conversation because he says something and it doesn't come out right - I feel nervous too? I'm not kidding. If you ask me, you've got that part covered. .. and with all the awkward conversation going on, trust me, I felt rather awkward. Awkwardness aside, this is a very pleasing and promising chapter and I can't wait to read the next one!
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